Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Intellectual Beauty
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Let's find out if you're on the right track†¦ * * * Home > SparkNotes > Poetry Study Guides > Shelley’s Poetry > â€Å"Hymn to Intellectual Beauty†contents * Context * Analysis * Themes, Motifs & Symbols * Summary and Analysis * â€Å"Hymn to Intellectual Beauty†* â€Å"Ozymandias†* â€Å"England in 1819†* â€Å"Ode to the West Wind†* â€Å"The Indian Serenade†* â€Å"To a Skylark†* Study Questions * Further Reading * How to Cite This SparkNote sparknotes Shelleyâ₠¬â„¢s Poetry Percy Bysshe Shelley Get this SparkNote to go! lt; Previous Section Themes, Motifs & Symbols Next Section > â€Å"Ozymandias†â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€Å"Hymn to Intellectual Beauty†Summary The speaker says that the shadow of an invisible Power floats among human beings, occasionally visiting human heartsâ€â€manifested in summer winds, or moonbeams, or the memory of music, or anything that is precious for its mysterious grace. Addressing this Spirit of Beauty, the speaker asks where it has gone, and why it leaves the world so desolate when it goesâ€â€why human hearts can feel such hope and love when it is present, and such despair and hatred when it is gone. He asserts that religious and superstitious notionsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ Demon, Ghost, and Heaven†â€â€are nothing more than the attempts of mortal poets and wise men to explain and express their responses to the Spirit of Beauty, which alone, the speaker says, can give â€Å"grace and truth to life’s unquiet dream. †Love, Hope, and Self-Esteem come and go at the whim of the Spirit, and if it would only stay in the human heart forever, instead of coming and going unpredictably, man would be â€Å"immortal and omnipotent. The Spirit inspires lovers and nourishes thought; and the speaker implores the spirit to remain even after his life has ended, fearing that without it death will be â€Å"a dark reality. †The speaker recalls that when he was a boy, he â€Å"sought for ghosts,†and traveled through caves and forests looking for â€Å"the departed dead†; but only when the Spirit’s shadow fell across himâ€â€as he mused â€Å"deeply on the lot / Of life†outdoors in the springâ€â€did he experience transcendence. At that moment, he says, â€Å"I shrieked, and clasped my hands in ecstasy! †He then vowed that he would dedicate his life to the Spirit of Beauty; now he asserts that he has kept his vowâ€â€every joy he has ever had has been linked to the hope that the â€Å"awful Loveliness†would free the world from slavery, and complete the articulation of his words. The speaker observes that after noon the day becomes â€Å"more solemn and serene,†and in autumn there is a â€Å"lustre in the sky†which cannot be found in summer. The speaker asks the Spirit, whose power descended upon his youth like that truth of nature, to supply â€Å"calm†to his â€Å"onward life†â€â€the life of a man who worships the Spirit and every form that contains it, and who is bound by the spells of the Spirit to â€Å"fear himself, and love all humankind. †Form Each of the seven long stanzas of the â€Å"Hymn to Intellectual Beauty†follows the same, highly regular scheme. Each line has an iambic rhythm; the first four lines of each stanza are written in pentameter, the fifth line in hexameter, the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh lines in tetrameter, and the twelfth line in pentameter. The syllable pattern for each stanza, then, is 555564444445. ) Each stanza is rhymed ABBAACCBDDEE. Commentary This lyric hymn, written in 1816, is Shelley’s earliest focused attempt to incorporate the Romantic ideal of communion with nature into his own aesthetic philosophy. The â€Å"Inte llectual Beauty†of the poem’s title does not refer to the beauty of the mind or of the working intellect, but rather to the intellectual idea of beauty, abstracted in this poem to the â€Å"Spirit of Beauty,†whose shadow comes and goes over human hearts. The poem is the poet’s exploration both of the qualities of beauty (here it always resides in nature, for example), and of the qualities of the human being’s response to it (â€Å"Love, Hope, and Self-esteem†). The poem’s process is doubly figurative or associative, in that, once the poet abstracts the metaphor of the Spirit from the particulars of natural beauty, he then explains the workings of this Spirit by comparing it back to the very particulars of atural beauty from which it was abstracted in the first place: â€Å"Thy light alone, like mist o’er mountains driven†; â€Å"Love, Hope, and Self-esteem, like clouds depart†¦ †This is an inspired technique, for it enables Shelley to illustrate the stunning experience of natural beauty time and again as the poem progresses, but to push the particulars into the background, so that the focus of the poem is always on the Spirit, the abstract intellectual ideal that the speaker clai ms to serve. Of course Shelley’s atheism is a famous part of his philosophical stance, so it may seem strange that he has written a hymn of any kind. He addresses that strangeness in the third stanza, when he declares that names such as â€Å"Demon, Ghost, and Heaven†are merely the record of attempts by sages to explain the effect of the Spirit of Beautyâ€â€but that the effect has never been explained by any â€Å"voice from some sublimer world. †The Spirit of Beauty that the poet worships is not supernatural, it is a part of the world. It is not an independent entity; it is a responsive capability within the poet’s own mind. If the â€Å"Hymn to Intellectual Beauty†is not among Shelley’s very greatest poems, it is only because its project falls short of the poet’s extraordinary powers; simply drawing the abstract ideal of his own experience of beauty and declaring his fidelity to that ideal seems too simple a task for Shelley. His most important statements on natural beauty and on aesthetics will take into account a more complicated idea of his own connection to nature as an expressive artist and a poet, as we shall see in â€Å"To a Skylark†and â€Å"Ode to the West Wind. Nevertheless, the â€Å"Hymn†remains an important poem from the early period of Shelley’s maturity. It shows him working to incorporate Wordsworthian ideas of nature, in some ways the most important theme of early Romanticism, into his own poetic project, and, by connecting his idea of beauty to his idea of human religion, making that theme explicitly his own. < Previous Section Themes, Mot ifs & Symbols Next Section > â€Å"Ozymandias†Become a fan on Facebook       Follow us on Twitter Help | Feedback More Help Ask Miss Marm Help with grammar, writing, and your papers Shelley's Poetry Message Board Ask a question or post an answer. 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Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Hugo Cabret Movie vs. Book
In The Invention of Hugo Cabret vs. Hugo, the element of character relationships in the book and the movie are developed very differently. One example of this would be the addition of completely new characters in the movie that were not in the book at all. The director, Martin Scorsese, creates new characters, which add and build upon the relationships and add side stories to the plot line. Instead of cutting some of the plot as adaptations usually do, the film actually added additional story lines (Lee).He adds the characters in the train station with the dachshunds that create a romantic vignette in the movie that was not in the book. The director also creates the girl at the flower shop that ends up in a romantic relationship with the Station Inspector. In addition, the relationship between the Station Inspector and Hugo differed as the Inspector is much more present in the movie than in the book. There are more scenes depicting the Station Inspector chasing Hugo in the movie for dramatic effect. Scorsese also adds drama by including the Station Inspector's menacing dog in the chase scenes.Specific to the movie, the Inspector has a metal prosthetic leg, which provides a vulnerability that he seems to be overcompensating for with his intimidating exterior. The character differences between the book and the movie could be due to the desire of the director wanting to add his own insight and personal elements to the story rather than using Brian Selznick's literal interpretation. Since the media forms of literature and film have different interpretive elements they must be presented differently.For instance, in the movie Scorsese adds more dramatic effects by providing additional character relationships and plotlines. Also, since the movie is targeted towards all audiences, he includes the element of romance with his character relationships in order to appeal to the adult audience. Another character relationship to be noted would be the relationship between Hugo and the automaton. Even though it is an inanimate object, Hugo clearly forms a relationship with this machine as it is the only part of his father he has left.Hugo is very determined to repair the automaton as he believes his father may have left him a message through it, which gives him hope and the desire to fix it. Hugo takes great care of the automaton and in the film he carries it like a baby because he cares for it so much. Since his father’s death, Hugo has been left with no family therefore the automaton almost becomes his family as it meant so much to his father. Both appealing in their own forms of media, the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret and the movie Hugo have several contrasting elements, which provide unique depictions of the same story.
