Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Emily Dickinson Essays - American Christians, Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson Essays - American Christians, Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson is one of the most well known poets of her time. Though her life was outwardly uneventful, what went on inside her house behind closed doors is unbelievable. After her father died she met Reverend Charles Wadsworth. She soon came to regard him as one of her most trusted friends, and she created in his image the ?lover? whom she was never to know except in her imagination. It is also said that it was around 1812 when he was removed to San Fransico that she began her withdrawal from society. During this time she began to write many of her poems. She wrote mainly in private, guarding all of her poems from all but a few select friends. She did not write for fame, but instead as a way of expressing her feelings. In her lifetime only six of her poems were even printed; none of which had her consent. It was not until her death of Brights Disease in May of 1862, that many of her poems were even read (Chelsea House of Library Criticism 2837). Thus proving that the analysis on Emily Dickinson?s poetry is some of the most emotionally felt works of the nineteenth century. Miss Dickinson is often compared with other poets and writers, but ?like Shakespeare, Miss Dickinson is without opinions? (Tate 86). ?Her verses and technical license often seem mysterious and can confuse critics, but after all is said, it is realized that like most poets Miss Dickinson is no more mysterious than a banker. It is said that Miss Dickinson?s life was starved and unfulfilled and yet all pity is misdirected. She lived one of the richest and deepest lives ever on this continent. It was her own conscious choice to deliberately withdraw from society into her upstairs room (Tate 83). She kept to ?only a few select friends and the storm, wind, wild March sky, sunsets, dawns, birds, bees, and butterflies were sufficient companionship for Miss Dickinson? (Loomis 79). She dealt with a lot both physically and psychologically and in the end she still came out on the top. So as Allen Tate best said it ?in her own historical setting Miss Dickinson is nevertheless remarkable and speci al? (82). Thomas Higginson said that ?the main quality of her poems is that of extraordinary grasp and insight, uttered with an uneven vigor, which was all her own? (78). The works and phrases she uses shows that she was unconcerned with the fact that no one else could understand her poetry, but instead, she was satisfied by using mere words in order to fit her own ear (Higginson 78). Miss Dickinson?s poetry was strictly confidential and written without the purpose of publication and merely as a way of expressing her own mind (Bloom 2838). ?Art forms were totally unknown to her, and nature was always viewed not in a cosmic way but in its smallest and most intimate forms? (Whicher 87). Allen Tate describes her biggest influence to be nature itself, and though she could not deal with the problems of society, she had such an attitude toward life that she was able to see into this character of nature more deeply than any other (84). Miss Dickinson?s poetry style contains ?flashes of wholly original and profound insight into nature and life? (Chelsea House of Library Criticism 2841). ?At first impression her tiny lyrics appear to be no more than the jottings of a half-idiotic school-girl instead of grave musings of a full grown, fully educated woman? (Monro 81). Miss Dickinson often writes out of habit allowing her poems to not require a point of view, but instead, they require for some of the deepest understanding, which allows her style to emerge even when she has nothing to say (Tate 86-87). Some consider her works to be the most original of her time, written with an unusual amount of emotion and often referred to as poetry torn up by its roots with rain, dew and earth still clinging to them? (Higginson 78). To others she was considered to be ?intellectually blind, partially dead, and mostly dumb to the art of poetry? (Monro 81). It was best stated by Allen Tate when he wrote,
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Biography of American Painter Andrew Wyeth
A Biography of American Painter Andrew Wyeth Born on July 12, 1917, in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, Andrew Wyeth was the youngest of five children born to illustrator N. C. Wyeth and his wife. Andrew came equipped with a bad hip and frequent bouts with illnesses, and parents decided that he was too fragile to attend school, so instead hired tutors. (Yes. Andrew Wyeth was ​​homeschooled.) While aspects of his childhood were rather solitary, for the most part, life in the Wyeth home was filled with art, music, literature, storytelling, a never-ending succession of props and costumes that N. C. used to compose his paintings and, of course, the large Wyeth family. His Start in Art Andrew began drawing a very early age. N. C. (who taught many students, including daughters Henriette and Carolyn) wisely did not attempt to instruct Andy until hed reached the age of 15 and had some inkling of his own style. For two years, the younger Wyeth received rigorous academic training in draftsmanship and painting technique from his father. Turned loose from the studio Wyeth also turned his back on oils as a painting medium, choosing less-forgiving watercolors instead. Those familiar with later works are often surprised at his early wet brush numbers: quickly executed, broad strokes and full of color. N. C. was so enthusiastic about these early works that he showed them to Robert Macbeth, a New York City art dealer. No less enthusiastic, Macbeth staged a solo exhibition for Andrew. Most enthusiastic of all were the crowds who flocked to look and buy. The entire show sold within two days and, at the age of 20, Andrew Wyeth was a rising star in the art world. Turning Point Throughout his 20s Wyeth began painting more slowly, with greater attention to detail and composition, and less emphasis on color. He had learned to paint with egg tempera, and alternated between it and the dry brush watercolor method. His art underwent a dramatic shift after October 1945 when N. C. was struck and killed at a railway crossing. One of his two pillars in life (the other being wife Betsy) was goneand it showed in his paintings. Landscapes became more barren, their palettes muted, and the occasional figures that appeared seemed enigmatic, poignant