Monday, September 30, 2019
Example of a Reflective Writing Essay
An example of good reflective writing – integration of theory with personal experience; justification and explanation of person experience using relevant theory as support; provides insight into the author’s observations of the theory; appropriate use of language; analysis of theory within the context of own experience. Organisational change and development theory suggests that models are a good way of providing change practitioners with strategies to plan, implement and move through various stages of change (Waddell, Cummings & Worley, 2007). While it is arguable that models are useful in providing guidelines for change practitioners, I feel that they are not necessarily an accurate representation of how change is actually experienced in organisations. I have worked in an organisation that has been through repeated change throughout the duration of my employment. My experience of change has been somewhat different from how it is reflected in change models. For example, as an employee I have not been involved in the initial planning stages of change, nor have I been involved in diagnosis at an individual level, therefore I am unclear as to what happens during these stages. From an individual perspective, it feels as though change is planned and implemented in my organisation at the senior levels of management without adequate input or information to and from staff. Further, from my perspective, change is not experienced in a smooth manner as suggested by change models. I have experienced change that has not appeared to move beyond the unfreezing stages (Lewin, 1947), and I have also experienced change that has regressed at different stages rather than move forward. If I were to work with employees as a change practitioner, I would highlight the realities of change so that employees are aware that there are multiple experiences in addition to ‘the prominent way of viewing this process’ (McShane & Travaglione, 2007, p.502) within academic references. An example of poor reflective writing – colloquial/non-academic writing style; opinion-based without justification or explanation; lack of engagement with theory; links to references not made; generalisation of opinion. In my job I have been though a lot of change and there is no way that what the change models say is right. My experiences of change have all been bad and there is no way that anybody could have had a good experience of change. I don’t think change models are useful as they pretend that change is an easy process which is different from my opinion that no change is easy. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that managers don’t manage change properly as I have never seen the stages of any models within my organisation. This might be because my manager is a poor communicator which is what all the staff think. In my opinion, change models shouldn’t be taught to students as they can only teach students to think about change in the wrong way which doesn’t help employees who have to go through it.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Character Change in “The Jewelry†Essay
There have been many times in literature where writers will change the attitudes or beliefs of the main character of their story. Writers can do this a number of ways. They use things like tragic events or a change in setting to be the reason why a character changes. In Guy de Maupassant’s â€Å"The Jewelry,†the main character’s attitudes change multiple times throughout the story. The story begins with the narrator describing how the main character, M. Lantin, fell in love and married the girl of his dreams. He adores her so much that it is written that, â€Å"six years he married her, he loved her even more than he did the first day†(69). In fact, Lantin almost finds his wife to be flawless. The only faults that he finds in her are her love for the theatre and her passion for false jewelry. Lantin never understands his wife’s fondness towards fake jewelry. They cannot afford real jewelry and it seems as though Lantin wants to save her the embarrassment of parading around with fake jewelry. He tells her that she is better off wearing no jewelry so that she can show off her natural beauty and elegance. However, she does not listen to him and continues to wear her fake jewelry. At this point in the story, M. Lantin seems to be a stress-free man who is enjoying life with the girl of his dreams. He is not a rich man by any means, but, the love he shares with his wife fulfills his every need. Then, tragedy strikes. Lantin’s wife catches pneumonia one night after the Opera and dies eight days later. After the death of his wife, Lantin’s character changes from a careless man to a soul in despair. The narrator describes his anguish by saying, â€Å"His despair was so frightful that in one single month his hair turned white. He wept from morning till night, feeling his heart torn by inexpressible suffering-ever haunted by the memory of her, by the smile, by the voice, by all the charm of the dead woman†(70-71). hair has turned white in a single month. Lantin suffers day and night and is haunted by the mere memory of his wife. He keeps his wife’s bedroom exactly the same and as time goes by, his memory of her remains strong. Lantin ends up getting into debt and losing all his money. The first thing that comes to his mind is to sell his wife’s jewelry. The jewelry; which he does not think will bring him much money, has become an object of loathing and distant memories of his late wife. After rummaging through most of her items, Latin finds his wife’s pearl necklace that he thinks might be only worth a few francs. He goes into a jewelry store to sell it. There, he finds out that it is real, and that it is worth a substantial amount of money. He goes into another jewelry store to receive a second opinion. To Lantin’s astonishment, not only is the necklace real, but the second store that he entered was the exact store where his wife bought the necklace for a substantial amount of money. It is here where Lantin’s character changes from being a sad and sorrowful man to a puzzled fellow searching for answers. This is evidenced in the text when Lantin is pondering to himself how his wife came across the money to buy such an expensive piece of jewelry. Maupassant describes Lantin’s puzzled mind by writing â€Å"He tried to reason, to understand. His wife could never have bought so valuable an object as that. Certainly not. But then, it must have been a present! A present from whom? What for?†(72-73) Lantin is so bewildered by these events that he barely makes it home for the night. The next morning, he goes out and realizes he has no money to get anything to eat. Lantin then remembered the substantial amount of money that the jeweler had offered him for the pearl necklace. He then returns to the jewelry store to tell the jeweler the necklace. While at the jewelry store, Lantin remembers that his wife had lots of other jewelry that might be worth a lot of money as well. He collects her other jewelry and sells it all to the jeweler. Lantin receives 196,000 francs for all of his late wife’s jewelry. At this point, Lantin’s mood changes again. He completely forgets his sorrows and no longer questions where his wife got the money for such expensive jewelry. The only emotions that Lantin is experiencing are ecstasy and sheer excitement. The text describes how Lantin’s desire was to â€Å"yell out to the passers-by ‘I am rich, too-I am! I have 200,000 francs!’ (74).†Lantin quits his job and dines at the finest restaurant. The story ends with Maupassant describing Lantin’s final mood change. Lantin marries a woman six months later with a terrible temper. The story ends by saying that Lantin’s new wife, â€Å"made his life very miserable. (75)†Guy de Maupassant changed Lantin’s mood multiple times in a short amount of time. From the happiness of his first marriage; to the sorrow after her tragic death; to the bewilderment that he experienced when he discovered that his late wife’s jewelry was real and how much it was worth; to the delight in the riches he acquired from selling it all, and finally to the final misery he lives through because of his new wife. It was brilliant stories by Maupassant because it showed his character go through so many emotions in such a short amount of time. Maupassant’s readers are bound to relate to at least of these emotions that Lantin experiences. This helps make the story more appealing and relatable. It is the reason why most writers use character change in their stories. Work Cited Maupassant, Guy de. â€Å"The Jewelry.†In The Norton Introduction to Literature. 10th ed. Alison Booth and Kelly J. Mays. W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. 2011. 69, 70-71, 72-73, 74, 75.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Studying Abroad and Homesickness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Studying Abroad and Homesickness - Essay Example Staying at home with my family has so many comforts that range from being free to do the things I want to do to get all that I request from parents. From my one month, I have established that people change from what they were to totally different persons. College makes people turn into new individuals that you never imagined. It appears that the people I imagined would welcome the idea are the ones who despise it, and those I thought would hate the idea are the ones that cherish the impression. I am not yet very sure of what brings out this change in one’s personality. However, I strongly believe that it all depends on who can handle the pressure that comes with the new steps that one makes in life. I know of several people who have not been able to handle and balance the academic and social aspects of college together with the absence of their beloved people that they left far away when they join other institutions. Other people have not managed to come over the challenge of being homesick. The word may be easy, but I am yet to find a person who has balanced the idea of being homesick together with the challenge of being away for education. Balancing college life has proven very difficult for the majority of the people whom I have encountered in the last few weeks. I can easily depict why this is a big struggle when I consider the rules and regulations that surround an individual’s life when they are not in college. It also depends on the freedoms that one has at home and how they cope up with the new environment. In a clear way to explain what homesickness is, I have witnessed the problem with several of my friends. One of them is Mark. At home, Mark was given a lot of freedom that I consider to be beyond what someone at his age should get. He did not have to come home at any specified time of the day or night.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Describe the political warfare between the federalist and their Essay
Describe the political warfare between the federalist and their opponents,the Jeffersonians ,during the 1790s, - Essay Example His objective was to rally national support for Hamiltons economic programs and creation of a strong national government. He formed acquaintances with like-minded supporters of independence or nationalists on realizing the need for vocal political support in the states. He used his network of treasury agents to bond friends of the government, especially bankers and merchants in the dozen major cities of the new nation. The Federalists Party became popular with businesspersons, mostly people from New England. Its distinguished representatives included Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, John Jay and author Noah Webster. The Jeffersonian Republicans on the other hand emerged within three years of the Constitution inauguration. records that no longer able to agree to the various policies that President Washington advocated, Thomas Jefferson left the Cabinet in 1793. Together with James Madison and lesser figures in the infant federal government, they formed a coalition that took to the leadership of popular opposition to economic and financial programs of Alexander Hamilton. They feared the intense threat to the American experiment in popular self-governance by the broad interpretation of the Constitution advanced on their behalf, the policies of the first secretary of the Treasury, and the anti-populist reactions that some of Hamiltons supporters expressed. The opposition deepened after 1793 when Britain and revolutionary France entered into twenty years of war. It extended into foreign policy and marshaled a large enough portion of the population such that historians describe Jeffersonian Republicans as the first American political party. By 1792, newspapers started referring to Hamilton supporters as Federalists while they referred to Jefferson’s supporters as Democrats, Republicans, Jeffersonians or Democratic-Republicans. They were generally farmers and opposed a strong central government. The state networks of both Federalist and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