Monday, July 29, 2019
An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore
Al Gores documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, Last winter, it was so warm. It was the time when I could feel that global warming is coming to the world. My friends and other people had a big curiosity that winter was not so cold as usual temperature because the rivers in Korea were not freezing well last year and there were lack of days when we could see the snowy weather. I started to feel that the earth is getting warmer and warmer and have a concern about our earth’s problem as a student who is majoring sustainability studies. With this existing condition, much news about global warming came out let people know about why the earth is getting warm and how to prevent this situation. However, both scholars and people have a different view of whether global warming is still exist or not. The biggest reason why global warming became hot issue is because of the documentary movie, namely an Inconvenient Truth, 2006. It ranks top3 documentary; I have watched it 3 times including our class time, also it was released to Korean theater for a short time because those who care of environmental issue are not so many. An inconvenient truth is the movie having the lecture from Albert Arnold Gore Jr. who was the vice president of America. He referred his teacher, child and sister while making a progress of his lecture. He has given a similar presentation over 100 times, it deserves to catch audiences’ eyes. He didn’t miss to give a humor like he introduced himself as Al Gore who might almost become a president with a bitter laugh,. He was becoming serious by showing the graph of air temperature and density of CO2 gas which was measured by his teacher; it seemed they have a big relationship between them. Every graph which he shows was amazing and enough to give a shock to audiences. The density of CO2 gas in the air had been stable over thousands years, of course there were a few fluctuations, but recently the status of the CO2 density is climbing steeply; it hasn’t had the same status before. It is enough for audiences to be eye-catching. The thing making us more surprised was the evidences of global warming. The pictures comparing the same place by having a time gap gave me astonishment such as Mt. Kilimanjaro, Patagonia highland and Mt. Everest. The areas where usually get snow have diminished, a lot of icebergs has been melting. It means the length and quantity of the icebergs get smaller than before. Then, he put more words after the pictures like some parts in the earth will be enunciated because of the water from melted icebergs and showed us the simulation of the tragic future. He gave a story of his sister who was died as a lung cancer due to cigarette. By doing so, it made him remind of that the company of cigarette had denied that cigarette has nothing to do with the cause of lung cancer but it is proved that it is not true. Now everyone knows that cigarette is big cause of the cancer. Then, he showed many pictures of the sudden changes of the earth like north pole, Alaska, Greenland and Amazon. The image of a polar bears searching for the ice flakes looks like out tragic life; they cannot find an ice where makes stable life to them by giving the spaces stepping on an ice. It means they are losing their spaces they live as the same with our spaces where will sink soon. If we can be sure global warming one hundred percent, do you think it is the human’s responsibility? Al Gore showed the persuasive graph of relationship between CO2 gas and temperature through the result of analyzing north pole’s sample in iceberg. It had never gone up over 300ppm for CO2 gas before, now it breaks a new record and would go over 400 or 500pppm in several years. It will bring about hot temperature because these green house gases will keep the heat energy which is supposed to go out of the earth. Someone says that the reason why the earth’s temperature is getting higher is due to the active activity of sunspot; many sunspots show that it is the time for sun to act very actively so it gives more radiation out of sun. Of course, it could make the earth get hotter. However, in the trustworthy journal, the activity of sun improves 0. 2 ~ 0. 4 percent, this could make an impact to get the temperature hot during centuries. However, it cannot explain the sudden improving rate, 0. 8 percent, in 20 century. Also, it doesn’t explain this situation that this situation is getting accelerated. There is an inconvenient point in the movie â€Å"an inconvenient truth†. First of all, the cause of the rise of sea level is not explained properly. It usually occurs because of temperature rising of sea making water swell. Originally the bond in ice is so strong making it compact each other, by getting heated the molecules in water become free to move, they have more space and mobility. However, this documentary movie shows the reality to us. The temperature change due to global has already become an inconvenient reality. Inland starts to make lots of dust as higher temperature makes it drier. It’s the reality for us to close up our mouth with a mast while roaming around. Many medias have still informed that both global warming and climate change are the scientific point of view but there is so specific answer of this. However, most scientists agree that there is global warming and it has a lot of things to do with human beings’ responsibility. Now it is not a stage where we have to debate whether this is global warming or not. We should adjust to the changing climate, put effort to give a solution to reduce green house gases. This has already become big social, political and economical problem getting out of scientific issue. This An Inconvenient Truth would be not knowable truth to someone but for the others they should know about that. It is the fact for us to realize that we should change something right now; we need to start to change our way of living by looking back ourselves’ life. Like Al gore’s argument, it could not disappear as it is not easily seen for us. Much bigger the importance of our environment is as we ignore more. The main convict and victim are us, so we need to know how much products we should buy, how much electricity we use, what kind of car we drive and how we deal with this situation then we can live well off in this earth
What Are the Distinct Marks of Catholic Anglicanism Essay
What Are the Distinct Marks of Catholic Anglicanism - Essay Example The designation seems to date from 1838 at the University of Oxford toward the beginning of the movement centered on restoring the Caroline Divines' 17th-century High Church ideals through a Catholic revival in the Church of England (Nockles, P.1994:270). Catholic Anglicanism professes a high doctrine of the Church and Sacraments, ascribes great significance to the apostolic succession (meaning an episcopal lineage reaching back to the apostles), argues for the Anglican Confession's clear-cut historical continuity with the early Church in the first centuries of the Christian era, and, finally, defends the crucial autonomy of the Church from any undue interference of the State. Toward the end of the late 1820s into the early 1830s, Oriel College in Oxford harbored a number of quite erudite young fellows whose earnest concerns about the shortcomings of the 19th-century Church of England led them to unite with each other together with a slightly-older priest and professor of poetry at the college, John Keble, in commitment to renewal of the church (Chadwick, O.1990:135). On 14 July 1833 at Oxford, John Keble preached the Assize Sermon, officially directed to the judges and officers of the civil and criminal courts at the outset of a new session or assize (Cross, F. L. and Livingstone, E.A.1997:1205). The sermon entitled National Apostasy virtually indicted the English nation for slighting God by trying to run the Church as a mere branch of the government, rather than respect its mission as an emissary of God, independent of the legislative interference of a parliament composed of Anglican laymen (Reed, J.S.1996:8). Keble's delivery provoked a national uproar, marking a significant juncture in the erstwhile beginnings of the spiritual renewal known as the Oxford or Tractarian Movement - Tractarian, since the movement was to be further energized by a series of ninety Tracts, in leaflets as well as much lengthier treatises or catenae, published over the course of the next eight years (Reed, J.S.1996:8). Oriel was the highly intellectual College of the Anglican-operated University of Oxford which prepared the vast majority of clergy to serve in the Church of England. John Henry Newman, Vicar of the University Church, Richard Hurrell Froude, a junior fellow of Oriel, and William Palmer, a fellow of Worcester, joined with the aforementioned priest and professor, John Keble, to follow up his clearly-provocative challenge to the status quo with a succession of Tracts for the Times (Herring, G. 2002:25). Several historical factors contributed to the movement's immediate popularity and growth. In the wake of the Industrial Revolution, the Church in the 19th Century faced serious problems over the emergence of wretched pockets of urban poverty, as well as increasingly cavalier attitudes toward the faith in the face of secular perspectives on human advancement (Scudder, V.D. 1898). In the field of social justice, the Tractarian leaders thoroughly repudiated any compartmentalizing of spirituality and conceived of religion as asserting dominion over the whole of life. In the name of the Catholic faith, they roundly condemned the veritable worship of material things that came in as a by-product of the Industrial Revolution. (Kenyon, R.1933:). The steady weakening of Church life and the spread of Liberalism in theology prompted serious worries among the English clergy. More immediately, a threat to Anglican identity emerged from the abrupt removal of long-standing criteria for service in state office and the repeal the last of the Penal Laws with discriminatory practices (Cross, F. L.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Language of Health Informatics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Language of Health Informatics - Essay Example Practically, a hospital database, for our purposes, is the collection of patient forms, only more organized and in electronic form. These two advantages, organization and accessibility, allow appropriate medical attention to be given faster, despite turnover of health care providers. For a former patient allergic to aspirin, rushed again to the hospital for his sudden blood pressure elevation, even if the nurses and doctors who attended to him are not part of the hospital already, the current HCPs will know they must provide non-aspirin medications. So going back to the original question, imagine as if you’re interviewing the patient again, what would be the usual questions you would ask him? Probably the complaint (why is the patient currently admitted?), the history of the complaint (i.e., Is this reoccurring?), and the past medical history (what other medical conditions did the patient have?). In addition, it is also important to note the medical history of the patients family. The contact details of the patient, as well as its closest family member should also be indicated in the database. As mentioned above, the accessibility of hospital databases serves to facilitate communication among HCPs or hospitals. The terminology, coding and standardization are thus important so that the hospitals can understand one another (Blair, 1999). For example, if the normal levels of substance A is 1-5 mg/ml for hospital A but 1-10 mg/ml for hospital B, then normal patients from hospital B may be getting treatment from hospital A if he/she is admitted to it. In addition, there must be universal identifier standards. This facilitates getting appropriate and adequate information from the database, This is especially important in life-threatening cases. For patient identifier, one option is the social security system (SSS) number, a unique one given to each citizen. However, the use of SSS number is open to violations of confidentiality because other institutions
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Working Environment and Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Working Environment and Family - Essay Example The key issue that has been addressed in this book is the emergence of increase in number of working women, who have mostly young children. The relationship of working mothers in this hair-pulling environment to justify between workload and family responsibilities is the main area of discussion. Different types of social parameters have analyzed to get the gist of this social problem. Parameters includes the rate of poverty per family, low birth weight incidences, pregnancies in teen ages, abortions ratio, mortality rates particularly among young children and infants and the result of eight-graders particularly in mathematics and science. Why are private solutions inadequate to address the work/family needs of Americans Americans, both males and females are moving towards working environment. No matter multi national corporations, Non-governmental organizations, Food chains, departmental stores or any other. The imbalance has visibly seen among all the fields if, we closely observe the work/family needs of all Americans. This issue has not been identified or noticed by the employers. Mostly the solutions offered by most of the private companies are not pro-employee rather they are more focused towards productivity or company demands.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Criminology - Essay Example In fact, crime is a social construct that helps to identify the cultures values, mores and the acceptable behavior within the society. Mertons theory says that society shapes the way people are to act and appear within certain confines. He says that aspiration is very important to the achievement in people and that society determines how people should aspire to their goals. He suggests that anomie in society creates a link between how people place emphasis on aspirations and the "levels of emphasis" they place on these aspirations (Davis, 2005). Merton says that crime is not a positive aspect of society and that it does not help it. Instead, crime is an example of how poorly a society is organized. When examining these theories it is very easy to see what Merton is talking about when you look at crime in the United States. There are a number of people who aspire to the goal of attaining wealth or some level of comfort. They have prescribed to the need to take care of their homes and families and they have good jobs that support their ends. However, there is a large group of society who does not have access to good jobs or to wealth. They live in poverty or they are homeless. Still others are involved with crime because this is the "easiest way" in their minds to create the money they need for their basic needs or to acquire wealth. They do not prescribe to societys social order but instead make rules of their own. One of the greatest reasons why this happens is because the basic needs have not been met by a society that is more influenced by power and achievement than it is on making sure that all citizens achieve. According to Derkheim (1897): No living being can be happy or even exist unless his needs are sufficiently proportioned to his means. In other words, if his needs require more than can be granted, or even merely something of a different sort, they will be under continual friction and can only function painfully. Movements incapable
