Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Legal Drinking Age ( Mlda ) - 1428 Words
John and his friends were sitting in his dorm room when he got a text from another one of his college buddies about a party. You would think that it’s another college party that could get out of hand fast, but he decides to go. People will party, and drink, whether it’s legal or not, so wouldn’t we want to make them as safe as possible for them? Since 1984 the legal drinking age has been 21, but that hasn’t stopped many of the younger adults, ages 18-20, from partying with their friends, and consuming alcoholic beverages. It has lasted over the years as a popular way to rebel against parents, or other authority. Alcohol has a sort of â€Å"forbidden fruit†quality for young adults and teens because it is made out to be such a big deal by the government. Lowering it will get rid of this quality. The drinking age is set too high and I believe it needs to be lowered by changing the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Law (MLDA) from 21 years of age to 18 yea rs of age. The Federal government, backed by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), passed this law and strongly encouraged all states to comply, or face a 10% reduction in federal highway construction funds. By 1988 all of the states decided letting 18-year-olds drink wasn’t worth that kind of money, and enforced the law. The law doesn’t exactly prohibit those under 21 from drinking. Instead, it outlaws purchase or public possession of alcohol by anyone less than 21 years of age. States make the decision of whether or not they haveShow MoreRelatedTeens and Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) Essay1997 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction For many years, underage drinking in America has been a very controversial topic. However, because of the many discrepancies that some US state representatives have added to the federal underage law, this subject will hardly be solved or going away, anytime soon. Proponents argue â€Å"The current underage drinking law of 21, has not stopped teen drinking, and has instead pushed underage binge drinking into private and less controlled environments, leading to more health and life-endangeringRead MoreNegative Effects of Lowering the Minimum Legal Drinking Age in America1292 Words  | 6 Pageslooking at the drinking age in many nations, a trend of relatively young minimum legal drinking ages (MLDA) can be seen around the world. As it stands, all of America’s 50 states employ a MLDA of 21 making America one of only seven countries in the world to have a drinking age set at 21; the oldest age set as the minimum legal drinking age in the world. Where many of our friends in Europe are happily drinking away at 18, many here in America are left wondering why we don’t employ the same age requirementRead MoreThe Generations Of People Who Were Born After 1984 Have1284 Words  | 6 PagesThe generations of people who were born afte r 1984 have only known the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) to be 21 years old. But, it was not so long ago when the minimum legal drinking age was 18. In 1984 Congress passed the MLDA Act as a result of the rise in drunk driving accidents involving teens and alcohol related deaths. This Act ultimately made the states raise their MLDA to 21 from 18 for fear of losing federal highway funds. There have been many debates about it and whether or not it shouldRead MoreMinimum Legal Drinking Age : A Discourse Appraisal1452 Words  | 6 PagesMinimum Legal Drinking Age in America: A Discourse Appraisal You know an issue has evoked large levels of community discussion when interest groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving and rappers like J-kwon are telling us the same thing: teen drinking is very bad. But discussion on the topic tends to vary far more than that. Congress discussed the issue in 1984, with the National Minimum Drinking Age Act: an act that withheld federal highway funding from states without a minimum legal drinkingRead MoreMinimum Legal Drinking Age Should Remain at the Age of 21 Essay1310 Words  | 6 Pagesfacing serious national problems with underage drinking. Depending on personal ideologies, some people might not agree that the current minimum drinking age of twenty-one is based on scientific facts rather then ideology of prohibitionism. For example, since 1975 over seventeen thousand lives have been saved since the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) was changed to age twenty-one (Balkin 167). This shows that even over a short amount of time, a highe r MLDA helps decrease the risk of teen suicides,Read MoreShould The Drinking Age Be Lowered?994 Words  | 4 PagesShould the Drinking Age Be Lowered? Approximately 2 out of every 3 high school students have drank to the point of getting intoxicated (binge drink), in more than one occasion (Centers for Disease and Control Prevention [CDC], n.d.). Binge drinking has become increasingly common for youth under the minimum legal drinking age, making it increasingly dangerous because of the lack of supervision that young adults have that can consequently, lead to death because of fear of the law (Bonnie O’ConnellRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered988 Words  | 4 PagesThe Legal Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered There are copious amounts of people who believe that the legal drinking age should be lowered to eighteen. Others think the drinking age needs to remain the same. A few of those also conclude the legal age of adulthood should be raised to 21. The belief is if the adolescent brain has not matured enough to support alcohol use by age 21, it cannot make the responsible decisions required at 18 years of age. Voters should make the decision toRead MoreLowering The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Essay1521 Words  | 7 PagesBeer For Everyone! The debate of lowering the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) has been going on for decades in the United States. Those opposed, argue that the current MLDA is not efficient and counterproductive (Engs 1). One study indicated that thousands of lives under the age of twenty-one are lost each year to alcohol (McCardell 1). Underage drinking is an issue that persists, despite evidence suggesting that the minimum legal drinking age of twenty-one has lowered alcohol usage among individualRead MoreThe Minimum Legal Drinking Age1594 Words  | 7 PagesThe Drinking Age is Safer than You Thought As Americans, we are always wondering what we can do to save lives. We suspect cancer, disease, suicide, violence, and distracted driving as taking the lives of our fellow Americans. What you may not know, is that we are already saving lives, and we have been since 1984 because of one simple law. The Uniform Drinking Age Act of 1984 moved the minimum legal drinking age from 18 to 21. Lowering the drinking age is a step backward for our safety and ourRead MoreThe Case of the Drinking Age Essay544 Words  | 3 PagesCase of the Drinking Age Do you think young ones should drink alcohol? Mostly the percentage the people drinking in America. Can we stop young people from drinking? Yes, because it’s illegal for young age to drink. This topic isn’t everyone agreed of. The enactment of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 prompted states to raise their legal age. Purchase or public possession of alcohol to 21 or risk losing millions in federal highway funds (GPO Access). We should stay the high age to drink
Monday, December 16, 2019
Top 10 Best Essay Writing Topics Ideas
Top 10 Best Essay Writing Topics Ideas Vital Pieces of Top 10 Best Essay Writing Topics Imagine a lady named Denise who's a very topic hairdresser. Only the best essays writing service groups have the ability to hit each of their deadlines. We provide the very best essay services online for students which are struggling and that have had a tiny bit of awful luck. Just because you're struggling or unlucky, doesn't mean that you have to fail your college or university training course. Let's say you pay for over 10 orders for the length of a class. When you order from us, you get your own account for your simplicity of usage. The very best writing service is one that's in a position to complete numerous forms of academic paper with no fuss. You have to devote a certain quantity of time sitting in the library or surfing the internet as a way to discover some helpful data for your academic paper. The 30-Second Trick for Top 10 Best Essay Writing Topics You see, the convention s of English essays are somewhat more formulaic than you may think and, in a lot of ways, it can be as easy as counting to five. Essay writing can be rather a challenge. Whether you've got to create a paper of special flawlessness, just purchase an essay here and our writers will provide help. We've qualified writers who will be in a position to write best essay writing service to aid you with your papers. We've got writers who will have the ability to help students with their papers on the topic of Sociology. Students ought to make use of these example essays in order to add essay writing skills. Example essays act as a foundation for students to compose their own essays. A good example essay lessens the quantity of essay drafts a student has to write. Most companies aren't able to compose dissertations from scratch. We are going to provide you 15% off on the rest of the papers you order. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Sustainable Tourism Is A Directed Planning-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: What Is The Sustainable Tourism Is A Directed Planning? Answer: Introducation Sustainable tourism is a future directed planning and monitoring mechanism which mainly deals with the protection from the potential threats of severe and irreversible nature. For sustainable tourism precautions should be taken even before the occurrence of threat. Consideration of cause and effect relationship of threats is very important in sustainable tourism. Fiji government identified potential of Fiji tourism and incorporated it in the national development planning and established Green Growth Framework for Fiji. Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) and UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) proved helpful for the Fiji to assess the sustainability of the tourist business in Fiji. Landscapes, flora and fauna, good climate, clean sandy beaches and friendly people are the requirements for the sustainable tourism. All these requirements are available in Fiji. Different stakeholders like Government agencies, local people, and foreign investors have significant role in the sustainable tourism (Brebbia et al., 2014; Harris et al., 2014). It is evident that, most of the tourism operations are established without considerations of the interest of local community people and these people are not allowed to take part in decision making. Another aspect of social consideration that people from the villages nearby tourists places are getting employment opportunities. Eco-resorts in the Fiji are allowing local people to sale their products at these resorts. Hence, they are getting good livelihood. These resorts are also supporting local community people by providing them medical facilities which are not available at their villages. Hence, issue of interest of local people gets nullified. Fiji is a poor country and approximately 25 % people are poor. In such scenario, building luxury resorts in such country looks weird instead of building houses for poor people. However, these luxury resorts would be helpful in drawing huge tourists which would be helpful in sustainable tourism. Social incorporation in the tourism is achieved by providing education in mangrove restoration and watershed projects. Traditional Fijian Bobo and Duavata style massage is the special attraction for the tourists. These efforts are attracting more tourists to Fiji. People in the Fiji need to adjust their lives due to tourism. These people need to do shopping at different timings to avoid overcrowding at market places. Sometimes these local people need to remove themselves from the community to escape from the overcrowding. Fiji is a small island and it has its own values and cultures. Tourism can dilute its values and cultures. Fiji is multicultural society and both Fijians and Indians are residing in Fiji. Fijians prefer outdoor jobs where they can be in direct contact with the foreign tourists. On the other hand, Indians prefer indoor jobs which can keep them isolated from the tourists (Cheer and Lew, 2017; Wood, 2017). Resource conservation is the most important factor in terms of environmental factors for sustainable tourism. Environmental friendly resorts are becoming widely popular for tourists in the Fiji. These resorts are getting appreciation for sustainability initiatives. These resorts are meant to minimize environmental impact and maximize community benefits. These resorts are promoting environmental protection by organically cultivating vegetables and incorporating marine biologists in its staff. Many coral reefs get affected due to tourism and it affected environment badly. Few of the reefs sustained irreversible damage. Increasing influx of tourism in the in Fiji leads to the competition for use of natural resources among tourism, households, agriculture and industry. Snorkelling and scuba diving are the major tourists attractions in Fiji, however these sports have direct impact on the wellbeing of thousands of species of fish, reptiles, mammals, and corals. These divers and operators c an damage natural and environmental heritage. Golf is another tourist attraction in the Fiji and it can produce pollution in Fiji. Golf can damage environment by use of fertilizer runoff and drawing farmers in land scarcity for farming (Reddy and Wilkes, 2012).; Worldwide tourism is a labour intensive industry and it is also true for Fiji. Fijians who lives near the hotels and resorts are getting good job opportunities. Tourism in Fiji is good for economy of local community. People from villages nearby tourist places are creating job opportunities for themselves and making their livelihood. Few international companies are also running tourist business in Fiji and these companies are making efforts to give local community their share. These people are getting jobs in the form of tourist guides and educators and adding to their own financial condition and to the national economy. International companies are offering experienced guides to peruse higher education and take over managerial positions at the resorts. People in the Fiji are protecting fishing from the international fishing agencies. This effort is giving these native people a very good economic stability and sustainability. People in the Fiji utilising money earned from the tourism f or better living conditions and improving quality of life. People in the Fiji are ready to take hardships and hassles coming their way along with tourism because it is helping their economy (Modica and Uysal, 2016; Torres and Momsen, 2011). Fiji government should give more attention in maintaining law and order in the country. Effective measures should be taken to eliminate crime. High quality security would be helpful in attracting tourists and it would also be helpful in securing national property which can be invested for attracting more tourists. Government should make policies so that more number of local people should take ownership of hotels and resorts. It would be helpful in retaining funds internally. Investment packages should be provided for the local people. Purchase of local items should be mandatory for the establishment of the hotels and resorts. Government should make efforts to reduce leakage due to earnings of the tourism. Support should be extended to the agri-based projects so that it would reduce imported food. Government should work in collaboration with private firms to identify loopholes in the tourism industry and fill these gaps. Government need to allocate sufficient budget for