How successfully were the Soviet authorities able to contain Baltic Essay
How successfully were the Soviet authorities able to contain Baltic nationalism from 1945-1991 - Essay Example Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are the three countries in the Baltic region, called Baltic States. While Lithuania got independence on 11 March 1990. Estonia and Latvia had declaration of Independence on 20th and 21 August 1991. Lithuanian population of almost 3 million people comprises around 8 percent of Russians, 6 percent of Poles and remaining are the native Lithuanians. The country was independent from the year 1918 until the soviet occupation from 1945 to 1991.(Samuolyte, 2011) After formally incorporating Baltic States into USSR during 1940, Stalin unlashed a wave of terror in these states with systematic destruction of political institutions and prosecution of military as well as cultural persons of importance. In addition, all enterprises and industries were nationalized. While Latvia and Estonia were historically against Germans, their hatred was now directed against Russians, because of above Soviet actions. However, the German occupation of Baltic States also did not meet the aspiration of locals, since Germans treated them as belonging to an inferior race. While Germans were harsher on Lithuanians, their treatment towards Estonians and Latvians was relatively milder. Hence, partisan movement was more active in Lithuania in comparison to Latvian or Estonian movements. However, Baltic States had to make a choice, during World War, for joining either the Germans or the Soviets. Although Germans organized campaigns for volunteer recruitment in Estonia and Latvia, the Red Army of USSR was able to recapture the two States during 1944, followed by capture of Lithuania in 1945. Participating in the World War, Estonia and Latvia lost almost 20 percent of their population. In addition, the Red terror also continued unabated. After the recapture of Baltic States by Soviet Union, authorities tried to collectivize the agricultural farms.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Making of a Global Brand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
The Making of a Global Brand - Essay Example Chernatony and Riley (1998), in their research paper, demonstrate the different tangible and intangible elements that makeup brands. For example, some tangible qualities this research paper lists down are â€Å"symbols, slogans, name, logo, colors, brand mark, advertising slogan, trademark, functional capabilities, legal protection, presence and performance, physique, physical design and graphics†, ultimately anything that helps the product differentiate itself from the competition. In listing down intangible components of brands, this research paper states â€Å"identity, corporate brand, integrated communications, customer relationships, positioning, user identification, relevance, advantage, bond, personality, relationship, culture, self-image, social and personal values, esteem, familiarity†. In effect the, a brand becomes the product’s differentiating identity. When Samsung was known as only an OEM producer, there were a set of tangible and intangible elements associated with its brand. Expected product quality was low, with high defect rate. Consumers thought of Samsung products as low quality, low price. Firms would only choose to buy from Samsung if they could not afford better quality or more expensive products from the more renowned OEM companies. The non-OEM, globalized Samsung brand stands for a completely new set of tangible and intangible components. It embodies high quality, modern technology, an integrated communication strategy, a bond with its customer base; it creates relevance by making its products usable and relevant to the lifestyles of its target audience. Meanwhile, Samsung’s new logo conveys stability and warmth through the use of the colors white and blue and advancement and evolution by using the elliptical shape.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Construction Defects with Homeowners Case Study
Construction Defects with Homeowners - Case Study Example The third year and for up to the tenth, the major structural defects are covered including foundation walls, load-bearing portions, supporting beams and foundation footings. The homeowner should file for claim in the covered period, but may notify the local construction official for foundation damages that may or may no longer be covered by the warranty. The law covering construction of foundation is Title 5 Community Affairs Chapter 25 Regulations Governing New Home Warranties and Builders’ Registration or N.J.A.C. 5:25. Specifically, the Act â€Å"prescribe the form and coverage of the minimum warranty established by the Act; govern procedures for the implementation and processing of claims pursuant to the warranty; establish requirements for registration as a builder, and procedures governing the denial, revocation and suspension of builders registration; and, establish the requirements of private alternate. Adams (2010) cited many builder-contractor liabilities in the cas e where foundation issues occur among homeowners. Home building foundations usually last for tens or even hundreds of years when done properly. But â€Å"serious and difficult to fix [†¦] if built poorly [†¦and] threaten the stability of the home and the homeowner’s investment,†(Adams, 2010, P 1). One of the more critical issues about foundation problems is that it only becomes apparent after several years of completion and even occupancy of the home. The homeowner may be left unsure of what recourse may be available.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Can Islam live at peacr other faiths Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Can Islam live at peacr other faiths - Essay Example eaching of this particular religion often argues about the source of peace to be the inner-thoughts of individuals which he/she depicts in front of others (Siddiqui 1-16). However, in the recent decades with the increasing activities of terrorism all over the world and active involvement of Islam in the same, it is often argued that whether this particular religion can live at peace with other religions in this ever globalizing society. It is evident that Islam also has its own philosophies and practices that can ensure peace within the religion and all over the world. In order to provide a better and a clearer understanding on this particular debate, this essay will intend to depict the religious differences and similarities of Islam with other faiths on the basis of social peace. This can further enable to provide an apparent response on whether Islam can live at peace with other faiths. People hold different beliefs about the prevalence of peace in Islam especially owing to the fact that the religion is involved in conducting good deeds as well as involving in active terrorism throughout the world over the years. Peace in Islam is often regarded as a myth since little clear perception prevails among the people about the same. It is quite a fact that as per the teachings as well as the religious significance of Islam, the aspect of violence and terrorism and the overall religion of Islam are contradictory to one another (Ernst 18-26). It is argued that violence and terrorism were never been within the core values of the Islam religion. Relating the values of the Islamic religion with terrorism and violence will simply be an approach of denying the principles and teachings of the prophet. The alignment of the Islamic religion with peace can also be comprehended from the fact that the term Islam itself means ‘peace’ as per the Arabic slim (Siddiqui 36-41) . As per the values and teachings of the Prophet, a person belonging to the Islamic religion will have the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Alvin Plantinga and Pluralism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Alvin Plantinga and Pluralism - Essay Example Religious pluralism can be seen as a policy or attitude that accepts the diversity of other religious belief systems, and their importance within the society. Religious pluralism can either be seen as a representation of the view that the religion of one individual is not the only source of truth. Pluralists believe that some other religions have an element of truth. Therefore, there is a need of referring to these religions and their values. This concept of religious pluralism has always existed since time immemorial. This is because the traditional societies used to worship many gods. An example is the leadership of the Roman Empire, which embraced the worship of many gods and other religions. The Roman priests used to borrow from other religious teachings, and incorporate them in their beliefs. For instance, the Romans worshipped Jupiter as the Supreme God. This was a supreme God of the ancient Greeks, and they referred to him as Zeus. Religious exclusivism, on the other hand, is a doctrine that teaches that only one religion is superior to other religions. It does not recognize or identify the principles of other religious beliefs. In its normative nature, exclusivism is the belief that the religion of an individual is superior to the religion of other individuals (Peterson, William, Bruce and David, 22). Exclusivists believe that the principles and teachings of other religions are wrong, and uncalled for. The exclusivist doctrine is always linked to the teaching of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is absolutely relating a message to readers about the ills of slavery but this is a complex matter. On one hand, the only truly good and reliable character who is free of the hypocritical nature that other whit characters are plagued with is Jim who, according to the institution of slavery, is subhuman. Thus, one has to wonder about the presence of satire in Huck Finn. Furthermore, Mark Twain wrote Huck Finn after slavery was made illegal and his choice to set this story in a pre-civil war time when slaves were still held is significant. What truly makes the thesis statement about race and slavery in Huck Finn complex is is that there are several traces of some degree of racism in the novel, including the use of the ‘N’ word. By using the word, the book portrays the atmosphere of the south and slavery at that time. David Bradley, a Mark Twain expert featured in â€Å"Born to Trouble: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†, says that, â€Å"The ‘N’ was a word used during that time to call black people. It was a common word†(Born to Trouble). Apart from this, when Aunt Sally hears about an explosion and she asks Huck if anybody was hurt, he responds by saying â€Å"No’m,†â€Å"Killed a slave†(Peter Salwen). These few lines of dialogue say all there is to say about how blacks were viewed at that time; that they are â€Å"nobody†, less than human, with lives that are of little or no value to anyone. The racist attitudes of the south are most evident in the character of Huck Salas 2 Finn himself and how he relates to the runaway slave, Jim. Huck is nothing but a product of his environment and upbringing. Although he reflects the cruelty and injustice of the south towards blacks, he is totally unaware that this is the wrong attitude to take (Fiskin). At first when Huck is unsure how to deal with Jim, he displays attitudes that are a reflection of his times. He plays tricks on Jim and entraps him in a dialogue that makes the latter appear especially foolish, or perhaps, to make Jim painfully aware of his own inferiority. The trick the weighed most heavily on both Huck and Jim is when, after having disappeared from the raft, Huck pretends to have been there all along. The worried Jim insists that he believed Huck had almost drowned, but Huck plays Jim for a fool, tricking him into believing that he had only been dreaming (Twain 186). Jim, in turn, is made to appear as the Negro stereotype of the times: a backward buffoon with his slave dialect and many superstitions (Gregory). It is only much later on that he takes on a more human face as we discover his admirable character, particularly his fierce loyalty to his friend Huck (Born to Trouble). Huck also reflects the white South’s belief that blacks were vastly inferior. In the conversation about King Solomon and the Frenchmen in Chapter 14, Huck ends the conversation by saying to himself: â€Å"I see it warn’t any use wasting words – you can’t learn a n†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to argue. So I quit†(Twain 104). Seemingly frustrated with the turn of the conversation, Huck ends up being dismissive of the black man’s intellectual capacity, his ability to learn, see reason or think rationally. Again, this points to the white South’s inherent belief that the black man is inferior. Salas 3 Early on this relationship, Huck is also prone to saying things that further show how deeply racist attitudes have been ingrained in him. After the trick he plays on Jim, he is reluctant to apologize to someone society dictates is far beneath him: â€Å"it was fifteen minutes before I could work myself to go and humble myself to a slave†(Twain 107). Jim must also accept the fact that as a black, he is inferior to whites in these times. Friendship doesn’t negate this rule of society; even his good friend Huck is far superior to him. Even as far into the book as Chapter 31, Huck still holds himself accountable to the strict racist rules of his community, where empowering a black man is a â€Å"low-down thing†(Twain 219). However in this course of the tale, Huck’s attitude toward his black companion begins to shift. This is a struggle for him at first, and a reader can get a definite sense of Huck grappling with how society has always forced him to think. For example, although he shows reluctance in apologizing to Jim for his trick, he really does feel like the trash Jim likens him to (Twain 107). Not only does he get over his reluctance and apologizes to Jim, but makes a firm pledge to himself not to â€Å"do him no more mean tricks; and I wouldn’t done that one if I’d knowed it would make him feel that way†(Twain 107). Another instance is when Huck encounters a group of white men looking for runaway slaves. He struggles momentarily about the morality of hiding Jim, still thinking of the latter as a stolen piece of property and not a person. Huck then swings the other way and conceals Jim from the men with a clever ruse (Twain 117). In the end after a long and hard struggle, both Huck and Jim achieve a certain degree of freedom. Not just freedom form â€Å"sivilization†for Huck Salas 4 and slavery for Jim, but freedom from the rigid mindset of the racist South. Huck learns to look at Jim not merely as a Negro, a piece of property or someone inferior and worthless, but as a human being and as a friend.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Health and Safety in the Workplace: Importance