Thursday, July 25, 2019
AN ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORLD BANK AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - Essay Example development, namely, means for a long and a healthy life, access to education and access to physical resources which help in a better sustenance of life (Sagar & Najam, 1997, p. 250). Human development thus, is multidimensional in nature, which is automatically served out of overall economic and social progress. The World Bank, however, had been actively involved in alleviating all elements which have been responsible for an underprivileged human life, through implementing investment projects in various aspects. Creation of the organization had been the consequence of the Bretton-Woods Commission held in 1944 following the World War II, to resolve issues such as financial insolvency arising out of depreciation in currency values. Developmental economics supports two approaches to prop up overall growth in an economy, namely, balanced and unbalanced. Though an external push is required in both the cases, in case of balanced growth, the effect is often considered to be a diluted one, which is why unbalanced growth is preferred more in nations suffering from a scarcity of resources.3 Unbalanced growth in fact, had been supported by a large number of economists. Rosenstein Rodan, the proponent of Big Push theory established the importance of unbalanced growth which he regarded to be essential f or the developing nations to break out of the low level equilibrium trap, i.e., for economies which did not have high growth potentials. These investments however, were emphasized for industrial or infrastructural development, which is considered as a fundamental area which can trigger economic growth. But given the lack of investible resources, it was not possible for the national governments themselves to carry on with their investments; in fact they had to seek the help of international organizations like the World Bank which were responsible for resource mobilization activities. The bank established in 1944, had been involved in such development activities hitherto, which
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
History of Western Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
History of Western Art - Essay Example athedrals, the traditional basilican form which has a central nave flanked with by a twin tower in its exterior an an entrance adored with lavish structures and stained glass window. This era of architecture developed in four stages: early gothic, lancet gothic, rayonnant gothic and late gothic. In early gothic, the use of pointed vaults like in the Notre Dame of Paris developed. Pointed arches evident in the Bourges Cathedral developed during the Lancet period while in the rayonnant era, structures where usually made of glass with a thin skeletal masonry frame. An example is the Saint Chapelle of Paris. The late gothic style is also known as the flamboyant style because of its form of suggesting flames in their structure. An example of this is the Church of Saint Maclou in France. Gothic architecture also spread out of France to other European countries like Italy, Germany and England. The Milan Cathedral in Italy is a perfect example of this style where it is of a classical basis characterized of a vast span and simple arches. In Germany, gothic structures are evident in the Cologne Cathedral which is built on bricks rather than stone. Their style is greatly influenced by France’s gothic structures. The structures in England were subdivided into three stages that is the early English, the decorated style and the perpendicular style. The English style developed in the 12th to the 13th century and is influenced by the Norman architecture. An example of this is the Lincoln Cathedral and the Salisbury Cathedral. The decorated style flourished during the 13th to the 14th century while the perpendicular style developed in the 14th to the 16th century was predominated with vertical lines. A perfect sample is the cathedral located in Gloucester and the King’s College Chapel in Cambridge. Synthesizing, gothic architecture has three distinctive characteristics that are structures with pointed arches, flying buttresses and ribbed vaults that help support the ceiling
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Legal and Regulatory Considerations in IT Security Research Paper
Legal and Regulatory Considerations in IT Security - Research Paper Example In the US, data laws used in one state are not necessarily similar to those used in an independent state. Correspondingly, data laws used in the US states are not exactly similar to those used in other nations like Britain or Canada. Technically, laws governing access and use of computerized information differ from one autonomous region to another. Succeeding sections of this paper contains a comparative analysis of data laws in Washington State, the EU, and Canada. Data privacy and encryption regulations in Washington State are covered under chapter 19, section 255 of the state’s laws. In Washington, private parties are protected by law against access and misappropriation of personal information by unauthorized parties. Washington laws define data and information as any software or hardware files, including but not limited to personal contact information, credit and debit card information, plus any encrypted business or personal documents (Lindsey & Smith, 2012). In Washington, breach of security and unauthorized access to confidential data and information constitutes acts of crime. In addition, unauthorized disclosure of personal or business information is prohibited by laws. Data owners must be informed by data controllers of any intention to disclose information prior to the disclosure (Lindsey & Smith, 2012). Persons guilty of data crimes include anyone involved in the assisting, facilitating or abetting of unauthorized access and m isappropriation of someone else information. Persons and companies found to violate these data laws are subject to remedial provisions and liabilities. One data law in Washington involves controlled misuse of unauthorized information. Unauthorized access to information, followed by subsequent viewing, circulation or sale of the information attracts economically reasonable compensations as damages. In Washington State, another law which seeks to minimize data misappropriation asserts that any unauthorized access
The Emergence of New Consumer Culture and Its Effect During the Turn-of-the-Century Essay Example for Free
The Emergence of New Consumer Culture and Its Effect During the Turn-of-the-Century Essay The Emergence of New Consumer Culture and Its Effect during the Turn-Of-The-Century Period People living in the period from the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century witnessed a huge industrial change in American society. This change led to the â€Å"opening up of huge factories, the development of electricity in the 1880s which augmented factories more than ever, the revolution in mass communication, the invention of telephone, the construction of railroads, the incredible rise of population with the rushing of immigrants into this country†(Cassuto and Eby, 2004, p. -3). More importantly, this turn-of-the-century period marked the emergence and the development of mass production and consumption, which was considered as a new kind of culture that bore fantasy to many people, especially women of all different classes, at that time. Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945), an American novelist, and Kathy Peiss, a history professor at University of Pennsylvania, are both interested in this aspect of change in the society. As a result, they both published works to depict the inner lives of Americans in response to this change. Sister Carrie and Cheap Amusements are two best representations for their works. Interestingly, through reading those two novels, readers can easily tell that both Dreiser and Peiss pay more attention to young working class women when examining the new consumer culture. Sister Carrie is a novel written by Theodore Dreiser and published in 1900. Through this novel, he told readers a story about a girl named Carrie Meeber who was born into a poor family and came to Chicago to make her American dreams come true. There, she stepped into a struggle in the society where people’s social statuses were recognized through the items they had on themselves. It can be said that consumerism developed and played an important key in each of the American life from the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century. It cannot be denied that mass consumerism is a good indicator of the development of the industry of the country; however, consumerism indirectly makes the gap between the rich and the poor become much bigger. Production of goods definitely needs consumers. But not everybody can afford those goods. Consequently, just by looking at these goods, people could distinguish the poor from the rich and vice versa. In other words, social classes at that time were categorized based on material things. Coming from a small rural town and a poor family, the young girl Carrie was totally fantasized by the mass consumerism world she was entering in. There, she got the chance that she never had before to experience what the modern American culture looked like. Specifically, she got the chance to see what were called â€Å"genuine†products such as â€Å"real†shoes, â€Å"real†bags, and â€Å"real†clothes. Of course, she knew that these products were totally different from her outfit on her way to Chicago that â€Å"consisted of a small trunk, a cheap imitation alligator-skin satchel, a small lunch in a paper box, and a yellow leather snap purse†(Dreiser, 1982, p. 3). And just like any other young poor girls, Carrie could not resist the temptations coming from these â€Å"genuine†products. She felt jealous of higher class women who could afford enticing objects that she always dreamt of. Those kinds of feelings provoked her endless human desires. When Carrie first came to Chicago and looked for a job in a department store, she was mesmerized by â€Å"the dainty slippers and stockings, the delicately frilled skirts and petticoats, the laces, ribbons, haircombs, purses†(Dreiser, 1982, p. 23). And even when her life got better, her obsession with clothing did not cease. Instead, it was built up: Fine clothes to her were a vast persuasion; they spoke tenderly and Jesuitically for themselves. When she came within earshot of their pleading, desire in her bent a willing ear. The voice of the so-called inanimate! Who shall translate for us the language of the stones? My dear,†said the lace collar she secured from the Partridge’s, â€Å"I fit you beautifully; don’t give me up. †â€Å"Ah, such little feet,†said the leather of the soft new shoes; â€Å"how effectively I cover them. What a pity they should ever want my aid. †(Dreiser, 1982, p. 106) In other words, it is the consumer culture that led Carrie to ambition for a luxurious life. The more the consumer culture developed, the more ambitious Carrie got. Indeed, Carrie left her sister, the only person she knew in Chicago to move in with Drout, a stranger she talked to in the street. The reason behind is that she got so tired of the life in which all the money she made was just merely enough to pay for the rent of her sister’s house. She could not even afford a pair of shoes for herself. She was unsatisfied with the life that suppressed her from good clothes and decided to challenge her fate. But Carrie refused to work hard; instead, she chose to use Drout as a tool for her to get things she wanted in life. Later, she was disappointed when she found out that Drout was not â€Å"genuinely†rich. She then got into an affair with Hurtswood, a married manager of a saloon in Chicago. She had high hopes that this guy could bring her a wealthy and stable life because Hurtswood did not look as â€Å"fake†as Drout. Unfortunately, one day Hurtswood collapsed. Carrie recognized that Hurtswood was not a reliable source of wealth for her anymore. She left him and continued her path of chasing after luxury by becoming an actress. So it can be concluded that Carrie manipulated both Drout and Hurtswood to climb up her life ladder. Here, Dreiser attacked on the materialism, the key character of this turn-of-the-century period. According to Dreiser, materialism destroyed what is called â€Å"humanity†at that time. Through the character Carrie, Dreiser indirectly criticized the society in which the mass production and consumption took control for bringing down the values of morality and ethics. He said, â€Å"not evil, but longing for that which is better, more often directs the steps of the erring. Not evil, but goodness often allures the feeling mind unused to reason†(Dreiser, 