and sentimental (an art-critical word the artist came to loathe). Wyeth later said that his fathers death made him, meaning that grief caused him to focus intensely, and forced him to paint with deep emotion going forward from the mid-1940s. Mature Work Though Wyeth did a lot of portraitures, he is best known for interiors, still lifes and landscapes in which figures are largely absent - Christinas World is the most notable exception. As the years passed his palette lightened up somewhat and late works contain hints of vibrant color. Certain art professionals decry Andrew Wyeths work as mediocre at best, even as a growing segment champions it. The Peoples Painters output is beloved by an overwhelming majority of art fans, though, and please know this as well: there are no artists who wouldnt have jumped at the chance to observe his working technique. Wyeth died on January 16, 2009, in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. According to a spokesperson, Mr. Wyeth died in his sleep, at his home, after an unspecified brief illness. Important Works Winter 1946, 1946Christinas World, 1948Groundhog Day, 1959Master Bedroom, 1965Magas Daughter, 1966Helga series, 1971-85Snow Hill, 1989 Quotes From Andrew Wyeth I prefer winter and fall when you feel the bone structure of the landscapethe loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it; the whole story doesnt show. If you display yourself completely, all your inner soul disappears. You have to keep something to your imagination, to yourself. I get letters from people about my work. The thing that pleases me most is that my work touches their feelings. In fact, they dont talk about the paintings. They end up telling me the story of their life or how their father died.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Migration - Essay Example The traditional theories of assimilation argued assimilation as an essential part of the upward mobility part of immigrants and hence explain the nature of immigration well (Warner and Srole, 1945). On the other hand, based on the failure of these theories to capture the assimilation process, it is now shown that the traditional theories of assimilation have failed to capture this incompleteness of assimilation and hence the nature of immigrant adaptation (Alba and Nee, 1997, 2003; Rumbaut, 1997etc).In spite of this, some studies show the assimilation theory as still relevant (Greenman and Xie, 2008).The debate remains unsettled. This essay critically evaluates the traditional theories of assimilation and their ability to explain the nature of immigrant adaptation. This essay is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the historical background underlying the migration debate. Section 3 discusses the theories of assimilation. Section 4 discusses the critiques of the theories of evaluation and evaluates the theories. Section 5 concludes the essay. The debate underlying the immigrant adaptation had its origin from the United States. The number of immigrants to USA slowed down from 1920 to 1965 while with the passing of the 1965 immigration Act, it showed significant rise again. The earlier immigrants before 1920 were mainly Europeans. The experiences with these European immigrants and their children are considered as successful assimilation into the host American society (Alba and Nee, 1997). Since 1965, the immigrants were mainly from Latin America and Asia. There has been widespread debate regarding the economic, social and cultural impact of these new immigrants on the society of America. Whether the experiences of these immigrants and their children were similar to those of the early European immigrants or not have been highly controversial (Alba and Nee 1997, 2003; Bankston and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Communist manifesto Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Communist manifesto - Essay Example Not only were the form of governments and personnel altered but the entire basis of government were changed leading to emergency of society encompassing gender roles, human rights, nationality, and social class. It is noted these revolutionary social and political trends continued and became established in the nineteenth century, manifested through nationalist and democratic uprisings and movements against foreign or arbitrary rule throughout Europe, in the campaign against slave trade and slavery in the transatlantic ocean, and in to some extend demanding gender equality (Weightman 2010, 23). Emergence of industrial revolution led to emergence of another wave which reinforced revolutionary dynamic. Social, economic, and political changes emerged at the end of 19th century sweeping across the globe. Industrial revolution led to advances to substitute inanimate and machine sources of power for replacement of domestic and craft guilds production and human labor by the reformulation of business into cartels or corporation and manufacturing systems of the factory. This approach was similar to the replacement of the feudal rulers with political revolutions with new forms of government establishment and election of leaders. Similarly, industrial revolution was analogical to political revolutions which were exemplified through increased involvement of citizens in the government. This was in the sense that the resulting organizational and technological changes led to an impressive increase in production resulting into industrial society’s economic growth (Anderson 2011, 21). Effects of industrial revolution were felt in regions such as United States, Belgium, France, and Germany leading to emergence of new manufacturing cities. As a result, new class differentiation emerged and a new form of labor was conceived such as the middle class and the skilled labor respectively. Nevertheless, industrial revolution gave birth to rampant exploitation of workers and unplan ned urbanization calling for government regulations and interventions. Responses were manifested through Public Health Boards, Poor Laws, and Factory Acts. Evolution of labor unions was as a result of workers gaining the rights to vote. Socialist movements emerged due to resistance of workers demands leading to Karl Marx reasoning that was presented in Communist Manifesto which claimed that capitalist revolutionary overthrow was the only means for workers to emancipate themselves. On the contrary, Americans and Europeans expanded their influence and power due to the technological, organizational, and financial resources. Colonization, military domination, economic encroachment in the non-industrialized states was mated by little resistance thus resulting into new imperialism (Anderson 2011 33). Property rights exalted enlightenment to the status of a bulwark of liberty. Power in the older Europe accompanied property; however, aristocratic rule was the inevitable belief that justifie d the power. It was believed that wealth was right given by God and the traditional Christianity was conceived to balance this wealth. Nevertheless, European civilization was profoundly affected by industrial revolution. Industrialists viewed themselves as creators of wealth. Significant movement was the gradual expansion of voters’ rights which was initially focused on the working men but later included the women. Economic security and independence was argued to be achieved through the perception of liberty. The conception was based on the notion that natural laws yielded freedom rather than the theological