Health and Safety in the Workplace: Importance Introduction Human resources are one of the most important features of many businesses. A business success relies heavily on the effectiveness to which this resource is managed. Policies and practices used by the firm, set out the standards to which they seek to aspire. They are designed to govern the operation of the business; especially in todays economy where there is such a rise in service industries (Biz/ed, 2010). This topic is of importance to us because it has proven to be a neglected field in todays corporate world; especially in Grenada. In this regard, this paper seek to highlight the importance of Workplace Health and safety to the business, to develop an understanding of how its effective management can affect the performance of a business, outline how this can be effectively carried out with the interest of the company in mind. It is often said that, the health of a nation is the wealth of a nation (Fraser, 2004), the same concept applies to business. The health and safety of a companys human resource is an enormous contributor to the success of that business. Human resources account for a large proportion of many companys costs; it is the people that invariably drive a business (Biz/ed, 2010) According to the Bureau Veritas, Workplace Health and Safety refers to, the evaluation of risks relating to the health and safety of an organizations workers and others (including the public) who may be affected by its activities (Bureau Veritas, 2007). Who establish workplace health and safety? The health and safety of a workplace is established through different sources. Firstly, on a national level occupational health and safety is instituted in accordance with legal regulations that were created by legislative decisions and is enforced and monitored by agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), for the U.S., and the Ministry of Labour in Grenada. OSHA, an agency of the U.S. Department of Labour, has the responsibility of assuring the safety and health of Americas workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging (OSHA, n.d.). On a national and/or on a company level there are also instances of regular inspections by a safety representative. This can be self requested or legally mandated. This is done to ensure that companies follow the stipulated guidelines that are set to govern the safety and health of the workplace. Also, from a corporate standpoint, the health and safety standards of the company can be establish by the declaration of it in the Companys general worker manual and/or in the separate manual set aside for clearly laying out, the standards by which the company seek to keep its work environment and the people that use it safe and healthy. A more informal, but still an effective method is employee observation. This is simply employees reporting hazards that go unnoticed to the inspection representative and/or management. These options are in place to ensure accordance of a company to monitor and control the health and safety of the workplace, and to maintain it. In-adherence of regulations set by the above regulatory bodies can result in an employer being fined or sentenced to jail time (Cascio, 1998). Reasons for Maintaining Workplace Health and Safety There are reasons why a business should maintain a safe and healthy workplace. It purges the environment of possible risks to everyone that uses the facility. An organizations productivity is directly related to the health and safety of its workforce. Therefore, proper health and safety practices safeguard the productivity of its employees. When the workforce is unhealthy it affects productivity; quantity and quality. Proper practices maintain the health of the workers and it protects human rights; the human right to a safe and healthy environment and the human right to a safe and healthy workplace (PDHRE, n.d.) A major reason for maintaining health and safety in the workplace is that failure to do so cost too much. The consequences of not up keeping proper health and safety practices can range from having expensive monetary payouts, to death (users of the workplace). Other repercussions are Lower productivity levels sick or injured worker do not produce the same quality and quantity as do health workers. Poor quality products and services the direct relation between quality of workforce and quality of products or service they produce. High levels of complaints from customers lower quality of products or services delivered to customers would make them unhappy. Loss of customers and subsequently lower revenues if the quality of the production isnt addressed it can result in a loss in the customer base and later loss in revenues because of lower sales. Higher costs this increase in cost can come from different sources including: payment of insurance claims for damages, cost of substitution for sick or injured workers (training and wages), and benefits for sick or injured workers. Higher staff turnover as persons get sick or injured on the job they tend to leave. If the health and safety practices of the workplace are dreadful employees would not stay therefore higher turnover. Poor industrial relations poor health and safety practices would attract attention from unions who fight for the rights of employees. Thus, addressing safety and health issues in the workplace saves the employer money and adds value to the business (OSHA, n.d.). When workers remain safe and healthy, the direct cost-savings to businesses include: lower workers compensation insurance costs reduced medical expenditures smaller expenditures for return-to-work programs fewer faulty products lower costs for job accommodations for injured workers less money spent for overtime benefits Safety and health also result in substantial decreases in indirect cost (OSHA, n.d.). This is as a result of: increased productivity higher quality products increased morale better labour/management relations reduced turnover better use of human resources Employees and their families benefit from safety and health because (OSHA, n.d.): their incomes are protected; no financial shock because of illness or injury their family lives are not hampered by injury; no loss of income destabilization because of illness and injury they have less stress; because of a com Workplace health and safety extend way beyond the boundaries of the worksite. The families of workers and other users of the worksite can also be impacted by health and safety in the workplace (OSHA, n.d.). It is of a misconception that health and safety in the workplace only entails ensuring that there arent any hazards on the worksite however it should be noted that the hazard can be the employees themselves. Employees who are sick (communicable/non communicable), who have a drug or alcohol problem, who have psychological problems can also pose great threat to the health and safety of others in the workplace. Violent employees can also be classified as a hazard (Cascio, 1998). In this regard testing of the individual together with the worksite is necessary; drug and alcohol testing, psychological tests etc. Whose responsibility is it? The health and safety of a workplace should be part of the business HR strategy. It should be an initiative that is deeply rooted into the culture of a business. No one person should be responsible for it. Given this, all employees, supervisors and managers should undergo training in this area to suit their position. Managers especially should possess an attitude that support good health and safety practices because it is usually mirrored by employees; if the manager care about health and safety, the employees will do too (OSHA, n.d.). Both the employer and the employee are responsible for ensuring that the workplace is healthy and safe for all users. Employers are legally obligated to maintain and provide a working environment that is conducive for comfortable operations. They also have to provide safe systems of work and facilities that would sustain the welfare of its employees. They are also responsible for providing employees with any information, instruction, training and/or supervision that is needed to ensure that workers are safe during operations no matter the job. As a result of this responsibility to ensure employees are safe at work, an employer may institute regulations and policies that would call for the attention from and compliance of employees (Directgov, 2010). Employees are also expected to play a part in ensuring proper health and safety of the workplace. They are to make certain their own personal health and safety and that of other persons in the workplace; whether colleague, customer, supplier, etc. Importantly, workers are expected to adhere to the directions given by management to guarantee health and safety. If workers are to ignore these directives it creates a hazard in the workplace not only for themselves but also for others (Directgov, 2010). Effective management of the resource Each workplace is different and dynamic. Therefore the strategy used to effectively manage the human resource should also be different and dynamic. This strategy should include clear and concise plans for the addressing the types of accidents that and exposing the health and safety hazards that could occur at the worksite (OSHA, n.d.). An effective plan, as based upon the safety and health program management guidelines given by OSHA in January 1989 is the Four Point workplace Program. The Four Point Workplace Program as its name suggests, it is a program that contains four elements in approaching optimum effective health and safety standards. These elements Commitment and Employee Involvement The manager or management team leads the way, by setting policy, assigning and supporting responsibility, setting an example and involving employees. Worksite Analysis The worksite is continually analyzed to identify all existing and potential hazards. Hazard Prevention and Control Methods to prevent or control existing or potential hazards are put in place and maintained. Training for Employees, Supervisors and Managers Managers, supervisors and employees are trained to understand and deal with worksite hazards. Conclusion: The success of a business rests to a large degree on the quality of the workforce successful management of this crucial resource is critical (Biz/ed, 2010) The Employer has a responsibility to ensure that his/her employees are safe at work, and so may institute regulations and policies to ensure this. It is now the responsibility of the employee to make certain that they follow these rules. As an employee, one has rights and responsibilities for their own wellbeing and that of their colleagues and by extension the public (customers) (OSHA, n.d.). The key to the success of a safety and health plan is to see it as a part of the business operation and to see it reflected in the day-to-day operations. As the implemented plan is incorporated into the business culture, health and safety consciousness will become engrained into the psyche of everyone. (OSHA, n.d.). Protecting people on the job is in everyones best interest our economy, our communities, our fellow workers and our families. Safety and health add value to businesses, workplaces and lives (OSHA, n.d.).