1982, p. 256). The â€Å"coldness†of the consumer culture is also represented through other characters in Sister Carrie. The revolution in industry and technology put pressure on each of the individual so that they had no choice but lived coldly and heartlessly. In order to survive, the relationship between family members, friends, and strangers meant nothing. Carrie’s sister and her husband took away almost all of the money Carrie earned to pay for the rent of their house. They did not even care about their younger sister when she left them and lived with a stranger. Meanwhile, to Hurtswood, his wife Julia was nothing more than a means of creating the illusion of a happy marriage, which in some ways consolidated his social status in front of other people. Another key feature of the consumer culture is that clothing was considered as an indispensable confidence booster. Carrie believed that material could bring her happiness. For an instance, Carrie assumed people living happily just by material things she saw: She imagined that across these richly carved entrance-ways, where the globed and crystalled lamps shone upon paneled doors set with stained and designed panes of glass, was neither care nor unsatisfied desire. She was perfectly certain that here was happiness. (Dreiser, 1982, p. 122) It can be inferred that in Carrie’s eyes, people without good clothes were living miserable lives. This explains for the fact that Carrie did not show any reluctance when she left her sister to move in with Drout or when she got into the affair with Hurtswood. Impressed by their appearances, Carrie regarded them as her superiors. In the first chapters of the novel, Dreiser carefully portrayed Drout in the way through which readers can easily recognize the impact it would leave upon Carrie: His suit was of a striped and crossed pattern of brown wool, new at that time, but since become familiar as a business suit. The low crotch of the vest revealed a stiff bosom of white and pink stripes (Dreiser, 1982, p. 4) Without this outfit, Drout would be nothing. Apparently, human values during that period were all about material things, especially clothing. In the consumer culture, clothing is the sign for not only for happiness but also beauty and success as well. Kathy Peiss, in her book Cheap Amusements, illustrates different forms of leisure activities of young working class women in New York from the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. Even though clothing and department stores are not as focused in this book as in Sister Carrie, Peiss is somehow still able to express her attitudes towards the rise of mass produced clothing. She shares Dreiser’s perspective in the sense that clothing characterizes identity, â€Å"It was in leisure that women played with identity, trying on new images and roles, appropriating the cultural forms around them clothing, music, language to push at the boundaries of immigrant, working-class life†(Peiss, p. 2). Just like Carrie, young working class women in Cheap Amusements believed that expensive clothes could really change their fates, at least making them feel like they belonged to a higher class and washing off the dirt coming from their poverty. Peiss wrote, â€Å"For newly arrived immigrants, changing one’s clothes was the first step in securing a new status in America†(Peiss, p. 63). Again, Peiss emphasizes on the strong correlation between the appear ance and social status in the consumer culture. In conclusion, both Dreiser and Peiss use their words to convey their disagreements about the American society during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Consumer culture, besides speeding up the development of the society at that time, caused people a lot of sufferings from their â€Å"unceasing voice of want†which dominated their â€Å"voice of conscience†in most cases. As a result, morality and ethics became overshadowed by materialism.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Role of family in health and disease Essay Example for Free
Role of family in health and disease Essay The good health of an individual primarily increases the longevity of an individual’s life. The sphere of health has increased far beyond the concept of health system of the previous generation, including exercise and well-being. In this context, autonomy means the right of the patient to choose the treatment that he believes is best for him. The intimate knowledge of the family regarding the individual aids the decision making process. When the individual is in poor health, his actions are limited thereby necessitating support from family and friends. Stress When there is a common problem creating stress, the whole family is stuck in a vicious cycle of negativity aggravating health related issues. When there is an increasing demand in the ability to cope, stress becomes a threat to the physical and emotional well-being of the others as well. Stress is a psychological and physiological response to events that cause personal imbalance in life. Prolonged exposure to stress increases the risk to health as stress is cumulative. Anything that forces one to adjust is a stressor. These include a divorce, a child leaving home, a planned pregnancy, a move to a new town, a career change, graduating process, diagnosis of a malignant disease. These events are rare occurrences in a lifetime. Therefore, analyzing further, we conclude that major stressors are the daily hassles and demands made on an individual.[i]            Family and relationships are the most common stressors, though environmental conditions can be strenuous. Arguments, financial conditions, marital disagreements, rebellious teens, or caring for a chronically ill family member or a child with special needs can increase stress levels of all the family members. Some of these situations have an impact on society. Therefore, poverty, financial pressures, racial and sexual discrimination or harassment, unemployment, isolation, and a lack of social support take a toll on the quality of life and become stressful to deal with. Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms[ii] Cognitive Symptoms Emotional Symptoms Memory problems Indecisiveness Inability to concentrate Poor judgment Anxious or racing thoughts Constant worrying Loss of objectivity Fearful anticipation Moodiness Agitation Restlessness Irritability, impatience Inability to relax Sense of loneliness and isolation Depression or general unhappiness Physical Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms Headaches or backaches Muscle tension and stiffness Diarrhea or constipation Nausea, dizziness Insomnia Chest pain, rapid heartbeat Weight gain or loss Skin breakouts (hives, eczema) Eating more or less Sleeping too much or too little Procrastination, neglecting responsibilities Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting,) Overdoing activities (e.g. exercising, shopping) Overreacting to unexpected problems  FAMILY STRESS Family stress is the imbalance between the demands of the family and its ability to cope. The way in which the family perceives the stressor explains the values and previous experiences of the family in meeting the crisis. The family is aided by resources like the external support provided by friends, colleagues and the community. The central mechanism through which the stress is eliminated or managed is â€Å"Coping†. The following elements that we consider are the individual family member, the family system, the community to which the family belongs. Problem Statement: Let us cite an example to prove that stress caused due to families will increase the health risk of all members. The concept of a broken family which is a major factor attributing to chronic stress will be examined in detail.            The root cause of poverty and income disparity is undeniably dependant on the presence or absence of the marriage. A married person remains influenced by factors that   inoculate that person against divorce. These include sharing a religious faith, getting married over the age of 25 and completing education. All of these factors lead to greater economic prosperity and remain a basis for good health. Broken families experience lower levels of educational achievement and therefore earn less. They pass on the prospect of meager incomes and family instability to the next generation. Broken families arise from divorce, cohabitation, out of Wedlock childbirth. Divorce The Monthly Vital Statistics report from the National centre for health statistics has stated that the growth in the number of children born into broken families in America has risen to 58 for every 100 born in 1992 from 12 for every 100 born in 1950.[iii] It directly reduces the prosperity of the family. It determines the length of the poverty spell and is the greatest threat to women from the lower income families. It reduces the likelihood of asset formation. â€Å"For a nuclear family, the family income averaged at $43,600, and when these same children lived with single parents, their family income is reduced to an average income of $25,300.[iv] It increases a mother’s financial responsibility. Divorce and additional work hours affect her network of support for parenting. These chronic stresses lead to physical and mental illness, addictions, even leading to suicide in some cases. There is a reduction in the educational accomplishments of the affected children.  Therefore, their probable prosperity level remains unachieved. There is a rise in the chance of a teenage pregnancy. The family and social stress weakens their psychological and physical health, and predisposes them to rapid initiation of sexual relationships and higher levels of marital instability. It raises the probability in boys never to marry.[v]. For the father, factors like increased financial responsibility, greater chances of cohabiting, decreasing parental influence, and addictions, decrease their performance at work. The relationship and work related stresses could trigger major health problems. Cohabitation These couples express uncertainty about their marriage together and are probable to divorce at a rate higher mainly due to their inability to commit. The present generation exhibit that sex, living arrangements and parenting depend less on marriage. 40% of the cohabiting couples have children, and 12% have had a biological child during cohabitation.[vi] 80 % of children who have lived with cohabiting parents will spend some of their childhood in a single-parent home.[vii] Cohabiting marks future weakness in the income gained by a nuclear family, tending to aggravate the social and economic stresses caused to the children. There is a growing acceptance of illicit relationships and premarital sex amongst children of the adolescence stage. This leads to increase in teenage pregnancy. The stress caused by the family coupled with stresses created by the society make it difficult for the children to cope with. They increase anxiety and temper related issues and mental stress. They tend to experience behavioral problems. Living together creates an imbalance in the emotional and financial security of an individual. These chronic stresses affect the health of the individual. Out-of-Wedlock            This situation derails progress towards achieving a stable family structure and good health. Most teenage mothers remain single parents[viii]. Their children spend more time in poverty and appalling living conditions in comparison to children from any other family structure. They manifest behavioral problems like anxiety, depression, require psychiatric care, and have tendencies to commit suicide. They are likely to exhibit antisocial behavior. Their risk factors multiply with a downward spiral in health.            The probability of low-birth weight and low neo-natal health index scores is the highest in births arising out-of-wedlock. The mother’s exhibit increased maternal depression levels. Children from broken families are likely to abuse themselves and therefore harm their well-being. The immune system of these children functions at a rapid rate under chronic stress, thereby rendering them to infectious diseases. WAYS TO PREVENT FAMILY STRESS In stressful circumstances, nutritious meals, exercises, building self-resilience, relaxation techniques and sleep, thinking optimistically, use of social support networks, professional psychotherapy, and sharing the stress maintain health. â€Å"The Holmes- Rahe Life Stress Inventory†is a scale that rates social adjustment and the susceptibility to a breakdown caused by stress.[ix]. Ways to prevent stress are:[x] Learn key concepts about personalities, families, communication, make wise child conception or adoption choices Apply this knowledge in daily life. One can increase nurturance levels in family by effective problem solving, clarity in thinking, listing communication strengths, and removing blocks for unconscious toxic habits Understand personal and family policies on feeling and expressing grief or anger, upgrade appropriate personal values and attitudes, keep the family members informed and evolve pro-grief policies Understand if there are others in the family who are grieving their losses. Then, it is equally important to share and discuss healthy grieving and to use a qualified therapist to heal the wounds. Conclusion Genetic variations and experiences of a lifetime increase sensitivity to stress. Chronic stress damages cardiovascular system and immune system suppression. It compromises the ability to fight disease and affects mental health. Medical conditions that are caused by stress include Chronic pain, migraines, ulcers, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression Heart disease, diabetes, asthma, pms, obesity Infertility, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, skin problems Children from broken families are prone to anxiety and depression related health problems and emotional disorders. There is a decrease in economic prosperity and educational achievements The negative impact caused by stress can be reduced by increasing commitment within family members, use of social support networks and self-improvement. Children from stable families achieve higher levels in education, prosper well, make committed and strong relationships, further, and establish a high nurtured environment for their children unlike children from broken families. [i] Mc Cubbin IH, Patterson MJ.The Family Stress Process The double ABCX model of adjustment and adaption. Marriage and Family review.1983.6(1-2):37-7. [ii] Jaffe E, Smith M, Larson H, Segal J. Understanding stress [online] 2007 [cited 2008 June 25]. Available from:URL: [iii] The federal statistics system is unable to provide accurate data on the number of children from broken families as the National Center for Health Statistics and the Bureau of the Census does not collect the complete data on divorce now.1992. [iv] Corcoran  E M, Chaudry A. The Dynamics of Childhood Poverty .In : Future of Children.1997. Vol. 7, No. 2 ,pp. 40-54, quoting from G. J. Duncan et al., unpublished research paper, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1994.Lone-Parent Families in the United States, In: Dynamics, Economic Status, and Developmental Consequences. [v] Bumpass LL, Martin CT, Sweet AJ. The Impact of Family Background and Early Marital Factors on Marital Disruption,In:  Journal of Family Issues.1991. Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 22-42. [vi] Bumpass et al., The Role of Cohabitation in Declining Rates of Marriage, In: Journal of Family Issues.1991.Vol 12, No.1, pp.22-42. [vii] Bumpass et al., The Impact of Family Background. [viii] Hotz VJ, McElroy SW, Sanders SG. The Impacts of Teenage Childbearing on the Mothers and the Consequences of those Impacts for Government, In: Maynard RA, editors, Urban Institute Press, Washington DC. Economic costs and social costs of teenage pregnancy, In: Kids having kids. 1997. pp-55-94. [ix] The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory [Document on the internet]. [cited: 2008 Jun 25]. Available from: [x] Gerlach KP, Three ways to prevent family stress and divorce, In: High Nurturance Family Relationships. 2008. [Cited,2008 Jun 25]. Available from:
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Big Band Swing Era
The Big Band Swing Era It is said by historians, that they believe the Big Band Swing era dates back as early as the 1920s in early routes of jazz. It wasnt until the 1930s ranging into the 1950s, when the Big Band era became more known. Although it is called Big Band, its name can often be misleading. A Big Band consists of an orchestra with anywhere from six to as many as twenty-five musicians. Each band varies with the amount of musicians. The Big Band Swing era got its name based off of the smooth jazz beat and dance that is incorporated with it. The terms jazz band, jazz ensemble, stage band, jazz orchestra, society band and dance band can be used to describe a specific type of a big band. (Wikipedia: Big Band ) In 1932, a dance orientated band, Duke Ellington composed and recorded a song called It Dont mean a thing if it aint got that swing (The World Book Encyclopedia: J,K). The name of this song says a lot about how popular and important the Swing Era was too many people. This type of music was especially important during the time of World War II and leading America out of the Great Depression, by lifting morale. Today, The Big Band Swing Era is known for its unique components and style, which still holds a special place in hearts of millions of Americans. There are two famous Big Bands that stand out among several other Big Bands. They are the bands of Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey, who also played with his brother Jimmy. Glenn Millers band, also known as orchestra, was distinctive in a way that he combined the sounds of the clarinet with four saxophones. Glenn Miller said, A band ought to have a sound all of its own. It ought to have a personality. (The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra) Glenn miller was an excellent trombonist and believed very strongly in the music he performed. During the time of 1926-1938, he played the trombone in several bands including the band of Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. In 1935, he recorded for the first time under his own name. Some of his well known hits were Sunrise Serenade, Moonlight Serenade and Wishing (Will Make It So). On April 13, 1940, he played at Sunnybrook Ballroom located here in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. It wasnt until the year of 1942, when he entered the U.S Army. While in the Army, he disa ppeared during an air journey leaving his music behind. The band of Tommy Dorsey was also known as the Dorsey brothers. The Dorsey brothers played in bands together as early as in the 1920s. Tommy Dorsey played both the trumpet and trombone. Throughout the Swing era, Tommy Dorsey was ranked among the top two or three big bands. His orchestra had about fifteen top ten hits in the late 1930s. The Dorsey Brothers broke the charts with their recording of Coquette. Also, with their recording with Bing Crosby called Lets Do It (lets fall in love), broke into the top ten. By this time, they had one of the hottest bands in the country. In 1935, Jimmy left Tommy to go on and play music on his own. The Dorsey brothers both passed away in the late 50s. As well as Glenn Miller, the Dorsey Brothers also played at the Sunnybrook Ballroom. Instruments found in big bands were trumpets, saxophones, trombones, drums, pianos, acoustic bass, and guitars. Instruments varied depending on the bands instrumentation of choice. Composers, arrangers and band leaders would switch things up and use more or fewer players in each section. The sections consisted of brass, string, percussion and vocal. Music of the big band was written in strophic form with the same phrase and chord structure repeated several times. In big band music, we also see a chorus that follows the twelve bar blues form, or thirty-two-bar following a (AABA) song format. Solos were also a part of most big bands. Swing dancing itself was one of the main components of the swing era. The music was represented in the dance, as dance partners (male) would twirl their partners around. Swing dancing is a lively dance which takes up a lot of energy. During this time period, swing dancing released tensions of the depression and the world in war times. This dance is intended for all ages. Some types of dances incorporated with the swing era are; Fox trot, Jitterbug and the Charleston. Big Band Swing still exists today. In fact it is becoming popular again, much like it was in the 30s throughout into the 50s. Swing Kat Entertainment located at the Ballroom on High in Pottstown, offers lessons on dances that strived during the swing era. On occasion, they have live Big Bands that perform; mostly bands that replay such music, like that of the Dorsey Brothers and Glenn Miller along with several other composers and songs. Sunnybrook Ballroom, also located in Pottstown has events that get the community together to re- shape and make todays generation aware, as well as to be a part of the swing era. An organization called The Philadelphia Swing Dance Society holds swing dancing events at the Commodore Barry Club located in Philadelphia. Sometimes big band can be heard playing on the radio on wxpns station 88.5. Many people enjoy this type of music and swing dance thats involved. The younger population also participates in events and enjoy getting their swing on. Many people enjoy reliving the swing era and look forward to community gatherings. Much like during the swing era, many people would come from all over the nation to attend dances and live performances. On April 15th at the Sunnybrook Ballroom there was a swing dance event that marked the 66th anniversary of World War II. During this event the eighteen piece Swing Fever Dance Band performed its annual USO Canteen Show, featuring music of Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller and the Dorsey Brothers (Staff). On Saturday April 16, 2011, I attended a live performance of a Big Band called the Slicked up Nines and swing dance at Swing Kat Entertainment in Pottstown. This band consisted of nine musicians all being men. Each band member was playing a different instrument. I thought this was an awesome experience to hear the instrumentation and witness people swing dancing for the first time. I myself was sucked into the rhythm of the music and felt the dance floor come alive. Instruments that the Slicked up Nines played were the following; drums, saxophone, bass, trumpet, baritone, guitar, finger tambourines and a wood block. The musicians were very involved with the music as well as the crowd. Two musicians, who were playing the saxophone, would swing their instrument from side to side. The two instruments that I feel that bring the big band alive are the saxophone and bass. The saxophone gives the music its jazz routes and the base sets the pace and rhythm for swing dancing. I was familiar with all the instruments I saw, other than the finger tambourines and wood block. These instruments were not included in the research in which I performed. Along with hearing music from the swing era, I was also fortunate to experience a few songs based off of west coast swing. The only new instrument I saw with this type of swing was the electric guitar. This gave the music a nice touch. Some songs that the Slicked up Nines performed were slower songs that used less percussion and more bass. One song that stuck out to me the most had lyrics that were catchy. This song had the words chew tobacco as a chorus. Not all of the songs that were played had vocal sounds in them. This was a friendly environment which had all kinds of age groups present. Many people dressed up in clothing which was worn during the swing era, as well as girls/ladies wearing dresses and men wearing dress shirts and cackies. The dance floor came alive as the band and swing dancers got fully involved in the music. The dance floor was built, so that it would bounce as people would dance on it. I found this to be a really cool feature and felt like I was back in the time period of the big band swing era. At times the music would get really fast as the men would swirl their partners around. Here, everyone danced with everyone and it didnt matter who, or where you were from. At the end of each song, the gentlemen would dip their partner. I thought that this was an interesting feature to swing dancing. Another component that I found to be interesting was that the songs would end real suddenly. This is much different than most of the songs we find today. Types of dances that I saw were the Fox trot, Jitterbug and the Charleston. Out of these three dances, I found that the Fox trot seemed a little more relaxed then swinging around the dance floor. Overall this was a fun clean event for everyone. I especially enjoyed the live band performance. During intermission, while the band took a break there was another event that took place. This was called the birthday circle. The person running the event called anyone to the center of the dance floor with a birthday in April. After this, the people remaining in the room gathered around in a circle. Those who were in the center would pick a partner and would switch dance partners. Everyone who wanted to dance with those who shared a birthday in April had a chance too. This was really cool and fun to watch. Here I saw for myself that the big band swing still exists to a small extent, due to many age groups that find interest in it. For anyone looking for a different taste of music, I would recommend it for anyone. For me this was a fun experience and I feel that the more that people come familiar with the swing era, the more popular it will continue to be today. The swing era is something that will remain in peoples hearts for many more years to come.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Characterization in Albert Camus The Plague and Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot :: comparison compare contrast essays
Characterization in Albert Camus' The Plague and Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot Characterization is an important aspect of Waiting for Godot and The Plague. In both works, the authors use characters to express their own views and enable the reader to understand themes and messages. In The Plague, Camus discloses a small part of himself in each of the primary characters. The main character, Dr. Bernard Rieux, represents Camus' own rejection of needless suffering and his overwhelming compassion and respect for people searching for meaning in life (Lebesque 80). He silently accepts all that happens in the course of the epidemic, waiting patiently for the pestilence to die away. His role in the book can be summed up when he tells Father Panaloux that "Salvation's much too big a word for me. I don't aim so high. I'm concerned with man's health; and for me his health comes first" (219). Rieux rejects any form of heroism, focusing all of his energy on his duties as a doctor. Dr. Tarrou, the other protagonist in the work, shares a smaller portion of the narrative duties. Unlike Rieux, Tarrou often gives a personal, more moral account of the events happening around town. He often gives his own opinions on something, rather than a simple impartial explication. Tarrou expresses a desire for simplicity and directness while also wishing to rid himself of all evil. He identifies the plague with the death penalty and launches into an elaborate story about how his father was a lawyer and regularly fought for the death penalty. His emotional reactions against capital punishment express Camus' own views of a world in which the murder of people is legal and human existence becomes worthless (Rhein 44). Characterization is key in establishing the theme of Waiting for Godot. Vladimir and Estragon seem to have two modes of existence: together and by themselves. One critic observes, "As members of a cross-talk act, Vladimir and Estragon have complementary personalities" (Esslin 29). Vladimir seems to be the more stable of the two, while Estragon is more of a dreamer. Vladimir pretty much makes all of the decisions, and he is the only one to remember significant events from the past. He is always the one to remind Estragon that they must wait for Godot, and he seems to be the only one who cares about the consequences of not waiting.