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Disaster in Franklin County Essay Example for Free
Disaster in Franklin County Essay Section A. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has a large Chain of command. At the head is the EOC Commander, who receives information from the other parts of the chain, and is responsible for relaying that information to other agencies, and also the Homeland Security agency (formerly Federal Emergency Management Agency). The Safety Officer is in charge of making sure safety policies are followed, and also for relaying what safety equipment might be needed. This person also keeps track and investigates injuries reported as a result of rescue operations. The Liaison Officer answers questions and provides briefings for the other agencies during this emergency. This person is the main point of contact for other agencies. This role takes the pressure off of the agency commander, diverting attention and questions to the liaison officer. The Public Information Officer gathers together the proper health information needed and ensures that the public is informed of pertinent health information specific to the emergency. This person also ensures that everyone has the same information and is aware of which information is to be disseminated to the public. The Legal Officer will ensure that the legal aspects of emergency operations are followed. This will include following and enforcing the contractual obligations of several different agencies involved in this emergency event. The EOC coordinator will coordinate all of the command staff, and ensure that each one is performing adequately, and assisting each unit as necessary in obtaining or completing required tasks. The next tier of command includes the Operations Chief, the Logistics Chief, the Financial/administrative Chief, and the Planning/Intelligence Chief. The Operations Chief will develop, organize, and carry out the incident objectives. Such objectives will include which areas to search, or survey, and which assets and field resources are utilized. The Operations Chief will supervise each team and area, utilizing the resources effectively. Theà ‚ Logistics Chief does exactly that, takes care of logistics. This can consist of finding equipment needed for health workers, emergency personnel, or finding space to put refugees and pets. The Finance and Administrative Section Chief plays an important role in tracking finances, expenditures and tracking both resources on hand and resources that have been distributed during the emergency. This enables the department to be aware of supplies that are low and allows for the department to request needed items from outside sources. This section also ensures that proper contractual processes are in place. The Planning Section Chief gathers information, analyzes the information, and then manages the information gathered, ensuring that all of the sections of the incident responders are informed of everything happening with each section of the response. They then compile the Incident Action Plan. The last tier of the EOC group is the individual Public Health Organizations. This includes the Community Services Branch Director, the Medical/Health Branch Director, the Fire Branch Director, the Public Works Branch Director, and the Law Enforcement Branch Director. Each director forms their own Chain of Command similar to the EOC chain of command for their own department. Each director is in essence the EOC commander for their particular department. The Public Health Nurse serves under the direction of the Medical/Health Branch director (United States Department of Labor, n.d.). Section B. Public health personnel played several different roles in this disaster scenario. The command structure is the incident commander on the first tier, the public information officer and the liaison officer on the second tier, and the third tier consisting of the operations chief, planning chief, logistic chief and finance/administration chief finishing out the third and last tier. The Public Health Nurse is not listed on the departmental command structure. The Public Health Nurse will analyze the incident and apply nursing judgment to public health needs for the incident. In the disaster scenario, the nurse needed to be aware and ask for needed resources such a s potable water and sanitation, as well as vulnerable populations in need of home oxygen, needed medications for various co-morbidities such as hypertension and diabetes, and environmental hazards brought about by the natural disaster, such as the possibility of typhoid, cholera, possible mold exposure. The Public Health Nurse will also conduct interviews with the affected population, access and populate information to be relayed to the Public about direct and/or possible health hazards and safety hints/tips to help keep the population safe. This may include public information sheets, information fairs, public meetings, and media interviews. The Public Health Nurse should also be aware of possible environmental hazards and which supporting agencies to contact in regards to the possible environmental hazards (University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, 2006). Section C. The community health nurse has many resources available to enable them to deal with situations outside of the community health nurse’s scope of practice. These include the Public Works department, for sewage, water, road management, building inspection, and environmental services. This department also has resource information available to the nurse for companies in the private sector. The public