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Howard Stern Essay -- essays research papers
.      Howard Stern has been labeled as many things, such as offensive, obnoxious, discussing and by the majority of his listeners a genius. He grew up in a suburb of Manhattan in the early sixties. His father, Ben Stern, worked at radio station WHOM where the was the engineer. His father commuted every day about 40 miles to and from work. Howard would spend little time with his father but on occasion he would get to go to work with him. This is what interested Howard to being on the radio.      At the time, the area Howard lived in was going through a racist change. His mother told his friends who were making racist comments about the negros that she and Howard were part negro, but they weren’t really. Roosevelt High School, his school, was a fully integrated educational system, which in his words meant â€Å"six thousand black guys and him.†In his high school years he turned to marijuana because he had to deal with several personal problems. He said the personal problems affected his personal life forever.      In his college years it was pretty hard for him to find a date. So, he stayed at home and masturbated constantly. His senior year he got on at the college radio station known as WTBU. That year he met the woman who would be his future wife. She was in his first film for his film class. He won an award for the film.      After completing college Howard went to his first job interview on May 12, 1977. His interview was at WRNW and he got the job. After two months on the air, the manager who said he would never be a good DJ and that he had a lousy voice, promoted him to program director because he was a hard worker and came to work on time.†After saving money and working for awhile he then married Alison. They got their own place and was doing well with Howard making $250.00 a week.      After three months of being program director Howard quit his job because he didn’t want to fire an employee. So, Howard was now unemployed himself. Howard decides to make a major decision and move to another city. He moves to Hartford and begins working as a morning man on WCCC. Time has moved to October , 1979. Howard then met his partner Fred who wil... ...ey say â€Å"I want to see what he will say next.†     Howard is invited to be on the David Letterman show and talks down about NBC. On a July of 1985 he tops the rating charts in New York. A rally is thrown for his accomplishment AC/DC plays at the ceremony. It is held in Central Park, on the field it is a sold out show. During the concert Alison’s water breaks. He named his first daughter Emily.           Three children later he is still the best known radio personality in years. Occasionally he might make a fool of himself in public like the MTV music award incident as Fartman. To this date the FCC still wants him off the radio and so does every other fundamentalist group in the United States. Most of the things he does are mostly misunderstood but that is the fate of most geniuses right? Stern, Howard (1997). Private Parts. New York City, NY: NBC Retived (11/17/00) From Retived (11/17/00) From
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
A Close Reading of Euripides Medea :: Euripides Medea Essays
A Close Reading of Medea Medea's first public statement, a sort of "protest speech," is one of the best parts of the play and demonstrates a complex, at times even contradictory, representation of gender. Medea's calm and reasoning tone, especially after her following out bursts of despair and hatred, provides the first display of her ability to gather herself together in the middle of crisis and pursue her hidden agenda with a great determination. This split in her personality is to a certain degree gender bias. The lack of emotional restraint is "typical" of women, and the strong attention to moral action is a common trait of heroes. Medea actually uses both of these traits so that her wild emotions fuel her ideals, thus producing a character that fails to fit into a clear mold. The speech itself highlights women's subordinate status in ancient Greek society, especially in the public eye." When Medea points out that women, especially "foreign" women, "require some knowledge of magic and other covert arts to exert influence over their husbands in the bedroom," she argues for a kind of alternative power that women can enjoy. A power that remains invisible to men and unknown by society, yet sways each with unquestionable force. Medea also supplies a method for interpreting her own character towards the end of her speech (lines 251-257): we should read her history of exile as a metaphoric exaggeration of all women's alienation; in fact, her whole predicament, past and yet to come, can be read as an allegory of women's suffering and the heights of tragedy it may unleash if left unattended. Under this model of interpretation, Medea portrays the rebellion of women against their "wretchedness." Such a transparent social allegory may seem forced or clichéd in our own contemporary setting, but in Euripides' time it would have been revolutionary, as tragedy generally spoke to the sufferings of a generic (perhaps idealized) individual, rather than a group. It would be a mistake, however, to claim that Medea's speech elaborates a clearly progressive political message, as her concluding remarks appeal to women's natural talent for devious manipulation (line 414). While Euripides' play manifests many revolutionary political sentiments, its social criticisms remain sporadic, forming just a part of some of the many trains of thought he follows. Aside from providing a time frame that initiates a sense of urgency to the play (Medea only has a day to complete her plans), the exchange between Creon and Medea introduces the theme of her cleverness.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Response to Essay Questions for Teaching Position in High-Needs School Essay
Instructions as stated on application: Answer each question in a short essay format (no more than 300 words); be sure to address all parts of each question. The answers to these questions are considered a critical part of your application. Please spend time crafting your answers and provide your responses to these application questions in the spaces below. (Be sure to identify each instruction, and frequently review to assure your work is acceptable.) Questions as stated on application: Briefly describe a time when you achieved a goal in the face of challenges (or while balancing multiple responsibilities). What specific steps did you take to ensure you would meet your goal, and how did you know you were successful? How will you apply that experience to set goals and measure your success in the classroom? Answer each question and its parts: (It is beneficial to examine each question rather than attempting to answer all at one time.) Question Part I: Briefly describe a time when you achieved a goal in the face of challenges (or while balancing multiple responsibilities). Answer Part I: As the 5th grade science teacher at a Title I school, I faced the daunting goal of preparing students for the state’s first mandated science exam. Challenges included classroom management, negative perceptions, unfamiliarity with subject matter, and a limited time frame. In order to grow professionally and proactively affect positive growth in the community, I assumed multiple responsibilities such as volunteering as a Girl Scout Leader; Nursing Home Volunteer; Children’s Programming Coordinator; and participating in a yearlong science educator professional development series. Nevertheless, my goal was important for our school and students. Question Part II: What specific steps did you take to ensure you would meet your goal, and how did you know you were successful? Answer Part II: I implemented small goals building upon one another to ensure a smooth pace for students. My first step was to build self-belief. Through guided lessons and student partnerships, insecurity was replaced with confidence. Secondly, I observed other teachers. Applying their techniques, managing students became easier. With confident students and a better classroom management style, we were ready for step three-organization. Using study guides, note-taking, routines, and procedures, lessons progressed students from the teacher-led model to a student-teacher cooperation. Setting smaller goals allowed easier progression for students and me. Question Part III: How will you apply that experience to set goals and measure your success in the classroom? Answer Part II: Our test scores were announced to the entire school because they were above average and the highest in our county, but it was students’ smiles and high-fives that satisfied my heart. Using the lessons learned from the experience, I am able to view challenges with confidence and assurance that the necessary investments of time, self-sacrifice, and hard work are well worth the satisfaction of achievement. In order to create continuous strides, I will continue to base my measurements in accordance with student needs. My highest priority is that each student feels safe, cared for, and respected, while other assessments such as chapter tests and class work continue to guide my pace allowing for improvements in my preparation and presentation.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The standard of living is the measure of the material well being of the given population
The standard of living is the measure of the material well being of the given population. This would include things such as your properties, motors, incomes etc†¦. it covers anything that can be given a monetary values and excludes those that cannot e.g. happiness or luck. The standard of living is measured mainly by the GDP per capita and focuses on incomes this provides a general guide to the well -being – materialistically of the population in question. If the GDP were increasing this would suggest that the population is better off, there is more wealth within the economy, one may assume there is fuller employment and people are spending more as more is produced. If people are thought to be better off one assume this to signify that people are happier but this is not necessarily true but as this cannot be measured it has to be sidelined. Health is another important factor which is difficult to identify within monetary terms however there are different statistics which can be produced e.g. number of doctors per hospital etc†¦ when the standard f living is measure if comparing over time it will be adjusted for inflation and dealt with in real terms. There is the issue of the PPP adjustment, which must be taken to account when comparing internationally as goods and service cost more and less in other nations depending on their own resources, labour markets, and performance. In Helsinki the spending on heating is likely to be much higher than in Andalusia but this does not indicate a difference in the standard of living it is simply misguiding. National GDP figures hide significant regional variations in output, employment and incomes per head of population. Within each region there are also areas of relative prosperity contrasting with unemployment black-spots and deep-rooted social and economic deprivation. We need to analyse the balance between consumption and investment. If an economy devotes too many resources to satisfying the short run needs & wants of consumers, there may be insufficient resources for investment needed for long-term economic development. Faster economic growth might improve living standards today but lead to an over-exploitation of scarce finite economic resources thereby limiting future growth prospects. The principal problems with the GDP method are that it ignored the values of goods and services which are traded but left undeclared e.g. diy jobs and the black economy in some countries e.g. Italy the black economy is estimated to be near 35% and poses a great difficulty to governments trying to estimate the net income flow. It also fails to take into account the distribution of wealth e/g/ in Saudi Arabia the GDP is not particularly low but it is all concentrated among the hands of the wealthy sheiks and in parts there is extreme poverty because there is no ‘trickle effect' of the capital throughout the society as it is maintained. Furthermore it doesn't always take into account the improvements in technology for example 15 years ago a PC for $1000 will now be 10 times worse than one valued at $500 this is not because if increased living standard but change sin technology. Economic ‘bads' can increase the figure of the standard of living, even though the ‘quality of life' has decreased. For example traffic jams cause more petrol to be consumed but increase the income and output of a county. Also the environment can be damaged in this case, but one person may hold a higher value for the environment than another. These valuation problems apply to health and defense the output of these does not have a market price but the value is determined by the cost of producing them. The quality of life can also be over o under valued because say we take longer holidays output and income may fall but happiness will increase, similarly a crackdown on pollution by rise the prices of supply and therefore consumption but make our lives intrinsically more happy. Another method of measuring the living standard of an economy could be to examine the consumer durables. Thee can be anything from cars to washing machines to nice houses to computers. It is theorized that the more of these items you own the higher your standard of living would be. E.g. a man with 2 Bentleys and a Rolls Royce compared to a man with two skodas and a ford fiesta