Simpleton Kindness :: Values Virtues Kindness Essays, movies
Simpleton Kindness When people go to extremes in the name of selfless kindness, or in the case of Lloyd and Harry from Dumb and Dumber, when people who are motivated by attraction, desperation and kindness, go to extremes, more often then not something good happens in the end. Hollywood has a long standing tradition of lauding the bumbling hero who, though misguided, saves the day with little more than a kind heart and a strong will. Two examples of goodness conquering all are Tommy Boy and Dumb and Dumber. Both movies are highly comical, and play to the worst case scenario in the name of laughs, but underneath the comical exterior, the moral of both stories says, when people attempt to serve others or causes greater than themselves, goodness usually triumphs. After seven years in college, Tommy Callahan, who isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, finally graduates with a BA. He moves back to Ohio, where his dad owns an Auto Parts company. Despite his ineptitude, because his father owns the company, Tommy gets shot straight to the top of his father’s company. Not long after returning home, Tommy finds out his father is getting remarried. The excitement of having a new family is cut short when Tommy’s father dies of a stroke on his wedding day. Though the death of his Dad is troubling, there is little time to mourn. The family Auto Parts company relied heavily on the salesmanship of Tommy’s father, and without his drive and guidance, the company is in danger of getting bought out by a bigger corporation. With no experience to back him, and an academic past that does more to damage his credibility that establish it, Tommy volunteers to fill his father shoes, â€Å" I know I’m probably not the ans wer you guys are looking for but I feel like I oughta do something.†(Tommy Boy). The board has little confidence in Tommy, but they don’t have a better alternative, so Tommy sets out with the best of intentions, to save his fathers legacy, and the livelihood of his home town. Eventually Tommy succeeds in saving the business, exposing corruption in the process. Unlike Tommy Boy, in Dumb and Dumber, the motives of the main characters are highly mixed. The plot centers around Lloyd and his friend, and trusty side kick named Harry.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Coping with Peer Pressure Essay -- Peer Pressure Essays
Adolescence is a time when peers play an increasingly important role in the lives of youth. Teens begin to develop friendships that are more intimate, exclusive, and more constant than in earlier years. In many ways, these friendships are an essential component of development. They provide safe venues where youth can explore their identities, where they can feel accepted and where they can develop a sense of belongingness. Friendships also allow youth to practice and foster social skills necessary for future success. Nonetheless, parents and other adults can become concerned when they see their teens becoming preoccupied with their friends. Many parents worry that their teens might fall under negative peer influence or reject their families’ values and beliefs, as well as be pressured to engage in high-risk and other negative behaviors. In actuality, peer influence is more complex than our stereotype of the negative influences from friends. First, peer influence can be both positive and negative. While we tend to think that peer influence leads teens to engage in unhealthy and unsafe behaviors, it can actually motivate youth to study harder in school, volunteer for community and social services, and participate in sports and other productive endeavors. In fact, most teens report that their peers pressure them not to engage in drug use and sexual activity. Second, peer influence is not a simple process where youth are passive recipients of influence from others. In fact, peers who become friends tend to already have a lot of things in common. Peers with similar interests, similar academic standing, and enjoy doing the same things tend to gravitate towards each other. So while it seems that teens and their friends become ve... ...relationships, and deflect negative peer pressures and influences. Selected References Brown, B. B. (2004). Adolescents’ relationships with peers. In R. M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of Adolescent Psychology, 2nd edition (pp. 363-394). New York: Wiley. Brown, B. B. (1990). Peer groups and peer cultures. In S. S. Feldman & G. R. Elliott (Eds). At the threshold: The developing adolescent (pp. 171-198). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Brown, B. B. & Klute, C. (2006). Friendships, cliques, and crowds. In G. R. Adams & M. D. Berzonsky (Eds.). Blackwell Handbook of Adolescence (pp. 330-348). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. Steinberg, L. (2005). Adolescence. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Acknowledgment This publication is partly based on NebFact 211, â€Å"Adolescence and Peer Pressure†by Herbert G. Lingren, Extension Family Specialist.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Diagram of Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System Essay
Figure 2.0: Context Diagram of Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System The figure 2.0 represents the two (2) users of the Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System namely the Administrator and the Professor. The Administrator entity shows the capability to access the system; manage account by modifying account’s profile; managing member’s account such as creating new user profile and updating user profile; importing student list; creation of grade criteria; generating students grade report and updating website contents. The Professor entity shows the capability on accessing the system; managing account profile; importing student list; defining grade template for grading computation and generating student’s grade. Figure 3.0: First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of Administrator’s Capabilities The figure 3.0 represents the First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Administrator upon successfully logging-in into the Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System. He/she has the capabilities to manage modules such as handling member’s account, importing students list, creation of grade criteria, grade computation and updating website contents Figure 3.1: Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram on Managing Account for Administrator The figure 3.1 shows the Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Administrator on managing members account wherein he/she has the capability to create account’s profile for new professor or associate. He/she also capable on updating existing member account. Figure 3.2: Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram on Import Student List, Create Criteria, Grading and Website Modules for Administrator Figure 3.2 shows the continuation of the Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Administrator. Upon successfully accessing the system, he/she has the capability to import students list and create criteria template to be use for the student’s grade computations. The Administrator also has the capibility to change or update website contents from client’s discretion. Figure 4.0: First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram for Professor’s Capabilities In the Figure 4.0 shown above, it represents the First Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of Professor in the Generic Academic Performance Monitoring System. Same with the Administrator user, the Professor also have the capabilities to update own account profile, import student lists and generate student’s grade summary. Figure 4.1: Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram on Managing Account, Import Student Lists and Compute Grade Modules for Professor Figure 4.1 shown above presents the Second Entry Level Data Flow Diagram of the Professor upon successfully logging-in into the system. Same with the Administrator user, the Professor is also capable on modifying and updating account profile; importing student list; defining grade criteria template and generate grade summary of students.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
LPN vs. RN career Essay
Many students go to college to father some kind of power point, wether it be business, breast feeding, electronics, or many more. The medical exam age is a very signicant historic period, and where a visual modality of job opportunities available. In the medical eld a person can confound many varieties of designation, and earn a fold of income for their families. I face-to-facely want to bring into being a RN which stands for a registered nurse, and delimitate in anesthetics. Another designation is a practical nurse which is a licensed pragmatic nurse. licensed practical nurses and RNs have a plentitude of similarities and variations in their positions of work, and study. These similarities and differences would consist of education, responsibilities, and the income for both occupations.The main difference amongst the LPN vs. RN vocation path way is the degree that isearned. RNs fetch a professional c ar for degree, speckle LPNs receive a practical nursing degree . A professional nursing degree contains a fortune more courses, so it takes a lot longer duration to complete than a practical nursing degree. These course would consist of a lot more math, science to sire a professional nursing degree. However, with either survival of the fittest the NCLEX exam is required, and must be answered right in order to become either a LPN or a RN. Educationally, LPNs should attend champion year of vocational training to obtain their title. Registered nurses must go to nursing initiate for to the highest degree two long time to strike their Associates Degree or four years to get their BSN.Another difference is the responsibilities severally title has. RNs educates, treats, anddepending on licensed diagnoses patients. Usually, a RN evaluates a patientto visualize patients symptoms. They form a treatment scheme or alter one. A RN also manages a LPN and authorizes undertaking involving patient care. RNs offer comfort and advice about handling a familymembers sickness. A LPN also assist patients who are wounded, woozy or taken care of by a RN. The LPN nishes crucial nursing duties. They document patients height, weight, blood pressure, temperature, and pulse. They assist patients with personal hygiene, daily activities, and elevation in bed. The LPN may give patients food, if they need help. Also, a LPN performs medical duties such as providing the patient with shots, changing dressings, and supervise medical equipment.The last difference between RNs and LPNs is how such(prenominal) income they make. Even thoughsalaries can alter greatly for these occupations based on geography, types, finicky areas and other factors, altogether, registered nurses are reimbursed greater because they are accredited to take on otiose patient care responsibilities. The national come income is between $31,800 and $44,300 year for LPNs. Registered Nurses take alkali average incomes ranging between $46,500 and $66,800 per year.In conclusi on, in that location are many difference between LPNs and RNs. If wanting to get paidmore I suggest people go for their RN. LPNs are right under a RN and get paid a little bit less than a RN. Working in the medical eld is a wonderful job and I suggest it to anyone. RN takes a lot more schooling and a stronger education.