nurse will also have available to them the Fire and Police departments, which also include the State and County Police. The Fire department and Police departments have search and rescue teams available, which can include water, mountain, and land rescues. The Health Department also has resources for the Community Health Nurse, such as environmental inspectors, food inspectors, and resources available such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Available through Community Services Department are work crews, interpreters, and public buildings to be used as shelters (University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, 2006). Section D. The nurse utilized the resources available at the time to arrange for environmental health specialists to inspect residences and assist community members. The nurse also arranged for transportation to shelters, provisions and medications for those sheltering in place. The nurse also relayed information regarding hazardous waste cleanup and education concerning combustions engines and inadequate venting. The nurse was able to get information on the needs of the community at large and relay that information to the EOC task force to enable education and interpretative needs to be fulfilled (University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, 2006). Section E. The community health nurse was able to advise residents on depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) signs and symptoms, and was able to make referrals to community services for treatment of the possible depression and PTSD. The nurse was able to take the information gathered from the phone calls to facilitate news flyers for distribution to the community and churches on what symptoms and behaviors to look for, and resources to help the affected residents. The nurse was also able to educate community members on health and mold issues, and to refer and send out a specialist to inspect potential hazards. The nurse notified 911 in response to a reported injury from a chemical spill that had been reported contained and cleaned up. The nurse then notified environmental specialists about possible contamination and chemical exposure near public parks and recreation sites. By facilitating the emergency response, the area was secured and helped prevent other possible injuries (University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, 2006). Techniques used to comfort, calm and educate the people consisted of empathy and an open approach. Active listening, non-confrontational empathetic concern relayed to the people that their fears were normal and were valid concerns. This approach made the people feel comfortable and facilitated open conversation between the nurse and the community members (University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, 2006). Section F. Nursing personnel can be prepared for large scale disasters by joining the National Nurse Response Team (NNRT). The National Nurse Response Team is a specialty team used in any scenario requiring hundreds of nurses to assist in chemoprophylaxis, a mass vaccination program, or a scenario that overwhelms the nation’s supply of nurses in responding to a weapon of mass destruction event (Public Health Emergency, 2009, para. 1). Nurses can also be better prepared for disasters by being prepared at home, as well as attending continuing education classes on disaster preparedness, as well as large scale disaster training and scenarios. References Public Health Emergency. (2009). http://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/responders/ndms/teams/Pages/nnrt.aspx United States Department of Labor. (n.d.). https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/ics/what_is_ics.html#Information University of Minnesota, School of Public Health. (2006). https://cpheo1.sph.umn.edu/fcs/index.asp
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Anti-Trust Case Against Microsoft :: Business Technology
The Anti-Trust Case Against Microsoft Since 1990, a battle has raged in United States courts between the United States government and the Microsoft Corporation out of Redmond, Washington, headed by Bill Gates. What is at stake is money. The federal government maintains that Microsoft's monopolistic practices are harmful to United States citizens, creating higher prices and potentially downgrading software quality, and should therefore be stopped, while Microsoft and its supporters claim that they are not breaking any laws, and are just doing good business. Microsoft's antitrust problems began for them in the early months of 1990(Check 1), when the Federal Trade Commission began investigating them for possible violations of the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts,(Maldoom 1) which are designed to stop the formation of monopolies. The investigation continued on for the next three years without resolve, until Novell, maker of DR-DOS, a competitor of Microsoft's MS-DOS, filed a complaint with the Competition Directorate of the European Commission in June of 1993. (Maldoom 1) Doing this stalled the investigations even more, until finally in August of 1993, (Check 1)the Federal Trade Commission decided to hand the case over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice moved quickly, with Anne K. Bingaman, head of the Antitrust Division of the DOJ, leading the way.(Check 1) The case was finally ended on July 15, 1994, with Microsoft signing a consent settlement.(Check 1) The settlement focused on Microsoft's selling practices with computer manufacturers. Up until now, Microsoft would sell MS-DOS and Microsoft's other operating systems to original equipment manufacturers (OEM's) at a 60% discount if that OEM agreed to pay a royalty to Microsoft for every single computer that they sold (Check 2) regardless if it had a Microsoft operating system installed on it or not. After the settlement, Microsoft would be forced to sell their operating systems according to the number of computers shipped with a Microsoft operating system installed, and not for computers that ran other operating systems. (Check 2) Another practice that the Justice Department accused Microsoft of was that Microsoft would specify a minimum number of minimum number of operating systems that the retailer had to buy, thus eliminating any chance for another operating system vendor to get their system installed until the retailer had installed all of the Microsoft operating systems that it had installed.(Maldoom 2) In addition to specifying a minimum number of operating systems that a vendor had to buy, Microsoft also would sign contracts with the vendors for long periods of time