will be assumed to have higher standard of living. However sometimes it is difficult to compare some durables for instance TV's just because one is valued at more does it necessarily imply a better quality therefore even those who can afford it may not opt for the most costly. Also if I have seven flats in Norwich or one house in Kensington, which would make me, better off? Consumer durables also exclude savings and services, some people choose to accumulate their wealth as opposed to purchase consumer durables therefore it is not at all a clear indicator of the real standard of living. Compared to the GDP method it is extremely vague and inaccurate, the previous method is much more thorough and examines wealth in terms of cash and not goods for this latter method one needs to heavily account for consumer spending trends which can be extremely unpredictable. The third and final method is a non-monetary system of using the human development index. A measure of economic development The Human Development Report has been published by the United Nations each year since 1990. The report contains detailed statistical information on economic and social development indicators for virtually every country in the world. Among the hundreds of tables and charts we find the annual data on the Human Development Index and the Human Poverty Index. Both are simple measures of the extent to which living standards vary across countries. The HDI is constructed as an aggregate index of three components: education, income, and life expectancy at birth. The focus of the HDI is on the escape from poverty – defined as an HDI below 0.5. Here is a list of some of the social aspects that need to be considered o The number of patients per doctor – a measure of health provision in a country o Hospital waiting lists for important operations o The number of children per thousand of the population who die each year (infant mortality rates) o The average food intake per person (measured by average calorific intake) o The proportion of the population that can read or write – literacy rates o Average educational attainment at different age levels o Crime rates o Divorce rates These statistics should indicate what proportion of the population is enjoying a minimum standard of living although perceptions of what is needed for a basic quality of life vary. The figures could be misleading as in developing nations increases would imply better standards of living and more westernized countries would appear to be worse than they are. In conclusion I think the HDI is the best method to provide an overall picture of the economy and covers very many social aspects which are key to determining somebody's quality of life. The GDP method is the most reliable statistically and most through but the problems outlined are particularly heard to overcome in particular that of the black economy. The consumer durable methods is extremely inefficient ad indicates of nothing expect consumer spending patterns.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Role of Ngos in National Development and Security
THE ROLE OF NGO’S IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SECURITY By ( IBRAHIM TUDU) Chairman, Zamfara State Coaltion of NGOs, Nigeria email: [email protected] com INTRODUCTION: The term NGO has now become a popular in academic, policy and international cycles. The letters N. G. O is an abbreviation, which stands for Non-Governmental Organization, literally speaking because they are not formed by the government, not controlled by Government bureaucracy and they do not participate in decision or policy making of Government(s). SOME HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES For a better understanding of the present topic, one needs to have an insight into the history or evolution of NGOs. Community based organization’s evolution dates back decades ago. Some of the then existing voluntary organizations were very small, inexperienced and generally localized and some exist with different names, such as societies and clubs committees which are mostly friends, relations, professional groups, etc. Generally, they lack some relevant organizational capacities, funding and networking. Some of the oldest voluntary organizations established were the Anti-Slave Trade Society established in the year 1840. Another old and still surviving NGO established for humanitarian services was the International Committee for the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, an organization that out dates even the United Nations. It was established in the year 1863. It has played a major role in offering humanitarian services in major wars and conflicts. NGOs globally are developed from the need to coordinate some specifically defined activities and objectives. Beginning from 19th century, Mosques, Churches, Professional, Scientific and Cultural groups formed all kinds of associations that execute the work of NGOs. In the 20th century, specialized bodies started to spring up in such areas like sports, businesses and communications. This paper would now try to fully define the meaning of NGO and also go further to answer some questions on how, why and the need for NGOs, before finally addressing the roles they play in the national development and security which is the topic this paper is designed to address. What is an NGO? Let me begin by asking us this question. What does the term NGO stands for or what is the meaning of an NGO? Even though there is no generally or universally restricted definition of NGO, however let us bring in some definitions by some institutions and international bodies in order to explain more the meaning or the message behind the term NGO. To enable us capture the idea behind the NGOs, four of these definitions would suffice; i. The British Library, for example agrees that NGOs has to do with voluntary participation by average citizen in the affairs of his environment or communities. This is so because there is no imposed membership, control by Government or State. They are now often called Private Voluntary Organizations (PVO). ii. The World Bank, defines NGOs as private organizations that pursue basic social services, or undertake community development services. They in whole or in part depend on charitable donations and offer voluntary services. iii. The United Nations, the present name N. G. O was first coined by the U. N in the year 1945. This was mainly to distinguish them from States and Governments. iv. The International Community generally adopts another name for NGO’s, which is â€Å"Civil Society Organizations†. This is generally because they are being formed by the citizen for the good of society and are generally not for profit. NGOs are known to be legitimately engaged in activities that touch on the lives of their communities. These include economic, social, humanitarian, security and philanthropy. They are nevertheless broad in names and activities depending on their objectives, focus and mode of operation. These include associations, societies, forums, foundations, networks, charities, organizations, trusts, centers, clubs, committees, etc. Why Are NGOs Established? Let us try to address the question or give answers to the reasons on why NGOs are established by communities. The belief that not all areas, activities, fields, needs and services of the communities are perfectly and completely offered or addressed by Governments however highly advanced or principled. This makes the establishment of NGOs absolutely necessary, complimentary and very encouraging in the history and developmental need of any nation. It is generally agreed that human capital is another form of economic capital. Therefore, the vast resources and capacities accumulated by the voluntary, non-profit organizations could not be disregarded. The zeal to serve ones community and offer services to the poor and the needy or participate in developmental activities or other humanitarian and relief services are some of the motivating factors that give rise to the establishment of NGOs. Recently, the activities of NGOs are on the rise, they are at the forefront in the fight for good governance, accountability and transparency by public office holders. So many factors and challenges have caused like minded eople to unite and forge common front on some issues of the day ranging from the quest for offering social services to the people, to offering relief, humanitarian and emergency services. So also the issue of globalization, environment and anti war issues has united communities. Between 1945 to 1995, the number of NGOs has increased astronomically. Currently, even in the absence of accurate data of the number of NGOs worldwide, one can safely say that their proliferation is directly associated with the coming of new technology, communication and the Internet. On the average, a new NGOs is created somewhere in the world every day. Generally, it is our opinion that the number of CBO and NGOs in a particular locality, state or nation providing non-profit services in a very healthy development which should not be over looked by any state or government. More recently, there has been growing interest in the activities of NGOs not only in Nigeria but worldwide. How Does NGOs Operate? Worldwide, the activities and contribution of NGOs to societies through their participation and providing inexpensive, value driven and usually completely free services to communities has been acknowledged and is increasingly coming to the lime light. Even though, NGOs operate in different capacities and with numerous objectives, motivation and focus. Generally they work as pressure groups, watchdogs and developmental organizations. The United Nations for example has found it very necessary to deal with NGOs. In fact, the term NGO as earlier explained was coined by the U. N. after the WW II. Since then it has extended the ways and principles of it engagement with the NGOs by expanding and improving the way it works with them. The British and American Governments have also created a variety of regional assemblies and grouping to try to bring more people and communities into ctive participation in democratization and other major campaigns. The International Community uses numerous names to describe NGOs. These names include: Non- partisan organizations, not-for-profit, Watchdogs, Pressure Groups, Voluntary Sector, Complimentary Institutions, Stakeholders, Non State Actors, Bridge Builders, Development Partners, Grassroots Organizati ons, Community Based Organizations, Private Voluntary Organizations, Peoples Organization, Value Driven Organizations, Third Sector of the Economy, etc. The world of NGOs has continued to widen and assume more dimension and relevance today. LEGAL STATUS OF NGOs The right to establish, create or form an NGO is a fundamental human right that belong to the individuals or group of people and are not bestowed on the States or Governments. These rights are derived from the fundamental rights of an individual, group or community to free speech and association that exist in almost all civilized constitutions. However, even though NGOs have right to exist and operate as informal organizations, a crucial part of the enabling environment for NGOs requires them to incorporate and acquire formal or legal personality or status this would in turn protect the principles of such NGOs from personal liability for the affairs of the organization, such as contracts, debts or legal action. In Nigeria, for example, Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) is the body charged with the power to register NGOs that desire to operate in Nigeria. CAC derives its powers from the Companies and Allied Matters Decree No. I part C, which took effect from 2nd January 1990. So also States and Local Governments have departments of Social and Community Development and that of Youth and Sports Ministries overseeing the registration of NGOs. AN IDEAL NGO It is expected that every organization should meet some certain requirements in order to engage in legitimate activities as opposed to criminal and illegitimate groups. An ideal NGO is expected to among other things abide by the following: – †¢ To be registered with relevant authorities at the Local, State or National levels depending on the level of operation. To have a well articulated constitution or articles of association or charter. †¢ To have an executive body, and an open and simple criteria for membership or volunteers. †¢ To have an office, correspondence addresses like; post office box, telephone, email, fax, etc. †¢ To have clear and well-defined mission, vision or aims and objectives. †¢ To engage in programmes a nd activities that helped the community. †¢ To have a clean, transparent and verifiable sources of funds for their activities. †¢ To have a leadership, organogram and well established channel of communication. To have very good rappour with their community, other organizations and relevant authorities. CATEGORIES OF NGOs Even though their activities are sometimes similar and aimed at development, NGOs differ in so many ways and aspects. They can be safely categorized into various groupings. They can be CBOs, FBOs, and they can also be INGOs. The World Bank for example classified NGOs into 3 main groups, they are: – a. Community Based organizations (CBO); these are NGOs that are based or directly in touch with the Local communities and usually set up by the communities themselves, e. g. CODEC, CDF, PAMUHE in Zamfara State. b. State NGOs (SNGO) & National NGOs (NNGO); these organizations as the name implies operate as State or at national level in their countries of origin e. g. GLONIJ, FOMWAN, PEDO in Zamfara State etc c. International (INGOs); there are typically in developed countries and they usually carryout their activities