the marketing of tourism in Fiji. Fiji Visitors Bureau and Marketing Division of the Fiji Islands Trade and Investment Bureau should be incorporated in the marketing of tourism in Fiji. Tax exemption should be provided to the investors in tourism business in Fiji. It would be helpful in making Fiji as the most attractive tourism destination. Government should allocate more resources for the development and construction of infrastructure facilities like roads, water, electricity and sewage (Miller and Twining-Ward, 2015). Government should identify specific areas with potential of tourism development and make tourism clusters in that particular area. Government should promote youth of Fiji for skill development necessary for tourism and provide them training for skill development. Government should make efforts to prevent emigration of skilled persons because in recent past, more number of skilled workers were emigrating from the Fiji. Government should make flexible policies and guidelines relate d to the work permits. It would be helpful in meeting human resource requirement of the tourism industry in Fiji. Proper attention should be given to prevent deforestation in Fiji to maintain environmental balance. Environmental protection can be achieved by investing more in environmental protection from the revenues obtained by the tourism incurred due to environmental factors (Brebbia et al., 2014; Cheer and Lew, 2017).; References: Brebbia, C. A., Favro, S., Pineda, F. D. (2014). Sustainable Tourism VI. WIT Press. Cheer, J. M., and Lew, A. A. (2017). Tourism, Resilience and Sustainability: Adapting to Social, Political and Economic change. Routledge. Harris, R., Williams, P., and Griffin, T. (2012). Sustainable Tourism. Routledge. Miller, G., and Twining-Ward, L. (2005). Monitoring for a Sustainable Tourism Transition. CABI. Modica, P., and Uysal, M. (2016). Sustainable Island Tourism: Competitiveness and Quality of Life. CABI. Reddy, M. V., and Wilkes, K. (2012). Tourism, Climate Change and Sustainability. Routledge. Torres, R. M., and Momsen, J. H. (2011). Tourism and Agriculture: New Geographies of Consumption, Production and rural restructuring. Taylor Francis. Wood, M. E. (2017). Sustainable Tourism on a Finite Planet: Environmental, Business and Policy Solutions. Taylor Francis.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Movie Forest Gump Essays - English-language Films,
Movie Forest Gump Today I am doing my oral presentation on the Drama movie Forest Gump rated M15. (pause) This movie traces a fictitious life to portray and comment on significant social events in the united states of America, in the 1960's, 70's and 80's. The movie is about a man named Forest Gump who is seen by others to be stupid, but he has achieved more than any ordinary person. Forest, played by the award winning Tom Hanks, tells his life story while sitting at a bus stop and comparing it to a box of chocolates, because he doesn't know what's going to happen next While telling his story, the audience is taken back to when forest is a small boy in country Alabama USA. Because forest is classed as stupid and has braces put on his legs to fix his spine, the kids he attends school with think of him as a freak, except one, Forests love, Jenny. Jenny is a girl who lives with her sisters and their abusive father on a large corn farm. As Jenny and Forest get older, Jenny starts to take a different path to Forest and drifts in and out of his life through out the movie which, understandable creates heart ache for Forest. We are taken through Forests life as a College football star, which sees a lot of controversy. When Forest graduates college, he decides to join the army, where he meets his new found best friend Bubba. In 1963, Forest and Bubba are sent to fight in the Vietnam war. Under the watchful eye of Lieutenant Dan Taylor, Forest unsuspectingly becomes a hero. On his return to America, Forest is awarded the congressional medal that is presented by President Nixion. This is one of my favourite scenes because this scene show Forests carefree personality and his sensibility all though at times both are challenged. SHOW TAPE!! While Forest was injured during the war, he takes up the game ping pong and becomes a champion. With the money made from his success, he buys a fishing boat and becomes a shrimp mastermind along with the help of Lieutenant Dan. One day after Jenny has left Forests life once again, he decides he wants to go for a run. He tells himself he will run to the next county but doesn't stop, infact he doesn't stop until 3 and a half years later. Through out this movie there are twists that are unsuspected, including the ending which will bring a tear to anybody's eye. (pause) Whilst watching this movie I came across a couple of morals. The strongest one I got was that no matter what you dream is keep trying and it will be within reach. This Memorable movie was produced by Wendy Finerman, Steve Tisch and Steve starkey. Although their names are not well known as producers they put all there talent into this movie, along with the help of the director Robert Zemeckis. Lastly I would like to comment on my favourite phrase of this movie that Forest used many times, Stupid is as stupid does With that I rate this excellent movie 8 out of 10. Thank you Bibliography none Poetry Essays
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