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Post Colonial India English Drama
English Literature Eng 102 Term Paper II Topic: Post-Colonial Indian English Drama India has the longest and the richest tradition in drama. During the age of the Vedic Aryans, drama was performed in a simple way. Different episodes from the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the Bhagavad-Gita were enacted out in front of people. When Britishers came in India, the crippled Indian drama regained its strength. In 1920, a new drama in almost all the Indian languages came to the fore, it was a drama largely influenced by prevailing movements like Marxism, Psychoanalysis, and surrealism.Indian drama got a new footing when kendriya Natak Sangeet Akadmi was started in January 1953. National school of drama set up Sangeet Natak Akadami in 1959 was another development. The year 1972 was a landmark year for Indian theatre. Badal Sircar, vijay tendulkar and girish karnad have contributed to the modernization of the face of the Indian theatre, these play wrights have made bold innovations and fruitf ul experiments. Postcolonial Writings as we have observed, emphasize the process of strong resistance in the societies and also put emphasis on the reality of life.It deals with the literature written by the people of colonized countries that take the suffering and survival and resistance of their people as their subject matter. Postcolonial Writings can be considered as the historical marker of the period because it deals the literature which comes after decolonization as well as it is considered as an embodiment of intellectual approaches. At the intellectual level Postcolonial writers engaged themselves in opening up the possibilities of a new language and a new way of looking towards the world.Their writings can be taken as a medium of resistance to the former colonizer. Their themes are focused on the subject matters like identity, national and cultural heritage, border crossing, contemporary reality and situation, human relationship and emotions etc. In the Indian context, Pos tcolonial writing makes its presence felt in the English-speaking world by giving new themes and techniques. The rise of Postcolonial Indian English writing was a significant aspect of Indian English literature.If we talk about the different genre of Postcolonial Indian English literature, drama became one of the best mediums for expression. Postcolonial Indian English poets make use of current situation in the society to give their poetry a Indian flavor. The new phase of Indian theatrical development happily coincides with the personal development of Girish Karnad as a dramatist. His contribution goes beyond theatre: he has directed feature films, documentaries, and television serials. He represented India in foreign lands as an emissary of art & culture.He has experimented with the fusion of the traditional and modern dramatic forms and content. Pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial experiences in literature cannot be compartmentalized in true sense. They are not divorced from each other. His play ‘Tughlaq’ was a reflection of the changing times- the narrowing of the great divide between the rulers and ruled. Karnad reminds us of T. P. Kailasam and Rangacharya who go back to myths and legends to show the modern life with all its elemental passions and man’s struggle to achieve perfection.If creating new themes and techniques is a part of Postcolonial writing, Shiv K. Kumar can be truly called a Postcolonial poet. Winner of Sahitya Academi Award with various books of poetry, drama, short story and translation, Shiv K. Kumar gave an identity and a sense of direction to Indian English poetry in the Postcolonial period. His knowledge of Indian myths and Indian history is amazing and he uses them as themes in his poetry. But the most appealing aspect of his poetry is that it gives a distinct touch to Indian sensibility.Other than this, themes like East-West encounter, Indian landscape, national identity, contemporary reality he takes all t hese as his themes in his poetry which give the whole essence of Postcoloniality. In his Award winning book of verse, Trapfalls in the Sky (1987), we can see Kumar’s seeking for the national and cultural identity. As a Postcolonial poet, Kumar makes an attempt to come to terms with contemporary reality which is integrated with Indian landscape.Kumar’s dealing with national and transnational themes indicates his open mind and his approach towards life. Like many of the poets of Postcolonial era, Kumar tries to write authentically about the performances of rituals, superstitions prevailing in Indian society. Kumar is considered one the most outstanding poets of Modern Indian English Literature, who has the credit to give the recognition, Modern Indian poets got in the world of English Literature. Kumar is a poet who is known for his portrayal of India and its different aspects in very a beautiful way.But another picture of India is seen in a very different way in his poe try when we see the hidden reality of religion prevailing in India As the most important element of Postcolonial literature is the sense of national identity, consciousness of the richness of the cultural heritage of motherland and its wealth of natural resources. Twenty years after Independence, R. K. Narayan was still tackling issues of colonialism. The Vendor of Sweets (1967) takes us through the tensions integral to a family in which two generations belong to two different cultures.Ascetic Jagan belongs to an old India of family and history his son to an India increasingly subject to the foregrounding of the commodity and a dramatic industrialization. Narayan explores the inevitable clash of what is, in many ways, both a colonial and a post-colonial encounter: Jagan, a follower of Gandhi and a veteran of the wars against British Imperialism, must attempt a negotiation of an ethos invasive to his own definitions of nationality; Mali, without this structure, must reconcile an A merican capitalism with India's own sense of what constitutes a modern nation.This theme is continued in Ruth Prawer Jhabvala's Heat and Dust (1975). Again two generations, this time British, must come to terms with an alien culture. Whilst Olivia's adventures are romanticized, Jhabvala attempts to explore in a more sophisticated manner the social outlay of Anglo-Indian relations with the higher Muslim classes