in more than one country e. g. CARE, OXFAM, etc. Some of the other categories also include; d. BINGO; Business Oriented International NGOs. e. RINGO; Religious International NGOs. f. FBNGO; Faith Based NGOs. g. ENGO; Environmental NGOs. . GONGO; Government Operated NGOs. i. QUANGO; Quasi –autonomous NGOs. Further sub-divisions are also possible; Active NGOs; these are the ones that strive to address the root causes of societal problems they stage programmes that even attract the media. They are either advocacy, service or development oriented. In active NGOs; These are the less functional ones that have less or no funding whatsoever b ut attend conferences, seminars and workshops. Brief Case NGOs; These are usually one-man show often described as â€Å"Portfolio Type†or a collection of â€Å"Family Business Groups†. Umbrella Organizations for NGOs exist with names like; Networks; These are groups of NGOs from different areas, states or regions that comes from different backgrounds but working in the same field but not necessary the same focus and mission. e. g Cisnan Coalitions; these are umbrella organizations that consist of different NGOs working in different fields of human endevour. They are of differing focus, objectives and missions but they are united for the betterment of their causes and social welfare. e. g Zacons Who fund NGOs? There are a number of funding sources or bodies working with different NGOs. They may be categorizes in the following; 1. Self- Funding; Registration fees, Dues, Levies, Donations, Investments Returns, etc. 2. Local, State or Federal Governments; Naca, Zamsaca, etc 3. Foreign Governments; Like the U. S (USAID), U. K (DFID), E. U, etc. 4. UN Agencies; UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, UNIFEM, etc 5. International NGOs; Global Fund, Oxfam, AAIN, etc 6. Philanthropies/Foundations; Ford Foundation, Rock feller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Heinrich Foundation, Melinda Gates Foundation, Packard Foundation, Macarthur Foundation, etc THE ROLE OF NGOs IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT After casting a picture of what NGOs are by showing how they operate and why they are established, we can now safely delve into their contributions national development. NGOs as non state actors, have played and are stilling playing very important and major role in initiating and supporting various Local, National and International developmental activities. To make sense out of this, one may digress a little to show how NGOs are also playing their role internationally. For example concerted campaigns, enormous pressure and actions by States together with NGOs led to the establishment of the International Court of Justice. Globally, NGOs have impacted direct and meaningful involvement in shaping the international agenda at the United Nations and regional levels through remarkable negotiations. NGOs are found in international and regional committees. They also contributed in the MDG and NEEDs programme. They are also engaged as partners in United Nations Agencies such as the UNEP, UNFAO, UNDP, UNCTAP and UNCHR. But since this is outside the scope of this paper there is no need to go further. NOW WHAT IS THE MEANING OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT? To understand the contribution of NGOs to National Development especially in Nigeria, we need to acquaint ourselves with the meaning of the term National Development. Development of any nation is defined by the advanced learners Dictionary as that nation’s process of changing and evolving pattern of becoming larger, stronger, more successful or more advanced. ‘The Roles of Civil Society and Citizen organizations (in national development) are becoming better understood around the world,†says Martin Sime, Chief Executive Officer the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organizations. NGOs has been over the past decade ahead of government on many key issues of our times,†said Mr. Naidoo an Executive social worker. Another separate testimony by Mr. Mario â€Å"Whether we take the issue of land mines, environment, HIV/AIDS, global poverty agenda, gender equity, civil society’s impact is quite significant and remarkable in terms of facing difficult challenges of our time and putting forth solutions that are more bold, more courageous and more innovative than many who are constrained by their political office†says Mario Lubetkin, Director General of the Inter Press Service (IPS). Even though NGOs as oppose to Governments, are well outside decision-making machinery of Governments, they have proved as dependable partners in the formulation of policies and programmes whenever consulted by Governments. Let us now list some areas of contribution by NGOs. 1. NGOs have contributed immensely in monitoring and exposing bad governance, corruption, child trafficking, etc. 2. They have also served as think tanks and resource base for training, capacity, research and advocacy, project planning and execution. 3. Many NGOs have gained the trust of people and Governments, so the Governments machinery has begun to engage and dialogue with them thereby tapping their expertise and skills. NGOs are now no longer considered adversaries but partners in progress. 4. NGOs have had significant progress in raising public awareness on almost any issue that arose. This they do through increased campaigns, sensitization, information collection and data analysis. 5. They have forged ties and engaged in fruitful partnership and networking among themselves. This has boosted cooperation, unity and more developmental services they render to the people. . They have played significant role in shaping the debate for sustainable development. They execute concrete projects and advocate for the formal participation of women in division making. 7. NGOs are contributing immensely in the attainment of environmental justice through protection of social, economic and environmental rights. 8. They have contributed in MDG, NEEDs, Micro credit scheme and poverty alleviation. NGOs in Zamfara State that are affiliated and members of the coalition have contributed to the development of Zamfara States in many ways and at different levels. Currently, NGOs have employed a number of youth both male and female as full time development staff and some on office routine. They can also boost of the largest collection of humanitarian volunteers from communities, civil services and the business sector. NGOs in the state have executed a lot of projects totaling more than 30 millions naira in the past 3 years alone. More then 60 projects in the area of education, health and good governance were executed in Zamfara State. NGOs have exalted themselves in areas of exchange of ideas and information. They have engaged in a number of capacity building workshops and other International Forums. NGOs have attended and represented Zamfara State in a number of seminars, workshops and conferences. In the past few years NGOs in Zamfara can boost of accomplishing the following as their own contribution to state and national development; 1. Enhancing Girls Basic Education in Communities LGAs in Zamfara State. 2. Peer Education, Kasaurara II Project in 12 Northern States. 3. Self help Community Development Projects, 4. Construction of Culverts and Drainages, 5. Participation in Environmental Sanitation Programme. 6. Quiz competition on Radio and T. V among Youth in the State. 7. Sensitization and Awareness on the Annual Hajj exercise. 8. Sensitization workshops on Reproductive Health issues. 9. Organizing of Leadership training courses. 10. Construction of Community Primary School in Tudun Wada, 11. Renovation of Boreholes. 12. Quarterly Training of Trainers Programme on HIV/AIDS. 13. Publication of Books and Journals for Adult and Children 14. Monitoring of Census and Election. 15. Youth and Women Skills training in Zamfara 16. Provision of Care and Support for PLHVA 17. Provision of Emergency and First Aid services. 18. Research Projects on Child Begging and offering solution 19. Sensitization workshop on HIV to opinion leaders. 20. Public Enlightenment of Women on current issues 21. Provision of Public Pumps at U/Zabarma, Gusau 22. Organization of Inter-Secondary Schools Debate 23. Participation in Tree Planting Campaign. 24. Staging of Conflict mitigation workshops 25. Provision of HIV Resource Centre. 26. Sensitization on Affirmative Action for Women 27. Provision of Micro Credit to Women 28. Budget Tracking Workshops 29. Launching of VCT centers and Hotlines in the State In Zamfara State NGOs can be found in different communities set up to work at Local, State and National Levels. This is in recognition of the role they can play in giving useful advises, constructive criticism and sound policy decisions. WHAT ARE THE ROLES PLAYED BY NGOs IN NATIONAL SECURITY Again let us address the term and notion of security and national security before indicating the role the NGOs play in ensuring national Security. In a summary National Security as defined by Wikipedia, the internet encyclopedia refers to the public policy of ensuring the survival and integrity of the nation state through the use of economic, social and military power and the exercise of diplomacy in both peace and war time. The strategy used or employed by the states to protect national security is numerous. They include the use of diplomacy to rally allies and isolate threats; marshalling economic power to facilitate or compel cooperation of the enemy. Others measures include the use of intelligence and network of agents to depend, defeat or avoid threats and espionage and protect classified information. However, national security does entirely and solely depend on the military power or population of a nation but the social well being of the people of a nation. The components that make up national security include the following: – i. Food security ii. Economic security iii. Political security iv. Social security As indicated above, the notion of national security does not only mean the enforcement of laws and security operations. National security is a collective and relative name. It does not only means enforcement of fear or restoration of Security, but the elimination of all sources of insecurity, which must include the provision of all of the above components. The NGOs helped in no small measure in the maintenance of each of the three mentioned security components. Let us try and list them in this order; i. Food Security: NGO’s most visible role and contribution is in the fight against hunger, unemployment and poverty. They perform so well in these areas by demanding for good policies by governments on the issues of tackling poverty. They help in getting food to the hungry and the needy through humanitarian services, philanthropy, charity and endowments. â€Å"A hungry man they say is indeed an angry man and conversely a source of insecurity†. ii. Economic Security: Through the pursuance of good economic policies by governments the NGOs press for economic reforms and better economic measure to ensure a secure economy that buttress businesses and other economic activities. NGOs are in the forefront in the fight for accountability, transparency and equity by public and private office holders. iii. Political Security: In the public and leadership arena, NGOs are in the forefront in the fight for good governance, democracy and human development. NGOs engage leaders and public office holders by ensuring public based legislation, participation and equal opportunities are provided. v. Social Security: This is one of the most and very important components of national security. Ensuring social cohesion, integration, participation, efficient and adequate distribution of social services and amenities. NGOs also help in the fight for equal opportunities and employment that are integral to their activities not only nationally but also globally. On the health sector the NGOs has reacted to HIV/AIDs, Malaria and Tuberculosis with unprecedented attention and dispatch it deserves. NGOs IN WAR AND PEACE As generally believed, peace is not only the absence of war but a state of maximum security free from all forms of fear. Conversely, there is no security without peace. NGOs offer their services in peacetime and also offer humanitarian services in events of emergencies such as epidemics, earthquakes and other natural or man made disasters. NGOs contribute in no small measure in times of peace and security. This becomes evidently clear in the sense that NGOs themselves help in bridging gaps, resolution of conflicts and public enlightenment on contentious issues. Even though there some NGOs whose formation and activities draws some security concerns, one may hasten to say that those NGOs only strive as a result of inadequate security and failure of governments to provide checks and balances which fuels their existence and increase their activities. These â€Å"NGOs†may include extreme pressure groups, armed freedom fighters, criminal gangs, rebels, cultist, syndicates, cartels, ethnic and racial movements, nationalist fighters, etc. Therefore these organizations should be carefully separated from developmental and progressive NGOs. Even though the above voluntary and community organizations may be initially established or formed by a law abiding community and legally, but later their activities may draw some special concerns, fears and security threats. Generally a good NGO should contribute and argument the effort of their communities, localities, states and nation in their chosen areas of operations. NGOs IN LAW ENFORCEMENT AND SECURITY There are numerous NGOs that are found in uniform or out of uniform that help security services in the maintenance of law and order. They participate in confronting emergencies by