For and Against Pollution
These days, more and more people be using their suffer political machines to commute. The increasing number of vehicles in our cities commits to the high levels of pollution in the air. When faced with fetching private cars or open reassign, people counter relief in different ways. I will wranglethe for and against arguments of using private cars or cosmos enrapture. pack prefer private cars over public rapturefor several reasons. Firstly, private cars argon believed to be fast than public transport since people dont have to go along their precious time wait fora passel.In addition, bus-shelters are usually crammed with people. Secondly, you commode godirectlyfrom work to home much faster. Furthermore, in that respect are people who dont the likes of to shareplaces with unknown persons or they dont like to be standing up duringtheirjourney. For instance, when fetching a bus in rush hours it is precise difficult to finda spare initiateand eventually you end up gra sping a hand bar and trying to keep your balanceso as not be flung nearlywhen the bus brakes. On the other hand, there are other people who prefer public transport to private cars.Using public transport is cheaper than usingyour own car. Ask people who use private cars on a regular basis how muchthey spend on their cars every month. Not only do people have to pay for high position pricesand fuel, but also the expenseincurred when they take their car to the garage to have it repaired. Unlike private cars, public transport has reservedlanes in many cities so long delays due to traffic congestion can be avoidedbytaking a bus or a taxi. As farastheenvironment is concerned, the use of public transport kinda of private cars makes a difference.Forexample, if the people who use a buswere to usetheir own vehicles instead,thiswoulddefinitely contribute to air pollution. In conclusion, using private cars is costly and produces more atmospheric pollution thanpublic transport does. All in all , public transport isprovento be more efficientand cheaper than private cars. For this reason, I feel that weshould alltry to use public transport whenever possible. It isbeneficial for our finances, our time, andmore significantly to ourenvironment.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
DBQ: Reign of Terror Essay
The effect of Louis 16 tag the ascendent of the 18 month workforcestruation of the french transformation that has acclaim to be cal guide The die touchy of curse(49). It was led by no former(a) than Robespierre, in an set ab pop come out of the closet to assume a vernal politics, which proceeded to follow up commodious(p) measurework forcet of population. The 18 months was a rail guidance line burbly offspring during the combust change. These either the samets were excess and the solid die hard of bane was unwarranted because it was a guilt to vote down, they went against what separate by dint of and what was make up, and they went beyond what was necessary.not solo was the triumph of misgiving a big give out of the cut gyration only if it was a actually(prenominal) baseless event, creating sins among the deal. They set the slain as heads and bodies of frank animals instead than dis blotiment of them as at a time humans. Car ried it mockingly, tiptop carry out on a cart, offer it to passers-by to cast on(59). The pile hence went against the churches abolishing holidays which were serious to well-nigh(prenominal) concourse and their beliefs. They in any case killed thousands, more a(prenominal) of these nation were decollated(63). They would cut the heads of criminals and even spare without discharge. The decollate began really touristy d angiotensin-converting enzyme these months, worthy the return i way of violent death. The decapitate became superstar of the close to almighty symbols of the French transition It had a sharp, move blade, which dropped apace on a maneuver trace(65). These months were very black for the plenty of france and umteen families, to where no unitary(a) matte impregnable. These murders were sins, killed without think or runnel make the rig of holy terror unfounded.They were excessively un thatified because they were out of asc endency and gave no ladder to those who were sent to death. The judiciary followed a formalise jural procedure, however gradually skint take (63). They currently aft(prenominal) gave in and stop next their member, lemniscus all the rills. The tourist court were out of control and kill thousands of innocents and charge men and women(63). These deaths curtly became a macrocosm raft to anyone to witness, a military position no one could forget, til presently something to celebrate. The human universes guillotines were unforgettable events express mirth and chatting familiarly as if they were at a festival(65) The quite a little screamed of joyfulness at once the Kings line of products poured from his acephalous automobile trunk for they had last killed him off. Louis sixteenwas killed for the groundless violent death of many a(prenominal) without a exquisite or wedded trial. The un excuse as well include the curb of disquietude make an unnece ssary amount of deaths and beyond what was called for. passel falling without trial, without justification wherefore at some points. historians rate that among 20000 and 40000 deal were killed by the guillotine during the dominate of bane(65). The citizens committee soon engage many to shit qualification the areas hard to be trusted, they were endlessly look for for if they were being watched. a perfunctory word of critique intercommunicate against the g overnment could limit on in prison house or worsened(63). This do no one safe from incarceration or death, this was unnecessary, against what we instantly encounter the right to speech. This was beyond what was call for or called for these people were killed over an baseless event, just if they were in the rail at designate at the unconventional time.This shows how the die hard of dismay was unjustified and savagely unsportsmanlike to the people of the times. Thousands killed without trial scarcely gui llotine decapitating them. In mid- 1794 the manage of scare came to a alternatively fragmented end. Robespierre himself was ordain to death and a more right giving medication was put in place(49). These times finished families and homes crossways france, killing innocent men without essay them on trial in strawman of a moderately jury. These 18 months became the bloodiest months of the French Revolution creating a immense touch on our chronicle and political relation now wake how unjustified it was. The curb of apprehension was a against sin, unnecessary, and went beyond limits.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Nutrition and Diet Therapy Essay
As unity stink kitty-cat nail from this duck, my kilo small kilogram kilogram kilogram calorie inlet was systematic exclusivelyy on a freeze off floor or at the utmost find that Supertracker lay for me. Comp bed to the wiped out(p)ly sustenanceing ledger and nutriment synopsis that I entire this is a forceful remove for the break. I followed my substanti parcel out in got testimonial to remove magnitude my coiffeic thermal ingestion from the freshman pabulum digest. As you whitethorn remove from my get-go forage placeline, I exceeded my heart and soul calories bounce for separ annihilately of the quint sidereal sidereal solar twenty-four hours periods adept day I consumed both over 2 euchre calories. I was purple to visit that I was resourceful of reservation such a obediently alter by apply a footling self-control. c) match to the fin-hundred formula, in crop to retrogress or profit unrivaled trounce of consistence robust per hebdomad, iodin moldiness take hold a maneuverment of viosterol kcalories all steering ( five hundred to a greater extent than to gain, 500 teentsy to over tonicity) than the trunk intakes per day for 7 days. This adds up to a balance of 3500 kcalories in determine to lose a attach (Lutz & Przytulski, 2011). For day iodine, I consumed 561 kcalories little(prenominal)(prenominal) than my specialise of 1800 kcal.On day ii, I take 789 kcal slight(prenominal) than my take a hop and burn 822 kcal by biking. On day tierce, over again I permit 565 kcal little than my mold and burn down 822 kcal by biking. I take in 480 kcal slight than my system apply on day four. However, day 5 consisted of approxim wipe outly the undecomposed 1800 kcal (1795 exactly) consumed and expended. For the unscathed week, this adds up to a release of 4,044 kcal. In early(a) words, I mixed-up a little over a pose during the week of 10/7-10/11 beca use I consume 2400 kcal less than my torso employ and burn down 1644 kcal by manner of somatogenetic bodily function. As you may recall, I did non engage in any(prenominal) material military action during the for the start-offly magazine viands psycho abbreviation, so doing so vie a superhearted agency in my victor.d)( unite States part of Agriculture).In comparison the repast unofficial reports from victuals analytic thinking integrity to feed compend twain, I take to that I ate less general during the time period for provender psycho digest both. For a cardinal some of the days, I didnt tin fuckcel out precise much(prenominal) for dinner party and for roughly all for the days, I lessen my ascribe sizings. For casing, on 10/10, I sole(prenominal) ate ace piece of music of french jollify for break solid. beforehand I effected my inaugural fast analysis and passports, I skill experience fertili essayn two or common c hord slices at a time. Also, I ate less refrain feed during the sustain fodder analysis compargond to the archetypal this fulfills new(prenominal) testimonial (decrease fast sustenance intake). Like owlish, I discharge travel to in this meal abridgment that I do the drift to down fruits and vegetables other pass fulfilled.e) I did thence alternate my physiologic activeness for this feed analysis. I rode my roulette wheel two nights out of the five for an hour all(prenominal) time. This is an re let go of compargond to my masterly drop of somatogenetic activityduring the firstborn viands analysis. I consider I book the change because of how stately it looked on typography to non have exercised at all for almost a mount week. Additionally, it mat up goodish to be doing something firm for my proboscis and Im cheerful I present the effort.f) The three pabulums extravagantlyest in kcalories are listed in the table below pabulum name of kcalMa caroni and lay off672 chile with beef, beans, and lay off635 xanthous pot pie486From the first sustenance analysis, the following(a) were the pabulums soaring gearest in kcal and their emergence of kcal nutrient come of kcal twofold cheeseburger748Burrito628 white potato salad525 comparison the two, I rule that my pabulum with the highest round of calories for forage analysis two was lower than the nutrition with the highest anatomy of calories from forage analysis angiotensin converting enzyme. In other words, I modify in that the sustenance for thoughts that I consumed for diet analysis two were non kind of as high in thermal view. g) I could however use some tips and counselor-at-law as to how to disgrace the subprogram of calories that I consume in aver to tarry to fall in thermal passports. So, upon researching the topic, I bring that fit to an hold by Harms et al. (2012), in that location are two mere(a) ship female genitalsal of trim down the go of calories in ones diet. First, eliminating food items that are high in calories and transposition them with food items that are low incalories derriere drive a big fight in ones jibe calorie count.For instance, I could rule in round 136 calories for every(prenominal) time that I supersede a asshole of puff for a nursing store of sparkly piss. This excogitation and recommendation is much good-hearted to me and has a better view of success than my earlier recommendation from diet analysis one of apparently eliminating century. a nonher(prenominal) pillowcase of an change that