and Olivia's step-grand-daughter is confronted with an India that remains hidden in the works of Kipling, Forster or Narayan. Leelavati the beggar-woman's life, if not her behavior, demonstrates an unusual social awareness of the lowest castes.It is to be noted that the East-West dichotomy within the later generation has become less strained: modern Britain is expected now to accept India on its own terms. Salman Rushdie, whose work has been produced in the eighties and nineties, has removed himself from the sites of both nationality and naturalism but remains in an enga gement with economic colonialism and its consequences. Midnight's Children (1982) critiques the post-Independence political strategies of Nehru and Indira Gandhi.Critique and critiqued demonstrate an India which has not yet fully resolved the dramatic industrialization necessary to the creation of a modern nation: Rushdie's response is necessarily part of the same Western political agenda as Nehru's or Mrs. Gandhi. Modern Indian English drama has set a significant tradition for new literature in postcolonial period. Writers skate over their experiences those are either socially rooted or floating. They perceive the incongruous situation of life and experience. Hence they ventilate a kind of ironical expression in their verbal expressions.Indian English Drama after Independence has no relationship with drama written earlier. He categorized the pre-Independence Indian English Drama as â€Å"greasy, weak spinned and purple adjectived†. They express themselves in an alien lang uage (global code), which in spite of all sociolinguistic forces for broad-based Indianization fails to transmute or authenticate a local space as effectively as any Indian language. It creates room for a certain cultural, historical and linguistic distancing from the colonizer’s code. In the sociolinguistic domain, in the hands of Indian English Writers, the Queen (the global code) is wearing a bindi. local colour). Indian English Writers are after all the members of the communities comprising the Indian population spread over a continuum. It’s a tough ask for the writers to restrict their individual regional impulses suffering to their own community to become intelligible by the other communities written the geo-national space of India. Indian English dramatist did not use Indian Dramatic traditions and myths creatively. Another major reason was that English as a second language was not suitable medium of expression for two Indians doing conversations.So Indian pl aywrights could not make their Indian characters speak in English. The language barrier prevents the lower classes from coming to the Indian English Theatre. Actually to form our culture identity we need tradition, continuity and change. It is only when we accept these three things that we can really have a theatre movement which is completely linked to the development of cultural social and individual identity. Only then we can achieve harmony through the language of theatre which must necessarily be filled with a sense of rootedness revealing a true Indian sensibility.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Grade Inquiry Essay
Project context Innovation have made possible for the operations of the computer easy enough in processing records system such as, creation of data, storing, filing and retrieval of data. This Online Grade inquiry with subject evaluation and SMS notification is a process whereby a department head input the grades of the students who are enrolled to the said department and evaluates what subjects should they be taking after they passed their current enrolled subject for them to take their proceeding subject to the next semester after the input of data to the system. The system sends also the grades to the students via SMS every end of the trinal exam who is enrolled to the said department before that they will give first the data to the registrar in order to send the data to the students because the registrar clarify first the data because one of the foremost responsibilities of the registrar office is to keep the student’s grades data secured for their records and purposes. The head of the sa id department may now easily encode the data to the system and give the standing records to their students without a consuming a lot of time and gives convenient kind of servicing to the student. The system basically keeps all the records of the students about their grades and class subjects and it will determine if a particular student passed or fail the subject and it also display announcements like meetings and dates of signing of clearances etc. Purpose and Description Our project focuses mainly on keep in track of the students grade and subject and also sending the grade of the student via SMS who are enrolled to the said department. This system on the other hand can display important announcement like meetings and news. By this, the head of the department can easily gives the grades of a student by just encoding the grades of the students into the system. And also if the head of the department has special announcements to make to the said department, the students can easily read the announcement made by the dean even if they are not in the school. Statement of the problem General: The manual submission and distribution of the grades in the department (BSBA) or in the registrar (NDKC). The time consuming of subject evaluation at the registrar’s office. Specific: The students need to go directly to their respective department or at the school registrar to inquire their grades. The long processes of inquiry of grades are inconvenient, tiresome, and some instances are time consuming. Objectives General: To develop an online grade encoding, inquiry and evaluation system. To develop a system that will lessen the registrar’s tasks in encoding of grades. Specific: To develop a system that can able to send grades automatically via SMS. To develop a system that is convenient and less effort to inquire the grades of the student. Scope and Limitations The proposed system is concerned in sending SMS about the student’s grades and displays the evaluation of a student and announcement. This covers only the grade data; their class subjects to evaluate; and announcements to post and only limited to the following: 1. Send SMS about students Grade; 2. Displays evaluation of the student and the announcement of the dean; 3. Control the records of the students; 4. Update the records; 5. Organize new coming data; Scope The request of the grades can be done through