providing assistants and First Aid support. . g. Red Cross, Red Crescent, Man ‘O’ War Bay, Civil Defense, Volunteer Forces, Scouts, Girls Guide, Boys Brigades, etc. CONCLUSION: One painful fact still remains that security networks and by extension their Governments have not yet recognized and appreciated the huge reserve of knowledge, capacity and resources resident within the voluntary sector that can contribute to their policies and programmes towards National development. On their part, some NGOs underestimated their relevance and the role they can play in National Development and Security through engaging Governments at all levels on all issues. Criticisms of NGOs from some quarters that are either not direct recipient of their services or are ignorant of the role they are playing in national development also abound. They are being called all sorts of names that include; they are self appointed, undemocratic, answer to no constituency, encroaches on National and International laws, long arm of their sponsoring partners, resembles multinationals, chase disasters, proponents of western values, aggressive organizations, extremist, etc. Whatever the criticism, it is evidently clear that nationally and Internationally, political and economic developments has risen with the rise and rise of NGOs, Civil Organizations has become a vital link and force for social change. They put people first before profit; they put food first before reserve or politicking. The bottom line is that, the work of NGOs which is the provision of socio-economic needs of the people as well as caring for their well being are also the key elements in any development and security effort of any nation. The security of people must starts from meeting their human needs. This implies that social amenities such as shelter, education, health and other infrastructural materials and the elimination of economic inequality are part of security. All of the above cannot be secured unless and until we have good governance, democracy, peace, security and sustainable national development. Fortunately, these are exactly what the NGOs are fighting for and were known for globally. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The Author of the paper holds HND in Printing Technology from Kaduna Polytechnic in 1989. He worked in the private sector and was one time Managing Director Nasiha Professional Printers, Sokoto and Zamfara States. He was also the Press Manager, Mazan – Fara Printing Press, Gusau. He worked in the public sector and was the Chief Superintendent of Press, Survey Division, Ministry of Lands and Survey, Zamfara State. He also served NGOs in different capacities: Executive Member, Muslim Students Society, Kaduna Polytechnic Branch, Secretary General, Joint Youth Islamic Organizations, Zamfara State. Currently he is the Secretary General, Global Network for Islamic Justice, Zamfara State, Executive Director, Partnership for Muslim Health, Zamfara State, Chairman, Coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations, Zamfara State, President, Association of Nigeria Authors, Zamfara State Chapter. He has attended so many seminars and conferences both at national and international levels. The Author is currently employed with the Zamfara State Zakat and Endowment Board, in the position of Director Zakat Collection. SOME ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS USED AAN-Action Aid Nigeria CSACEFA-Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All. CISHNAN-Civil Society Network on HIV/AIDS. DFID-Department for International Development. SFH-Society for Family Health SACA-State Action Committee on Aids USAID-United State Agency for International Development CODEC-Community Development Centre NACA-National Action Committee on Aids CISCOPE-Civil Society Action Coalition on Poverty Eradication GLONIJ-Global Network For Islamic Justice UNDP-United Nations Development Programme NEEDS-National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy IDASA-Institute of Democracy South Africa. ZASCON-Zamfara State Coalition of NGO’s AAIN-Action Aid International SEEDS-State Economic Empowerment Development Strategy TMG-Transition Monitoring Group PLWHA-People Living with HIV/AIDS CARE-Cooperative Assistant for Relief Everywhere REFERENCE The rise and rise of NGOs – Peter Hall-Jones, Public Services International, May, 2006. NGOs the self appointed altruist – Sam Vakain, Ph. D – 2005 The role of Egypt C. S. O in Development & Reform – USEF Panel Discussion Notes, 2004. Categorizing NGOs; – World Bank Criteria. Towards an enabling legal environment for CSO – Sixteenth Annual John Hopkins International Fellows in Philanthropy Conference, Nairobi, Kenya. NGOs – Wikipeadia; the free encyclopedia. C. S. O & Democratic oversight of the security sector – Macina Caparini, DCAF, International Security Forum Zurich, 2002.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mobile Intelligent Tutoring Systems Education Essay
Mobile intelligent tutoring systems have the possible to present low-priced, one-to-one aid to scholars outside of the traditional schoolroom and computing machine lab scenes. The focal point of this paper is to sketch the usage of Mobile Intelligent Tutoring Systems in back uping the Mathematics human coachs in secondary schools and the function that nomadic devices can play in circulating and back uping the cognition gained by intelligent coachs. The paper reviews desktop Intelligent Tutoring Systems and how the same can be used in nomadic devices. The concluding portion of the paper examines the challenges faced in the development of Mobile Intelligent Tutoring Systems. The general public presentation in mathematics among secondary school pupils in Kenya has non been impressive for many old ages ( KNEC, 2000 ) . Much has been done and said with purposes of bettering public presentation with small success including debut of â€Å" Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education ( SMASSE ) Undertaking †, launched in Kenya in 1998 and funded by Japan authorities. It is aimed at the betterment of mathematics and scientific discipline instruction through In-service Training ( INSET ) for instructors ( Nancy, Alice, 2007 ) . Poor public presentation is attributed to several factors among them attitude of pupils and instructors, deficiency of learning installations such as books and unequal remedial or follow-up tutoring in most schools. Whereas there is demand to assist scholars develop a deeper conceptual apprehension through such techniques as tutoring when they are larning a new sphere ( Lane, 2006 ) , that is desiring. Mathematicss is a hard capable both to learn and larn. Mathematicss is besides a topic, which requires difficult work, and batch of pattern – the paramount facets for larning mathematics. Learning mathematics comprises foremost having facts, rules, and so larning how to use them ( Garry, 1996 ) . Teachers may desire to pass more clip with pupils but human resource is normally the chief restraint due to high student-to-teacher ratio witnessed in schools. The broad usage of cell phones in society has led research workers to look into methods to use nomadic devices in instruction ( Castells, 1999 ) . Presently, there are around 16 million cell phone endorsers in Kenya with the figure projected to travel up following licensing of 4th Mobile operator – YU ( Communication Commission of Kenya ) . Harmonizing to Brown ( 2003 ) and Kam etal ( 2009 ) , the nomadic device has been argued to be an appropriate tool for educational bringing in the development states. The statement behind this is that nomadic device is low-power device that can be used in topographic points without electricity. Although nomadic device such as cell phone is mostly purchased for voice communications – which users rely on for their societal and economic demands – it is besides able to run educational package that support visuals and voiceovers ( as cited in Kumar, 2009 ) . Most of all, the cell phone is the fastest turning engineering platform in the development states. There are 2.2 billion nomadic phones in developing parts like Africa and India, as compared to merely 11 million desktops ( CNN, 2009 ) . Teaching pupils on a one-to-one footing significantly influences the grade of cognition and accomplishment retained by the pupil. Bloom ( 1984 ) suggests that one-to-one tutoring is the most effectual scheme known, by and large giving two standard divergences better public presentation than traditional direction. For the intent of this paper, the term â€Å" nomadic device †comprise of criterion cell phones, smart phones ( those using an operating system supplying voice services every bit good as extra informations processing applications ) , and personal digital helpers ( PDAs ) – supplying informations treating without voice capablenesss. Whereas laptop computing machines are portable, users interact with them in ways that are more similar to desktop computing machines than they do with smaller devices e.g. usage of keyboard. Therefore, it does non fall under ‘mobile device ‘ class.Table 1.1 Comparisons of Desktop and Mobile Tutoring SystemsDescriptionDesktopMobile DeviceInterface Full size keyboard Multi-window design Small Keyboard Single-window design Display 14+ inch show 2-5 inch show Connectivity Ethernet, Wi-Fi Wi-Fi, Cellular Delivery Standalone Client merely Use Classrooms and computing machine labs Anywhere and anytime2. Intelligent Tutoring SystemHafner ( 2000 ) defined Intelligent Tutoring System ( ITS ) as â€Å" educational package incorporating an unreal intelligence constituent. The package tracks pupil ‘s work, orienting feedback and intimations along the manner. By roll uping information on a peculiar pupil ‘s public presentation, the package can do illations about strengths and failings, and can propose extra work. †ITSs have been used to help pupils with prep, trial pickings, and appraisal ( ISTE, 2007 ) . An ITS can be used to enable the pupils work independently, to better their apprehension of constructs within related sphere, and to take advancement of job work outing ability for each of them ( Martin, 2001 ) . On the other manus, an ITS can be able to help non merely the pupils but besides the instructors in developing and managing classs ( Shin, Norris and Soloway, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to Korhan ( 2006 ) , â€Å" Intelligence involves mental capablenesss such as the logical thinking ability, planning, work outing jobs, believing abstractly, groking thoughts, and larning †. Furthermore, it is related to creativeness and personality of the individual harmonizing to psychological science. Conversely, mathematics is as a incubus for many pupils. This may take to pupils doubting their creativeness, endowment, and motive when analyzing mathematics. In this sense, the tutoring systems must hold the capableness of existent instructors, and it must move like human coach in a categ ory. Information technologies can raise up the effectivity of learning mathematics in a category ( Kinshuk, 2002 ) and hence regarded as one of the topics in Artificial Intelligence ( AI )3. Background of ITSComputers have been used in instruction since 1960s ( Martin, 2001 ) . Intelligent Tutoring Systems are computing machine systems designed for support and betterment of acquisition and learning procedure in the sphere cognition. Even though Intelligent Tutoring Systems began with Computer-Aided Instruction ( CAI ) , they differ from them in some ways. First, the interfaces, in CAIs, are of all time inactive for each pupil and the information presented to each pupil is precisely the same for all the clip ( as cited in Mitrovic et al. , 2007 ) Harmonizing to Koedinger et Al. ( 1995 ) , ITSs use the cognition for pedagogical procedure so that the system tries to find what the pupil knows or does non cognize. Contrary to ITSs, CAIs have premises about what the pupil knows. Therefore, the same course of study is presented to pupils in CAIs, even though the predating cognition is necessity for a pupil. The other difference between them, harmonizing to Koedinger et Al. ( 1995 ) , is with the feedback system. Some CAIs have the capableness of inquiring inquiries to pupils. However the feedback system of them is limited to indicant of whether the pupil reply was right or incorrect, merely. ITSs, on the other manus, attempt to find the pupils ‘ failings on a subject utilizing the sphere and pupil theoretical account as shall be depicted in subdivision 4 below. Most Computer-Based Instructional ( CBI ) applications and systems, including ITS, still shack chiefly on the desktop. Harmonizing to Eamon ( 2004 ) , ITS have been shown to be extremely successful in bettering pupil acquisition in the schoolroom. When ITS is integrated into school course of study, pupils use the coachs during school hours in computing machine labs and schoolrooms. The enlargement of the desktop ITS to the nomadic learning universe of Mobile will, doubtless, supply great benefit for pupils and instructors likewise. A nomadic intelligent coach has the possible to present the important advantages of intelligent tutoring systems to a broad audience of scholars and spread out coach usage to exterior of computing machine labs and schoolrooms therefore supplying robust and flexible acquisition chances to pupils â€Å" anyplace †and â€Å" anytime †( Farooq etal, 2002 ) . It will besides be of aid for pupils on the move such as nomads who may non acquire adequate human tutoring in category besides heightening student-centred acquisition.4. How Intelligent Tutoring Systems WorkITS for mathematical jobs was planned and designed to ease pupils in acquisition and name on pupil ‘s mistakes and efficaciously generate accounts for those mistakes ( Burns, Capps, 1988 ) and offer a pupil monitoring system that includes learning advancemen t and relevant statistical informations. The end of ITS is to supply the benefits of one-on one direction automatically and be efficaciously. Like any other preparation simulations, ITS enables participants to pattern their accomplishments by transporting out undertakings within extremely synergistic acquisition environments. However, ITS goes beyond developing simulations by replying user inquiries and supplying individualised aid. Unlike other computer-based preparation engineerings, ITS systems gauge each scholar ‘s actions within these synergistic environments and develop a theoretical account of their cognition, accomplishments, and expertness. Based on the scholar theoretical account, ITSs tailor instructional schemes, in footings of both the content and manner, and supply accounts, intimations, illustrations, presentations, and pattern jobs as needed ( James and Sowmya, 2007 )Intelligent Tutoring SystemStudent ModelExpert ModelEnvironmentInterfaceDirection ModelFigure 4.1 Intelligent Tutoring System ModelIntelligent tutoring systems have their foundation in the unreal intelligence, more specifically adept systems, and computing machine assisted direction subjects. Burns et Al. ( 1988 ) depict the â€Å" intelligence †of this package as the aggregation of the five subsystems shown in F igure 4.1 above. The first is an adept theoretical account stand foring the sphere cognition or capable affair expertness. This cognition comprises the apprehension of the capable affair that an expert has in the tutored country i.e. adept theoretical account merely represents the expert cognition and the ability to work out jobs within a sphere. The 2nd theoretical account is the pupil ‘s. This theoretical account represents the cognition, accomplishments, behavior and other properties of a pupil larning the sphere. This theoretical account let the ITS know who it ‘s learning ( James et al. , 2007 ) and tries to find pupil ‘s mental provinces. This faculty generates the pupil theoretical account with all information about the single scholar. It provides the information such that what the pupil knows or does non cognize, any misconceptions, grade of forgetfulness, concluding accomplishments etc. ( Korhan, 2006 ) The 3rd is the direction theoretical account, which is responsible for acknowledging pupil input and reacting to student actions i.e. enables the ITS to cognize how to learn, by encoding instructional schemes used by the tutoring system. The teacher theoretical account selects the most appropriate instructional intercession based on the cognition of a pupil ‘s accomplishments, strengths and failings, participant expertness degrees, and pupil acquisition manners. Additionally, the teacher theoretical account may besides take subjects, simulations, and examples that address the pupil ‘s competency spreads. It is besides known as pedagogical or coach faculty ( Martin, 2001 ) The 4th is the instructional environment or sphere that provides support to the scholar. It consists of the activity and tools, and to some widen the state of affairs, provided by the system to ease acquisition. The last constituent is the interface, an indispensable constituent that provides the agencies by which the user can pass on with the system. It is the integrating of the theoretical accounts that separate ITS engineering from other signifiers of computer-aided direction ( Heffernan, Koedinger and Aleven, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to Trojahn et Al. ( 2002 ) , ITS have the informative attack in which direction is understood to be the transmittal of cognition necessitating the teacher/instructor to supervise the pupil invariably, particularly in the job work outing procedures. It takes into history the capacity for acquisition and the cognition of the pupil in that topic. ITS ‘s are adapted to each pupil by agencies of their diagnostic accomplishments which examine the pupil ‘s cognition and the structuring and presentation of cognition. They besides make usage of a assortment of techniques to keep the user ‘s attending ( equated to human coach motive ) and ease the transmittal of the coveted cognition. Intelligent developing systems besides portion this attack, although in these instances the procedures are aimed more towards specific job resolution activities. The coach guides the direction procedure harmonizing to traditional patterns ( UPGRADE, 2002 ) . Knowledge is a cardinal to intelligent behaviour and, hence, ITSs are said to be knowledge-based because they have: ( I ) sphere cognition, ( two ) cognition about learning rules and about methods for using those rules, and ( three ) cognition about methods and techniques for pupil mold ( S. Stankov et al. , 2007 ) It is of import to observe that ITS is an interdisciplinary field that investigates how to invent educational systems that provide direction tailored to the demands of single scholars, as many good instructors do ( Conati et al. , 2002 ) There are three types of cognition that an intelligent coach ( human or unreal ) needs to hold to be able to help pupil acquisition: ( I ) cognition about the mark instructional sphere, ( two ) cognition about the pupil, and ( three ) cognition about the relevant pedagogical/instructional schemes.5. Mobile Intelligent Tutoring SystemHarmonizing to Brown ( 2009 ) , Mobile ITSs have non received extended research. There has been small research aimed at placing how to accommodate the desktop coachs and which facets of the coach to alter, as facets of desktop coachs require alteration for nomadic device content bringing. The bringing of ITSs on nomadic devices in Kenya has the possible to supply the important advantages of intelligent tutoring systems to a wider audience of scholars therefore assisting in bridging the digital divide. Some secondary schools provide Internet and computing machine entree to pupils but a deeper appraisal reveals that the presence of engineering does non compare to effectual usage of the engineering ( Yong et al, 2006 ) . Among the several factors impeding usage is the student-to-computer ratio in schools. For those schools with computing machines, it is reported that no school has one computing machine for each pupil with the lowest computer-to-student ratio being about 3-to-1 ( Christopher et al, 2007 ) . On the other manus, about all pupils can entree the nomadic phones doing it possible for schools to do usage of handheld calculating to organize engineering usage between place and school for the pupils. This tendency is besides nailing of the possible that nomadic and hand-held devices have to present a one-to-one calculating solution to the instruction community ( Quinn, 2000 ) . By utilizing nomadic devices, schools without the fiscal resources to put in and keep big computing machine labs can hold the ability to supply scholars with ITS engineering. One singular virtue is that pupils can easy transport the coachs between place and school besides sharing the nomadic ITSs between pupils in the same school therefore enabling ‘everywhere ‘ and ‘anytime ‘ acquisition ( Facer, Faux, McFarlane, 2005 ) . The portability of nomadic ITSs extends coach usage to exterior of computing machine labs and traditional schoolrooms, thereby supplying flexible larning chances to pupils at place, after school, and in other locations ( Vahey et Al, 2004 ) . With the promotion of nomadic device engineering, there is besides the possibility for nomadic ITSs to put to death as standalone applications, as opposed to client-server web based, thereby extinguishing the demand for an Internet connexion, either wired or radio. Harmonizing to the research conducted by Brown ( 2009 ) to find whether nomadic intelligent tutoring system provide larning additions greater than standard instructional activities, it was found out that pupils utilizing the tutoring status did see an addition in post-test public presentation greater than pupils that did non utilize the coach ( utilizing paper and pencil ) . As a consequence, it can be concluded that a nomadic ITS can supply larning additions greater than standard direction.6. Related WorkIn the early 1970s a few research workers defined a new end for computer-based direction. They adopted the human coach as their educational theoretical account and sought to use unreal intelligence techniques to recognize this theoretical account in â€Å" intelligent †computer- based direction. Personal human coachs provide a extremely efficient larning environment ( Cohen and Kulik, 1982 ) and have been estimated to increase average achievement results by every bit much as two Intelligent Tutoring Systems standard divergences ( Bloom, 1984 ) . The end of ITSs would be to prosecute the pupils in sustained logical thinking activity and to interact with the pupil based on a deep apprehension of the pupils ‘ behaviour. From 1990s, research on teaching method in the mathematics recognized that pupils learn mathematics more efficaciously, if the traditional acquisition of expressions and processs is supplemented with the possibility to research a wide scope of jobs and job state of affairss through ITS ( Schoenfeld, 1990 ) . In peculiar, the international comparative survey of mathematics learning ( Baumert et al. , 1997 ) , has shown that learning with an orientation towards active job work outing outputs better larning consequences in the sense that the acquired cognition is more readily available and applicable particularly in new contexts and that a contemplation about the job work outing activities and methods outputs a deeper apprehension and better public presentation. Harmonizing to James and Sowmya ( 2006 ) , Carnegie Learning developed a suite of ITSbased â€Å" cognitive coachs †in secondary-level mathematics. The systems, based on earlier research carried out by John Anderson and Ken Koedinger at Carnegie Mellon University, were tested in selected secondary school and pupils showed 50- to 100-percent betterment in job resolution and usage of equations, tabular arraies, and graphs. Eric and Jorg ( 2003 ) developed ActiveMath ITS used in job resolution, rule-based systems, cognition representation, user mold, adaptative systems and adaptative hyper-media, and diagnosing. ALEKS ( Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces ) is an on-line ITS aimed at tutoring Geometry and Business Mathematics classs ( Anderson, Reder, Simon, 1996 ) . It is web based and therefore requires Internet connexion for it to be accessed. MathITS ( Korhan, 2006 ) is an Intelligent Tutoring System for mathematics instruction at undergraduate and graduate degree and employs the conceptual map mold technique ( Hwang, 2003 ) . It is a student-centred system, which supports synergistic acquisition.7. Challenges Faced in Developing Mobile ITS Applications for Mathematics TutoringIt is easier said than done for teachers, school decision makers, and even parents to see nomadic devices as being utile for educational intents because they have been predominately used for societal intents including phone communicating and text messaging. The current educational system produces lesson programs, larning activities, and appraisals based upon traditional educational theoretical accounts. However, the debut of nomadic devices enables pupils to interact and join forces with one another in ways non antecedently realized. Therefore, teachers must now find how to plan lessons and activities structured around this mobility and accurately q uantify the consequences of the usage of the engineering. The usage of nomadic devices besides raises inquiries that relate to the execution of the engineering, viz. the hardware and package. Previous tests of nomadic larning applications reveal that concerns sing device ownership, battery life, and web connectivity can greatly impact the acquisition results of pupils ( Facer, Faux, and McFarlane, 2005 ) . While these issues may be viewed by some as policy instead than research, it can be argued that an apprehension of these issues could supply information to inform the design of the applications themselves. For illustration, cognizing that pupils may non hold dependable Internet connexions may do a interior decorator to make a standalone application or one that requires periodic synchronism for it to work decently. Interestingly, research workers implementing and proving nomadic larning applications have noted that there is possible for nomadic larning applications to be alongside traditional instructional tools ( Vahey et al. , 2004 ) . While the usage of nomadic larning applications can be transformative, it is necessary to understand and see the bing acquisition environment in which it is intended. While there are surely cases in which a Mobile larning application can supply an experience non possible without the engineering ( Chen, Kao and Sheu, 2003 ) , it seems sensible, and even likely, that this engineering can co-exist and back up traditional paper-based methods. Representation of diagrams and limited sum of text poses a challenge. As a consequence, the teachers should make up one's mind on which content could best be presented in nomadic device. The diagrams representation is limited by screen size.8. DecisionMobile ITS execution will assist to better mathematics public presentation in Kenya Secondary schools. However, certain research countries such as its development, statute law issues, interface, instruction and acquisition schemes and architecture ( hardware and package ) should be addressed in order to recognize the benefits of Mobile ITS. By so making, Kenya will tout of m-Learning and therefore will make more pupils assisting to bridge the digital divide spread.
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