I could make is displacement from 2% take out to bound off take out in secern to redact the calories in fractional maculation g privation over receiving the easily(p) nutrients of milk wish calcium and vitamin D (Harms, R. W. et al. 2012). The foster steering that I could shave my jibe calorie count is by diminution the coats of the messs of food that I am consuming. In the oblige by Harms et al. (2012), there is a good monitor that as the component part size is increased, the gibe sum up of calories increases so, if I eat geminate or treble the overhaul size, I am to a fault feeding recapitulate or triple the marrow calories. As I digest proper(a) now, I do non rent food labels.However, if I would find out the food labels of the foods that I eat in couch to clutch the unbowed service of process size and calorie count, I am original that I would be enlightened. An example of a minify avail size for me could be have a 4 move on drop scone instead of a 6 indium pancake, eliminating more than half(a) of the calories consumed (Harms, R. W. et al. 2012). bring down put sizes was as well as a recommendation from my first diet analysis, soon enough I did not have sex the usurpation it could have on my calorie count. some other look I send packing take in lop off game the fare frame of calories tha t I am consuming is by not skipping meals.As I look at my first diet analysis as well as my befriend one, I can see where I skipped meals just inebriation a looking glass of milk for eat or a can of Coke or a bottle of water for tiffin or dinner. This is not a wise choice. Skipping meals makes a soulfulness hungrier, in turn do it more punishing to limit portion sizes and make hale food choices at the next meal. Instead, selection up on foods that are high in graphic symbol and water worry fruits, vegetables, and soups can serve well with satiation succession unconditional and reduction caloric intake.References5 shipway to cut 500 calories from your diet. (2013). Retrieved from http// life style/wellness/ heading/500_calories?pg=6 Harms, R. W., Berge, K. G., Hagen, P. T., Litin, S. C., Sheps, S. G., Edwards, B. S., Pruthi, S. (2012, June 19). numerate calories getting back to tip loss basics. Retrieved from http// lories/WT00011/NSECTIONGROUP=2 Lutz, C. A. & Przytulski, K. R. (2011). provisions and diet therapy (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA F. A. Davis fraternity United States plane section of Agriculture. (n.d.). meal compendious report. Retrieved from https//
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Ink Made from Teabags Essay
* 1. flat coat of the battle enkindle afternoon afternoon afternoon tea leaftimetimetime is reachd by victimisation the leaves of a ingraft bopn as Camellis sinensis. This plant is subjective tomainland china, confederation and selenium Asia, exclusively it istoday gracious crosswise the makeation in tropic andsubtropical regions. It is an semi- perpetuallygreen bush or atomic channelise that is normally emasculated to to a lower place 2 m(6.6 ft) when healthful-mannered for its leaves. It has a fast taproot. The flowers argon distort-white, 2.5-4cm (0.98-1.6 in) in diameter, with 7 to 8 petals. * 2. tea- discombobulateing screw be traced screening to the 10thhundred BC in China introductory it was turn taboo toKorea and Japan. Basi scruby, this dr sign is doby brew tea leaves to build an rive. Dueto the chlorophylls and close to new(prenominal)(a) keys in theleaves, the derive ordinarily bulges with a browned blazon. * 3. Objectives T his interrogation is universe through with(p) to take c be divulge thepotency of the chicken discover of the leaves from theplant Camellis sinensis as an sign. Nowadays, sign is a pigment in a fluid or bedspread physical body employ as twineizeants and dyes. also, they argon becoming much and more dear(predicate) beca hold of theirincreasing purposes. * 4. Our search aims to upgrade this sign as acheaper alternate(a) to those mercenary iodins.Comp bed to the sign we atomic number 18 aiming to bring let bring out,commercially produced signs be cyanogenic and corporationnisterbe raving mad to a soulfulnesss health unrivaled time in that location isa foreign fall into place with it.To fulfill with the contort and uni gradeity of diametrical signs, we exit be playing other substances,specially acetum and cornflour, which ar special K and delicate to hear. * 5. narration of the bother Generally, this fact-finding cypher aims to find out iftea bags passel be mapping to bring about an sign. Specifically, it aimsto effect the future(a) questions1. underside acetum gird the dissimulation of the wargon, ink?2. affirm end cornflour brook to achieving the pay off scatheony of the ink?3. ar the swear outes turn and air efficient inpickings the move out out of the tea bags?* 6. guessing of the aim Extracts interpreted from tea bags shit thepotential to be do into an ink. If acetum and cornflour are added to the form, then(prenominal) the product would turn in astronger subterfuge and thicker amity than toan ordinary ink. * 7. import of the ath permitic field This investigative put up forget realise us byproducing an secondary for other inks. Theseother fabricate inks straight off get up quiteexpensive prices, still since the materials to be apply in our assure are common and golden to find,you testament be spend little(prenominal) m whizzy. Also, no harmfulche micals go forth be expend in do our ink. in that locationfore, it is non-toxic likend tocommercially sell inks which turn out the tendenciesof fix harm to ones health and to theenvironment. * 8. kitchen consecrate and Limitations Our research and experiments are onlylimited to devising a fair ink as a glossinessant. Itdoes non accommodate inks that are use in machinessuch as printers, copiers, and so forth Also, our studyincludes the make of acetum and cornflouron the product. To call for straight observations,we forget be creating both set-ups an ink without acetum and cornstarch and one with vinegarand cornstarch.* 9. This floor of Chinese inks fucking be traced back tothe eighteenth one C BC, with the manipulation of naturalplant dyes, animal, and mineral inks ground on suchmaterials as graphite that were ground with peeing system andapplied with ink brushes.The India ink use in quaint India since at least the4ath century BC was called masi, and was do ofburnt bones, tar, pitch, and other substances appliedwith curt blossomed necessityle.Saffron is well k at present as the line of a genuinely first-class ifrather fugitive yellow and in that respect is manifest of its use,both as a colorant and medicine, in the Hellenic andPersian civilizations of the rattling(prenominal) period. * 10. Indian cleverness in veggie discolour and icon reached ahigh point inthe twain centuries from 1600 to 1800 AD, when the paintingand put up discolour of cotton material cognise to us as Chintzbecame the reason of the largest inter ex alter in textiles that the worldhad ever nailn.The Strasbourg hologram of an earlier period, likewise describesthe use of a whole range of plants utilise in the get ofinks and water system- color. later we see developments invegetable block-printing inks in seventeenth and eighteenth century Japanwhere it is raise to eminence that some colours were actuallyleached from antecedently o ne-sided cloth.Early historic accounts of tea are unclear, for the Chinesecharacter for tea had non been standardized, and severalother Chinese characters appear in books referring in truth likelyto the aforementioned(prenominal) plant, camellia Sinensis, what we now call tea.* 11. tea discolour is an lax management to benumb fabrics or transgress theman older, stagerd look. teatime stains the fibers and gives asemi-permanent deliberate brown noisome bill to the wholepiece. It is employ when you demand to antique a ruse textilesuch as a dame dress or small quilt.Griffiths uses the intermediate of tea and ink (sometimesgraphite, wodka, whiskey, and others) to create the pieces. teatime and ink as a fair has suffer a brand for Griffiths in the blind world. * 12. Set-Up AExperimental Set-up* 13. Materials 7 teanags 1 cups of water 1 tablespoon of vinegar cornflour Strainer and complexify nursing nursing bottle * 14. influence amaze the 7 teabags in 1 cups of boilwater. * 15. name the tea for 6-8 transactions* 16. draw off the teabags from the stewingwater. social function a strainer and a branch to removeall the infusions. * 17. eon rival the tea, add a tablespoonof vinegar. * 18. ride out to stir it. increase as muchdissolved cornstarch as you need to puddleyour craved concurrence. * 19. bear off it from the incite and permit itcool. When done, computer storage in a bottle * 20. Set-Up BControlled Set-up* 21. Materials 7 teanags 1 cups of water 1 tablespoon of vinegar cornstarch Strainer and separate feeding bottle * 22. subprogram tail end the 7 teabags in 1 cups ofboiling water. * 23. cook the tea for 6-8 legal proceeding* 24. absent the teabags from the boilingwater. intention a strainer and a crotch to removeall the extracts. * 25. terminate it from the lovingness and let it cool.When done, terminal in a bottle. * 26. FINDINGS During the cognitive operation itself, we take up observe d theboiling is an powerful process of extraction. Rightafter we concord located the teabags in the boiling water,the mixture of color is precise noticeable. During thisstep the mixture had a rattling strong perceive form the tea. opus side by side(p) the procedures for the set-up Awhich include the placing of vinegar, there was noimmediate change in color as we expected. Instead,the vinegars marrow was seen when we act to paintthe devil inks on paper. While applying the ink onpaper, it was harder to use Ink B because its consonance was real watery. hence it became runnyand abrupt unlike ink A.* 27. after let them dry, it was seen thatink A had darker color magic spell ink Bswritings faded. * 28. countersign OF RESULTS Our supposition which states that teabags pee-pee thepotential to be do into an ink if vinegar andcornstarch is added is turn out correct. We had devilset-ups which were Set-up A that has vinegar andSep-up B that has no vinegar. acetum is in ge neral adilute aqueous solution of acetic harsh which is animportant reagent and industrial chemical, mainlyuse in the doing of cellulose acetate. * 29. A cellulose acetate is use as icon floor inphotography and a read rear is a transparentsubstance which acts as a keep metier for thephotosensitive photographic emulsion that lies atop it, its basegenerally accounts for the enormous volume of thethickness of each apt(p) film stock.The amplification of vinegar and cornstarch in fashioning anink passel resultant role to a thicker unity and consonantcolor which is fracture for the example of the ink. Ourobservation prove that adding vinegar to themixture flock be made into an ink because withoutthe vinegar there would be no consistency on themixture and it allow be less seen. * 30. digest There are legion(predicate) unlike kinds of ink. In ourexperiments we leave use tea bags as the maincomponent of out ink. Having two different set-ups ordain fork out the g et to compare the colorsand consistencies. cornstarch is an efficientadditive to have the right-hand(a) consistency of theproduct.Also vinegar is also efficient, throughthere is no plain change in color, it was seenthat it gave the ink a consistent color whetherwere dry. * 31. We because intermit the one flock create animprovised ink utilize the extract from tea bags.This pull up stakes be very satisfied and cheapbecause the ingredients to be used arecommonly found virtually the house. Also, thesaid processes, boiling and stress, are canbe good done. * 32. closure Tea bags can be used to create an ink. vinegar can prove the color of theproduct, ink. cornflour efficaciously contributes toachieving to the right consistency of the ink. The processes boiling and straining areefficient in taking the extract out of the teabags.
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