any network of mobile phones/ cellular phones. The head of the department only has the authority to the system. The head of the department can encode grades of the students through online. The system automatically back-up the records being encoded. The device use in the system is for inquiry only. The head of the department can print the summary of grades and also the subjects taken by the students. Limitations It cannot be used for conversation. The system has no capability of handling delayed messages. If the responsible of inputting grades submitted a wrong grade of a student, the system is not reliable of human error. The system cannot accept landline number in registration for the students as their contact number. The system can be accessed by internet connection only. Significance of the study: This study was made to find out the use of online – based system that will lessen the time for transaction, accommodation and convenience of releasing the grades of the students. The college of Business of Administration which is one of the top departments of NDKC with high population which is fit to this project for us to cope/manage all the records about their student grades class subject evaluation and announcement using the said system. Through this project the said department can easily organize all the records of the students and keep in track in its database. The department would have a website that can easily use and can interact between the department and with their students. The system provides accessibility to the head of the department only and can update the grades and give evaluation to the subjects taken to the certain student. Students can receive their grades via SMS, view their evaluation subject and also can see what their head of the department announcement s. The said department will be assured of an accurate, high performance and a high level of security using the system. One benefit is that the students will know the announcements of their college dean and receive or to know their grades anywhere, as long as they are connected to the internet.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Essay Sample on Job Design Improvement
Essay Sample on Job Design Improvement Repetitive work for 8 hours a day, day after day can often cause health problems for employees as well as lead to ineffectiveness. In order to reduce the negative impact of monotonous jobs, improve the organization of tasks to streamline efficiency, job design concept was introduced. Job design and work organization is the specification of the contents, method and relationships of jobs to satisfy technological and organizational requirements as well as the personal needs of job holders (Accel Team). Job design is about the ways to organize a set of tasks, or an entire job. Some argue that job design improves workers’ motivation and dedication to work. However, at a closer examination, job design can only contribute to the better efficiency within an organization, eliminate some health problems, but will not impact employee morale and enthusiasm at work. Rearranging activities can help alleviate fatigue and/or boredom according to Environmental Health and Safety Office (University of Toronto). For example, ergonomically designed workstations will not eliminate all problems for individuals who continuously perform repetitive, monotonous work. Generally, health complaints can be significantly reduced if workers are given a variety of tasks, and some control over their work. Approaches to job design improvement include job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment and work design. Job enlargement includes more and different tasks. Job enlargement may or may not give employees more responsibility but should increase interest to the work. Job rotation assumes moving employees from one task to another, distributing the group tasks among a number of employees. Job enrichment allows employees to assume more accountability, responsibility, and independence when learning new tasks and allows for greater participation and new opportunities. Work design allows employees to see how the work methods, handling procedures, and work layout are linked together as well as the interaction between machines and people. Currently companies offer job design consulting services, which cover writing job descriptions, constructing job competencies, determining standards of performance, designing effective reward packages, drawing up employment contracts. (Business and Training Solutions Ltd.). As one can see, the primary role of job design approaches is to speed up the processes and make the most out of every employees work. Thus employee morale and motivation are not the primary focus and result of the job design concept application, although they may appear as a side-effect. If you need a custom essay, research paper, thesis, dissertation, term paper on Sociology, Management or other discipline feel free to contact our professional custom writing service.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of Margaret of Anjou, Henry VIs Queen
Biography of Margaret of Anjou, Henry VI's Queen Margaret of Anjou (March 23, 1429–August 25, 1482) was the queen consort of Henry VI of England and a leader of the Lancastrian side in the Wars of the Roses (1455–1485), a series of battles for the English throne between the houses of York and Lancaster, both of which descended from Edward III. Her marriage to the ineffectual, mentally unbalanced Henry VI was arranged as part of a truce in another conflict, the Hundred Years’ War between France and England. Margaret appears many times in William Shakespeares history plays. Fast Facts: Margaret of Anjou Known For: Henry VIs queen and a fierce partisanAlso Known As: Queen MargaretBorn: March 23, 1429, probably in PontMousson, FranceParents: Renà © I, Count of Anjou; Isabella, duchess of LorraineDied: Aug. 25, 1482 in Anjou province, FranceSpouse: Henry VIChild: Edward Early Life Margaret of Anjou was born on March 23, 1429, probably in PontMousson, France, in the Lorraine region. She was raised in the chaos of a family feud between her father and her fathers uncle in which her father, Renà © I, Count of Anjou and King of Naples and Sicily, was imprisoned for some years. Her mother Isabella, duchess of Lorraine in her own right, was well educated for her time. Because Margaret spent much of her childhood in the company of her mother and her fathers mother, Yolande of Aragon, Margaret was well educated as well. Marriage to Henry VI On April 23, 1445, Margaret married Henry VI of England. Her marriage to Henry was arranged by William de la Pole, later duke of Suffolk, part of the Lancastrian party in the Wars of the Roses. The marriage defeated plans by the House of York, the opposing side, to find a bride for Henry. The wars were named many years afterward from the symbols of the contending parties: the white rose of York and the red of Lancaster. The king of France negotiated Margarets marriage as part of the Truce of Tours, which gave control of Anjou back to France and provided for peace between England and France, temporarily suspending the fighting known later as the Hundred Years War. Margaret was crowned at Westminster Abbey. Henry had inherited his crown when he was an infant, becoming king of England and claiming kingship of France. The French dauphin Charles was crowned as Charles VII with the aid of Joan of Arc in 1429, and Henry had lost most of France by 1453. During Henrys youth, he had been educated and raised by Lancastrians while the duke of York, Henrys uncle, held the power as protector. Margaret played a significant role in her husbands reign, responsible for raising taxes and for match-making among the aristocracy. In 1448, she founded Queens College, Cambridge. Birth of an Heir In 1453, Henry was taken ill with what has usually been described as a bout of insanity; Richard, duke of York, again became protector. But Margaret of Anjou gave birth to a son, Edward, on Oct. 13, 1451, and the duke of York was no longer heir to the throne. Rumors later surfaced- useful to the Yorkists- that Henry was unable to father a child and that Margarets son must be illegitimate. Wars of the Roses Begin After Henry recovered in 1454, Margaret became involved in Lancastrian politics, defending her sons claim as the rightful heir. Between different claims to succession and the scandal of Margarets active role in leadership, the Wars of the Roses began at the battle of St. Albans in 1455. Margaret took an active role in the struggle. She outlawed the Yorkist leaders in 1459, refusing recognition of York as Henrys heir. In 1460, York was killed. His son Edward, then duke of York and later Edward IV, allied with Richard Neville, earl of Warwick, as leaders of the Yorkist party. In 1461, the Lancastrians were defeated at Towton. Edward, son of the late duke of York, became king. Margaret, Henry, and their son went to Scotland; Margaret then went to France and helped arrange French support for an invasion of England, but the forces failed in 1463. Henry was captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London in 1465. Warwick, called Kingmaker, helped Edward IV in his initial victory over Henry VI. After a falling out with Edward, Warwick changed sides and supported Margaret in her cause to restore Henry VI to the throne, which they succeeded in doing in 1470. Warwicks daughter Isabella Neville was married to George, duke of Clarence, son of the late Richard, duke of York. Clarence was the brother of Edward IV and also brother of the next king, Richard III. In 1470, Warwick married (or perhaps formally betrothed) his second daughter Anne Neville to Edward, prince of Wales, son of Margaret and Henry VI, so both Warwicks bases were covered. Defeat and Death Margaret returned to England on April 14, 1471, and on the same day, Warwick was killed at Barnet. In May 1471, Margaret and her supporters were defeated at the battle of Tewkesbury, where Margaret was taken prisoner and her son Edward was killed. Soon afterward her husband, Henry VI, died in the Tower of London, presumably murdered. Margaret was imprisoned in England for five years. In 1476, the king of France paid a ransom to England for her, and she returned to France, where she lived in poverty until her death on Aug. 25, 1482, in Anjou. Legacy As Margaret and later Queen Margaret, Margaret of Anjou has played major roles in various fictional accounts of the tumultuous era. She is a character in four of William Shakespeares plays, all three Henry VI plays and Richard III. Shakespeare compressed and changed events, either because his sources were incorrect or for the sake of the literary plot, so Margarets representations in Shakespeare are more iconic than historical. The queen, a fierce fighter for her son, her husband, and the House of Lancaster, was described as such in Shakespeares The Third Part of King Henry VI: She-wolf of France, but worse than wolves of France, Whose tongue more poisons than the adders tooth Always strong-willed and ambitious, Margaret was relentless in her efforts to secure the crown for her son, but she ultimately failed. Her fierce partisanship embittered her enemies, and the Yorkists didnt hesitate to allege that her son was a bastard. Sources Margaret of Anjou. Encyclopedia.com.Margaret of Anjou: Queen of England. Encyclopedia Britannica.Margaret of Anjou. New World Encyclopedia.10 Facts About Margaret of Anjou. Historyhit.com.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Logistics - Essay Example In order to analyze advantages and shortcomings of the existing Patrick Tasmania e-consignment system, we need to identify the processes and model the structure of the system, considering interdependence, interaction, and integration of its elements. For the simplicity of presentation and understanding of the system’s functioning, the use of diagrams for process and system modeling is essential. Modeling techniques are extremely useful in tackling the complexity, which is found when attempting to analyze and understand a system. Models are also extremely useful communication tools; i.e.: complex ideas and concepts can be captured on paper and can be shown to users and clients for clarification and feedback; or for distribution to other professionals, team members, contractors etc.Data Flow Diagrams, as the name suggests, illustrates the flow of information in a system. They demonstrate the information and how it flows between specific processes in a system.The Data Flow Diagra m modeling is a top-down decomposition technique, which results in process descriptions. To create the Data Flow Diagram we will undertake the following steps: define the target system, identify the main processes and activities (sub-systems) within the system, decompose each of the subsystems into constituent sub-systems or processes until the set of diagrams for the system which cannot be decomposed further is obtained. This set of non-decomposable diagrams will be the ultimate model of the system.
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